优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Woman: Good morning.
              Man: Good morning. Er…I’m looking for a place  __1___ (rent) near the university.
              Woman :What are you looking for, a house, a flat,   ___2___ a room?
              Man: Well, we want a flat if that’s possible. There are three of us looking all together. We thought we might share it if we can find something  ____3__ (suit).
              Woman: So something near the university?
              Man: Yes. We are all students, so it would be good if we could find something  ___4___walking distance of the campus. __5____of us has a car and we don’t want to have to take a bus.
              Woman: Well, everybody wants that of course. Are you here for your first year?
              Man:  No, I ___6____ (be) here for a year already. Last year we all lived on campus.
              Woman: Ok. So let me have a look and consider  ____7___we have got. Well, there’s a three-bedroom flat. That’s 400 dollars a week --- quite  ___8____ (reason), I think.
              Man: Oh, That’s too  __9______.
              Woman: Ok, I’ll try it again. Oh, here is ____10____ one near the Sunshine Bookstore. It’s a quiet place. Only 150 dollars a week. It’s quite cheap. Would you like to have a look?
            • 2.

              Cynthia: Hello, Paul. Yesterday I bought a book — Corinne Maier's French bestseller Bonjour Paresse,   (1)  ________ translates into English as Hello Laziness. Have you heard of it?

              Paul: Yes. In fact, I finished   (2)   ________ (read) it last week.

              Cynthia: Really? What do you think of it?

              Paul: It's very interesting. I   (3)   ________ (laugh) out loud several times while reading it. If you are working in a(n)   (4)  ________ (bore) job with little chance of advancement, do as little as possible when you are at work. That's   (5)   ________ Maier says in her book.

              Cynthia: Why does she advise readers to do so?

              Paul: She thinks most people work because they have to — because they need the money   (6)  ________ (live), not because they love their jobs.

              Cynthia: Do you agree with her?

              Paul: Not really. Instead, I think Maier's book encourages people to give up. For example, there's   (7)   ________ tip from Maier: Never accept a position of responsibility,   (8)  ________ you'll have to work extra hard for little money. However, if we act just as she says, we could be replaced by another person   (9)   ________ any time.

              Cynthia: Well, I think we can't take anything she says very  (10)   ________ (serious). It's kind of a joke.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________
              ​ (10) ________
            • 3.

              I needed to get some money so I   (1)   ________ (take) a job in the clothes department at Graham's for the January sale. I can't say that I enjoyed it,   (2)   ________ it was an experience I'll never forget.

              When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already   (3)  ________ queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous. The moment the security guards unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for   (4)   ________ (protect) as the noisy crowd rushed in. I couldn't believe my eyes: this wasn't shopping; it was a battlefield!

              After a while, clothes were flying   (5)  ________ all directions as people searched for the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Within minutes I had half a dozen people   (6)  ______ (push) clothes under my nose, each wanting   (7)   ________ (be) the first served. The whole day continued like that. People were spending money like water without thinking   (8)   ________ they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK.

              That night, after a quick dinner I went to bed   (9)  ________ (exhaust), fearing the sound of the alarm   (10)  ________ would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________
              (10) ________
            • 4.

              Attending a live musical performance in a huge sports center with thousands of other fans is   (1)   (excite). Even in a restaurant or theater, a skilled   (2)   (perform) can provide a great show. Here in the US, a very different kind of performance space is gaining in popularity.

              Singer-songwriter Annalise Emerick is getting ready   (3)  (play) a show in Nashville, Tennessee. It is something   (4)   she does most nights in coffee houses, bars and other small spaces across the country. But tonight, the setting is even  (5)   (small). Ms. Emerick will play for a few people in Kristina Shulz's home.

              “An artist will come into my house and play music. All I have to do  (6)  (be) provide the atmosphere, which I am   (7)   (absolute) happy to do,” says Ms. Shulz. She has been holding such performances in her home  (8)  about four years. The crowd is usually a mix of family, friends, neighbours and even strangers. The performances  (9)   (list) on house concert websites.

              House concerts have become  (10)  important part of Annalise Emerick's earnings, too.“I can play a bar for 100 dollars, but I can play a house concert and if there are 50 people there and they all pay $20, I'm having a great night. And they all buy CDs, too. It's amazing.”

              (1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______ (6) ______ (7) ______ (8) ______ (9) ______ (10) ______
            • 5.

              Jimmy:  Alice, how was your journey to the countryside?

              Alice:   Wonderful. We   1   (enjoy) beautiful sights and food in the country.

              Jimmy:  Food? Did you have   2   big dinner in the countryside? What have you had?

              Alice:   It was not a big dinner at all,   3   there were a lot of foods which only can be eaten in the local place, such  4  some wild vegetables.

              Jimmy:  Oh, I see. Did you do anything   5  ?

              Alice:   Yes. We got   6   well with the villagers and sent pens and books we carried to the poor students.

              Jimmy:  That is really great! I think they must study harder with your help.

              Alice:   It is far from enough.   7   (actual), I felt a little sad as soon as I saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.

              Jimmy:  Why do you have this kind of feeling?

              Alice:   As far as I am   8    (concern), these things are nothing for the children who live in our city.

              Jimmy:  You are right. We can do more for the children living in that area.

              Alice:   Yes. Many of us who went to the place   9   (plan) to give more help to the children.

              Jimmy:  Can you tell me what you are going to do?

              Alice:   We are going to buy a number of books and donate   10   to the local school.

              Jimmy:  It is a good idea. I am entirely willing to join you.

              Alice:   It’s very kind of you.

            • 6.

              Have you ever had problems in your life? Have you ever wondered how to be happy? If so, you will find the book “Being a Happy Teenager” 67.   (use). In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.

              About problems with parents and friends, the book says we should stop 68.    (be) angry and forgive. The book tells us some skills such as how to put everything 69.      we have learned from life into beautiful pictures.

              Many teenagers think that 70.      (happy) comes from a good exam result or praise from 71.      people. But you can still be happy 72.   there are no such “good” things.

              Success comes from 73.      good attitude. If you learn from problems, you 74.   (have) success in the future.

              Some school students have problems such as being too tall 75.      too short. But Matthews tells us that we should think about things 76.      a positive way. This is Matthews’ most important lesson: you choose to be happy!

            • 7.

              Though Chinese is   (1)   (old) than English, English is spoken   (2)   many people around the world every day. English speakers are always   (3)   (make) new words and we should be able to know where most words come from.

              Sometimes, however, no one may   (4)  (real) know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham? About a hundred years ago, some   (5)  (man) went to America from Europe. They came from a big city in Germany  (6)   (call) Hamburg.

              They did not speak good English,   (7)   they ate good food. When some American saw them   (8)   (eat) round pieces of beef, they asked the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, “We came from Hamburg.” One of these Americans owned   (9)    restaurant, and had an idea. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like the man from Hamburg ate and   (10)  (sell) in many countries around the world.

            • 8.

              Thank you very much for your letter. Your trip sounds exciting! I can’t wait __  (1)  _ hear what Africa is like.

              Since my last letter to you, I had a little adventure ___  (2)  __ my own. Early this month, my mother and I took __  (3)  _ flight to Dunhuang, in the north-west of China. The desert out there was really quite amazing—I had never seen so much sand in my life! __  (4)  _ we were there, we arranged with a tour company to ride camels. I was very excited __  (5)  __ this was the first time I had seen one up close. We had hoped that we would get to see some other wildlife on our trip, __  (6)  __ sadly we didn’t.

              Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice-----be sure to bring a large hat and a shirt with long sleeves, ___  (7)  _you’ll need for protection. The sun can be _  (8)  _brilliant that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt-----my cheeks were so red for days after my trip. And another thing, you’ll need to keep a good supply of water with you, since it is so dry and hot.

              I am sure you’ll have a nice trip. I look forward to receiving your postcards!

              Best wishes


            • 9.

              People will do anything to see a free show, even   (1)   it is a bad one.When the news got round that a comedy show would   (2)  (give) at our local cinema by the P.and U.Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it.We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.  (3)  lucky), the show was one of   (4)  boring) we have ever seen.Those who failed to get in need not have felt _  (5)   (disappoint), as many of the artists who should  (6)  (appear) did not come.The only funny thing we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the program.He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.As soon   (7)   he opened his mouth, everyone burst out   (8)  (laugh).We all know  (9)  the poor man should have said, but what he actually said was: ˈThis is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company.Good ladies, evening and  (10)  (gentleman)!"

              (1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______ (6) ______ (7) ______ (8) ______ (9) ______ (10) ______
            • 10.


              Some buildings are known   (1)   their artistic beauty, some for their   (2)  (detail) design, and others for their architects’ imagination. But a London building has made headlines for none of these reasons.

              In its short history, 20 Fenchurch Street has made itself   (3)  (know) by reflecting(反射)sunlight   (4)  ( strong ) that it once melted parts of a sports car in the street below.

              So   (5)   is no wonder that the building was named the UK’s   (6)   ( bad ) building. According to the magazine, the judges,  (7)   were architects and writers, and agreed that 20 Fenchurch Street   (8)  (design) by a Uruguayan architect should win the prize.

              And the building’s problems   (9)   end with reflection. Dangerous winds are also blown along the street below. A pedestrian (行人) said to the BBC that she almost got blown over when   (10)   ( walk ) past the heavy building.

