优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Mr. Cronin has a clock shop in the center of the town. He tries his best to   (1)  it well. He often receives the customers(顾客)   (2)  and people like to buy   (3)  in his shop.
                 It was a cold day and   (4)   people would go out to do some   (5)  . Mr. Black, one of Mr. Cronin’s   (6)  , came to the shop. He knew the man was   (7)   his miserliness (吝啬). But he tried to persuade (说服) him to buy a watch in his shop.
                 “You’d better buy a watch for   (8)  , Mr. Black,” said Mr. Cronin. “It’ll be   (9)   to you whenever.”
                 “No, no,” said Mr. Black. “I’ll   (10)  need any watches.” 
                 “But how do you know when it’s time to   (11)  ?”
                 “The people who live around me always   (12)   their televisions at seven for the news. So I can hear the announcer(播音员) say,  “ The time is seven o’clock. Here is the news.”
                  “But you don’t know when to go to work.”
                  “That’s   (13)  ,” Mr. Black said with a smile. “It takes me ten minutes to   (14)   and shave(刮脸). I have breakfast at twenty past seven. I get to the bus stop at twenty to eight and fifteen minutes later arrive at my office and   (15)   working.”
                  “When do you   (16)   your office, then?”
                  “There’s a   (17)   near it, its siren(汽笛) can tell me the right time.”
                  “How do you know the time if you   (18)   in the middle of the night?”
                  “I always put a stick(拐杖) by my bed.”
                  “But a stick can’t tell you the time.”
                  “You’re   (19)  . But I can use it to knock on your wall. You always   (20)  , “What are you knocking on my wall for at two in the night?”
            • 2.

              One of the most exciting archaeological (考古的) discoveries in history was made in November 1922, when Howard Carter was   (1)  in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. After many months of digging, he finally   (2)  an unknown tomb (坟墓).

                (3)  with his friend Lord Carnarvon, who was providing the money for his work, Carter entered the   (4)  tomb. At first there was   (5)  , because the tomb was   (6)  , and it was clear that it had been robbed (盗窃) at some time in the past.   (7)  , one of the workers eventually uncovered a small stairway that led down to another door that had not been  (8)  .

              Carter went down the dark staircase, walking   (9)  in case there were any traps (陷阱). As he opened the   (10)  , Lord Carnarvon asked if he could see anything. He replied, “Yes,   (11)  things.” It was clear at once that they had discovered what they had

              been   (12)  . The tomb of King Tutankhamun was full of treasures of   (13)  value. There were over 5,000 objects of silver, gold and precious stones which had lain there   (14)  for thousands of years.

              Lord Carnarvon’s   (15)  at discovering the treasures did not last long. Many of the local people were afraid of   (16)  the kings’ tombs, and believed that the kings would punish anyone who   (17)  them. Lord Carnarvon had paid little attention to these   (18)  , but only a few weeks later, he   (19)  fell ill and died; at the exact time of his death, all the lights in Cairo went out all of a sudden, and far away in England, his dog also   (20)  .

            • 3.

                  Going green seems to be fad(时尚) for a lot of people these days.    41     that is good or bad, we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad   42     a lifestyle.

                  On April 22,2011,we decided to go green every single day for an   43     year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant   44    ourselves to go green beyond easy things.  45     recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things   46    and this was no easy task.

                    47    the idea of going green every single day for a year, our  Green Year started. My   48    and I decided to educate people about   49    they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the   50  . We wanted to push the message   51    every little bit helps.

                  Over the course of our Green Year, we completely changed our   52   . We now shop at   53    stores. We   54    less meat, choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don’t need. We have   55    half of what we owned through websites. Our home is kept clean by vinegar(醋) and lemon juice, with no   56    cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the   57    of homemade fresh bread. In our home office anyone   58    doing something un-green might be punished.

                  Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate   59   . We believe that we do have the   60   to change things and help our planet.

            • 4.

              Joan’s job is to use American Sign Language (ASL) to enable teachers to communicate with English-speaking deaf students.   (1)   Joan, learning ASL was not that   (2)   , but learning to be an excellent interpreter could take a lifetime.

                  Three years after being admitted to Pierce College, Joan   (3)  as a Certified(合格的)ASL Interpreter. Plenty of job   (4)  were waiting for her. She likes the college environment,   (5)  she applied for a job at Newton Community College with 28,000 students in it. There are 22 students who were   (6)   of hearing at NCC. Joan has   (7)  with most of them.

                  They are very   (8)  with her.Often they invite her to talk   (9)   a cup of coffee after class. Sometimes the women talk about   (10)   things, especially about how hard it is to find “Mr. Right.” Joan   (11)   with them, saying she herself has given up on finding him.

                  Joan is one of the four interpreters in the college. She accompanies a deaf student to   (12)   .The student sits in the front row.Joan usually sits   (13)   the teacher, facing the student.She   (14)   as the teacher talks. If the class is longer than 90 minutes,there are two interpreters per student. They take   (15)  ; one interpreter will sign for 20 minutes, and then the other will.

                  Joan will go   (16)   to school soon. She wants to become a Certified French Sign Language Interpreter. Her mom taught Joan that American men are   (17)   . She frequently told Joan that only a (n)   (18)    man knows how to make a woman feel like a woman. Joan   (19)   her mom, and takes her   (20)   to heart.Her plan is to leave California, to move to Paris, find a romantic French boyfriend, and live happily ever after.

            • 5.

              Have you ever heard of cross-country running? It's a sport in ____  (1)  ____ runners race across natural land outdoors. Many American schools have cross-country running teams, and I decided to ____  (2)  ____ myself this term by ____  (3)  ____ the one at my school.

                  For practices, we usually take the school ____  (4)  ____ to the park or a local mountain to run several miles. After I had been to 10 practices, I took part in my first ____  (5)  ____, which was a 5-kilometer run and covered some big slopes (陡坡).

                  I felt very ____  (6)  _____ before the race. I'd never run such a long ____  (7)  ____ before! I didn't know if I could finish it. Before the race, though. we did a (n)____  (8)  ____ called "secret buddy" in which anonymous (匿名的) teammates gave each other small gifts to ____  (9)  ____ each other up. I got vitamin water and an energy stick. Although there wits really ____  (10)  ____ special about them, I still ____  (11)  ____ being given them and begun feeling very excited for my run.

                  When the race began. I kept my speed up and started running really fast. But after a while, I had to ____  (12)  ____. My legs became so heavy that I could ____  (13)  ____ lift them. Many of the other ____  (14)  ____ ran past me. one by one. and I had to try hard to "keep moving".

                  Luckily, during the race, many people ____  (15)  ____ around the course, clapping and cheering for the runners no matter which ____  (16)  ____ they were running for "You are great!" Keep fighting!" Every time I wanted to give up, there words ____  (17)  ____ me to keep going. As far as I know. I was the last one ____  (18)  ____ the race, but none of my teammates laughed at me. They bugged me excitedly. I felt very warm inside.

                  Here, people always give others praise and encouragement, I feel so happy that I live in such a positive environment. I've fallen ____  (19)  ____ love with running. and although we have a lot of homework. I still go to ____  (20)  ____ every day.

            • 6.

              It is a true story behind a well­known piece of art.

              In a village near Nuremberg lived a family with eighteen children. Merely to keep food on the table, the father worked eighteen hours a day. Despite their   (1)   condition, two of the children had a dream to seek their talent for   (2)   but they knew well their father would never be able to send   (3)   of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.

              The two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss (扔) a coin. The   (4)   would work in the nearby mines to support his brother. Albrecht   (5)   the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother,   (6)   work at the academy was almost a(n )   (7)   success. Albechtˈs woodcut and oils were much   (8)   than those of his professors and he soon was earning considerable fees   (9)   his works.

              When the young   (10)   returned home, the family held a festive dinner. Albrecht rose to toast to his beloved brother, “Now, Albert, it is your   (11)   to seek your dream and l will support you”.

              All heads turned to the far end of the table, where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face, while he   (12)   and repeated, “No...no.” Finally, Albert rose and   (13)    the tears from his cheeks. He said softly, “I   (14)   go to Nuremberg, brother. It is too late for me. Look what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and I cannot even hold a glass to   (15)   your toast.”

              Today, Albrechtˈs masterful works   (16)   in every great museum in the world, but chances are great   (17)   you, like most people, are familiar with only one of them. Albrecht drew his brotherˈs abused hands with palms together and the   (18)   stretched skyward. He called it simply “Hands”,but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and   (19)   his tribute (敬意) of love “The Praying Hands”.

              Next time you see that touching creation, take a second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it   (20)  

            • 7.

              During the time of the Second World War, a woman from New York was one of the many who had a son in the army in __41__. The son __42__home once a week. His mother was always __43__ to receive his letters, so when the letters __44__ stopped coming, she became worried. She soon  __45__from the Home Office that her son was __46__by the Japanese. And he was now in__47__. A few weeks later, the mother was __ 48__ happy to get a letter from her son. He wrote that he was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, __49__ he was treated well and was in __50__ health. At the end of the letter, he __51__, “PS. Steam off the stamp and give it to my little brother for his __52__.” As the boy was her only son, the mother was __53__, but she still followed his son’s __54__ and did what his son told her to. There, under the stamp on the envelope __55__ a message, __56__, “help, we’re __57__ to death.”

              The truth is that in the prison there was a Japanese officer who examined the prisoners’ __58__ letters with the power to __59__ anything offensive to the Japanese administration(管理). That’s __60__ this boy used a smart way to send his mother a letter telling her what it was like inside the prison.

            • 8.

              George Washington was only fourteen years old. He said he would like to be a(n)   (1)   so he could go to many   (2)   lands and see many wonderful things. He   (3)   he could become the captain of a ship one day.

              His older brothers were   (4)   pleased that he should go to sea. And the matter was at last settled. George’s brothers   (5)   the master of a trading ship who was getting ready to sail to England. He   (6)   to take the boy with him and teach him how to be a good sailor.

              George’s   (7)   was very sad. His uncle had written her a letter saying:" Do not let him go to sea. If he begins as a common sailor, he will never be   (8)   else.

               But George had made up his mind to go. He was   (9)  . He would not listen to anyone who tried to   (10)   him to stay at home. At last the

                (11)   came for the ship to sail. A   (12)   was at the landing, ready to take him on board. George was in high glee(快乐)at the thought of   (13)  .  

               He stood on the   (14)   and looked back into the house. He saw the   (15)   faces of those whom he loved. George saw the tears in his mother’s eyes. He   (16)   to feel very sad. He saw them rolling down her cheek. He stood   (17)   for a moment, thinking. Then he   (18)   quickly and said," Mother, I have changed my mind. I will   (19)   at home and do as you wish."

                  It has been said   (20)   him that he was the first in the hearts of his countrymen. He was their most famous president. He has been called the father of his country.

            • 9.

              I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to   41   my daughter from school. Our plan was to go   42   together. I had finished my work at 4 o’clock and then  43    to the post office. Then I stopped   44      at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit   45  . We liked to have some fruit to eat after our swim. I was driving along a high road on my way to my daughter’s school. Over my road was another road which was built like a bridge for cars coming to the other way. I was   46  so I put the bag of apples in the seat  47  me and started to eat one.

              Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. I slowed down. Then   48   started to shake. I didn’t know what was happening.   49  something had gone wrong with my car. I drove  50   slowly. Then I stopped the car and at the moment the road fell onto the car in front of me.

              I found myself in the dark. I couldn’t move. The bottom parts of both my legs and my   51   were hurting badly and I couldn’t move them. All around me was   52  . But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I  53   that an earthquake had happened.

              Four about two hours no body came. Luckily I could  54   the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I   55   people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was trapped under the broken  56  . I called out, “I’m here!” I heard a shout. Soon  57   climbed to the side of the road near my car. “How are you going?” He asked.

              “Not too bad,” I said. “But my feet and legs  58   as if they are broken.” “We’ll help you out of there just as  59  as we can,” he said. They didn’t get me out   60  the next morning. I dad been in m car for 14 hours.

