优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind of food is very important.It can keep your body strong,so take care of what you eat. There are four main food groups altogether.The dairy products group has food like milk,cheese and sour milk.The other three groups are the meat and fish group,the fruit and vegetable group,and the bread and rice group.Each meal should have at least one food from all the four main groups.With all these food together you will be given enough energy during the day. It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself tired during these days and you can not think quickly. Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong.It is also good to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

              (1) How many main food groups are mentioned in the passage? ______

              A. 2                         B. 3                        
              C. 4                         D. 5

              (2) Which of the following diets do you think is the best one? ______

              A. Eggs,tomatoes and chicken.
              B. Milk,bread,cabbages and beef.
              C. Corn,fish,cream and pork.
              D. Rice,bean curd,apples,fish and chicken.

              (3) In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ______ .

              A. every person needs food to grow well
              B. taking exercise can keep your body strong
              C. right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy
              D. enough energy helps people think more quickly

              (4) According to the passage,which is NOT TRUE? ______

              A. Each meal should have at least one food from each main group.
              B. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.
              C. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is very important for your health.
              D. It is good to finish your breakfast in a very short time.
            • 2.

              Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The next building was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading. 

              After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

              One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside.Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible. Her window was clean!

              Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings?

              Since then, whenever I wanted to judge someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

              (1) “It dawned on me” in paragraph 4 probably means “________”.

              A. I knew it grew light                             
              B. it cheered me up

              C. I began to understand it
              D. it began to get dark

              (2) It’s clear that ___________.

              A. the writer had never met the woman before
              B. the writer often washed the window

              C. they both worked as cleaners
              D. they lived in a small town

              (3) From the passage, we can learn___________.

              A. one shouldn’t criticize others very often

              B. one should often make his windows clean

              C. one must judge himself before he judges others

              D. one must look at others through his dirty windows

            • 3.

              Hilton English Language Center

              Information for New Students

              CLASS TIME: 8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m.—12:00 a.m.,1:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m.

              The Language Center is open Monday to Friday.Each class has one afternoon free per week.On the first day,go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.

              SELF-ACCESS: The language laboratory (Room 1110) is open Monday to Friday from 3:15 p.m.to 5:00 p.m. for all full-time students.

              You can learn how to use computers for language games or word-processing(文字处理).There are tapes for students to borrow to practice their English.Go in and ask the teacher to show you.If you plan to take public examinations,there are dictation and listening comprehension tapes for you to practice with.There are cloze exercises on the computers.Ask your class teacher for a list of past exam essays.Students can borrow tapes to take home but they must be returned after two days.

              ATTENDANCE(出勤):All students are expected to attend classes as it is required. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to OSS.Eighty percent attendance is required for students to receive their certificates(证书)when they finish their courses.It is also required by OSS for an extension to your visa.

              BOOKS: If students are given course books,the books are their responsibility.If a book is lost,the student will be expected to pay for it.

              If students wish to buy books,there is a bookshop in the college specializing in English books (Room 3520).

              (1) When do classes begin and end on a full day?

              A. 8:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.                                                        
              B. 8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m.

              C. 8:30 a.m.—3:15 p.m.                                                        
              D. 3:15 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

              (2) Timetable can be seen in ___________.

              A. the lecture hall                 
              B. Room 3520                        
              C. the classroom                   
              D. Room 1110

              (3) Where can students buy books?

              A. Room 1110                        
              B. Room 3520                        
              C. the language lab              
              D. OSS

              (4) Which of the following is WRONG?

              A. Each class don’t have lessons for one afternoon every week
              B. Students can learn to use computers to learn their language
              C. Students can’t take tapes back home
              D. All the students should attend the required classes
            • 4.

              Do you have a dream, something you always see yourself doing? Perhaps you see yourself as a teacher, a lawyer, or even a scientist. Whatever it is, don’t let it die.

                  A dream is a wonderful thing. It can give you hope for your future and encourage you to try when all odds are against you.

                  However, there are dream killers that want to kill your dream. They may tell you that it is impossible for you, that you are not smart enough or that it’s never been done before. However, many times the biggest dream killer is yourself.

                  Don’t let fear, doubt or lack of finances prevent you from fulfilling your dream. Talk back to these killers, “I can and will fulfill my dream.” You may have to do this every day. The more you instill(逐渐灌输) within your heart that you can do it, the more safely your dream will be held within you.

                  It is very important to take steps towards fulfilling your dream. For me, in order to fulfill my dream of owning my own magazine, I needed to go back to school and finish my college degree. For you, it may be something different. You know deep inside what the voice of your dream calls for. Don’t be afraid and just do it. Try not to let too much time go by. Time is another one of those dream killers.

                  Think about the words of a song by Yolanda Adams, “Keep the dream alive. Don’t let it die. If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try, don’t stop. And never give up. Don’t ever give up on you. Sometimes, life can place a stumbling block in your way. But you have to keep the faith.”

              When you dream, dream big and never give up. Your dream is just yours. Never let anyone tell you that your dream can’t happen—it can! Keep seeing yourself do what’s never been done before. As you continue to feed your dream and protect it, not only will you keep it alive, but it will come true.

              (1) What do the underlined words “ all odds are against you” in Paragraph 2 mean?

              A. You find everything seems strange.
              B. You are not feeling quite well.

              C. You have all your friends against you.
              D. You are in a hopeless situation.

              (2) What did the author dream of doing?

              A. Getting his own book published.
              B. Publishing his own magazine.

              C. Becoming a writer.
              D. Owing a college degree.

              (3) What do we learn from Paragraph 5?

              A. It is important for us to take action.
              B. The first step is to know our dream.

              C. It takes money to fulfill our dream.
              D. We should not listen to the call of our heart.

              (4) What’s the author’s purpose in using the words of Yolanda Adams’ song?

              A. To make his writing interesting.
              B. To support his main point.

              C. To show Yolanda Adams is popular.
              D. To show they share the same view.

            • 5.



              Teach in nice and beautiful Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)! The government school we work with has about 200 pupils aged from 5 to 14 years old. The children come from many different economic backgrounds and family situations. Some of the children are supported by the upper-class employers of their parents; others cannot attend school every day as they sell something in the streets for parts of the week.

              This school really needs volunteers and you’ll be greatly appreciated. You’ll work with disadvantaged children who will benefit greatly from your help! You will be able to teach English and many other subjects—IT, sports, music, art, drama, anything you have a good knowledge in! Please let us know if you have a special interest and we will do our best to tailor-make (定制) your project!

              SUMMARY FACTFILE

              Price:From£775, excluding flights

              Duration:From 2 weeks to 6 months subject to visa requirements

              Start Dates:All year round—you choose your start and finish dates

              Requirements:At least aged 17, no qualifications necessary, but you’ll have to be enthusiastic. You’ll need to know a little Spanish to do this project, but if you have no knowledge of Spanish at all, you can combine your project with 1-week intensive (强化的) Spanish course in Quito before starting your project.


              • An exciting, never-to-be-forgotten adventure in the fascinating culture of Ecuador

              • The great satisfaction of helping disadvantaged children and adults and knowing that you made a difference to them

              • New skills, more confidence, a greater understanding of a different culture, invaluable personal and professional development

              • An entry on your CV that makes you stand head and shoulders above others in the job market

              • And best of all...an unforgettable experience!

              (1)  A member to be admitted into the project should ________.
              A.  know English and Spanish well                      
              B.  have college certificates
              C.  be over 17 with enthusiasm                          
              D.  afford a holiday of one year
              (2) This passage is written with the purpose of ________.
              A.  calling in some voluntary teachers                  
              B.  telling the readers where to camp 
              C.  providing information on the job market
              D.  introducing how to join a tailor-made profession
            • 6.

              Sharing a room with a family member or a friend can be tough(困难), but it becomes especially difficult when you are sharing it with someone you hardly know. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not despair. There are things you can do to help you cope with having a roommate, no matter who it may be.

              First of all, you have to remember that you get what you give. If you are nice to others, then others will be nice to you as well. You also need to set boundaries for yourself and for the other person. So before your new roommate moves in, talk to him. Set the rules early on and discuss your hopes.

              Remember that there are two things that make up any good relationship: belief and respect. The same thing applies to(适用于) having a roommate. You have to respect each other. So he has that new PS3 game that you have always wanted to try out? Ask permission first. If he says no, don’t ask him for it again. If he lets you borrow his stuff, take care of the item and treat it as if it were your own. Make sure that you return it in the same condition as when you borrowed it.

              To keep away from disagreements over who does the housework, clean as you go. For chores (杂务)that can be shared, you may want to divide it equally so that you don’t do all the housework. Take turns in washing the dishes. You may do it every other day or you may divide the task so that you only have to do it in the morning and your roommate will only have to do it at night.

               When it comes to food and grocery items, determine what can be shared. Don’t be too mean when it comes to sharing food. On the other hand, determine what you can share and what you can’t and be clear about it. The advantage of sharing food is that you can save on time and food preparation.

              (1) What is the passage mainly about?

              A.  Why you need a roommate.

              B.   How you drive a roommate you don’t like.

              C.  What you do to find a roommate.

              D.  How you can get along with your roommate.

              (2) What may the underlined word “boundaries” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

              A. Borders of two countries.

              B. Personal space.

              C. Public relations.

              D. Something shared by all roommates.

              (3) Good relationship among roommates lies in _____.

              A. money and gifts

              B. attraction and good words

              C. trust and respect

              D. threats and orders

              (4) Which of the following is NOT true if you want to use your roommate’s stuff?

              A. You must ask for his or her permission first.

              B. If your roommate doesn’t lend you anything, try to take it.

              C. If he or she lends the stuff to you, you must take care of it.

              D. When you return the stuff you borrowed, it should be the same as before.

              (5) What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

              A. There are always quarrels between roommates.

              B. Try to do all the chores by yourself.

              C. Share everything with your roommates.

              D. Try to do the chores by turns.

            • 7.

              My friend Jessie and I have known each other since we were very young. Friendships get more precious as we get older, and when we reached our forties, we decided we needed to put in a little more work to keep our friendship strong, healthy and growing. We pick out one Saturday a month and promise to do something together. Sometimes we have a long lunch out. Other times we go to see a movie or shopping. But at least once a quarter, we have an adventure.

              In some adventures we drove to our favorite places. In other adventures we spent a night in a place sharing a festival like Christmas or sometimes we just drove, stopping wherever we wanted. We have headed out of the state to Tennessee. We have tried out new restaurants and new shops.

              One of our adventures took us to a very small town in south Georgia. It was one of those watermelon or cotton or peanut festivals, and we enjoyed buying the handmade gifts and eating the terrific foods. The most impressive was a parade, with local school marching bands and service groups. We joined the parade and began smiling and waving! Everyone smiled and waved back! Of course, their smiling faces turned confused and puzzled as we passed in our car. “Who are these women?” they must have wondered. Finally, we turned a corner and a serious-looking policeman directed us back to the highway. We really had a great day!

              Fun is always on the menu, whether it’s a weekend trip or a couple of hours over lunch. We talk and have influence on each other’s life. We share our struggles and our happiness. We ask for and receive advice. And we laugh!

              Don’t keep promising yourself that “someday soon” you will get together with them. Do it now. Pick up your phone and make a plan for this weekend. You need it. Your friend needs it. You’ll be a happier, healthier person for it!

              (1) Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned in the passage?
              A. Driving to favorite places.
              B. Sharing festivals in a place.
              C. Going shopping together.
              D. Surfing the net together.
              (2) What had a strong effect on them when they were in south Georgia?
              A. The Watermelon Festival. B. The Peanut Festival.
              C. The handmade gifts. D. The parade.
              (3) How does the writer feel when traveling together with her friend?
              A. Tired. B. Busy. C. Confused. D. Happy.
              (4) Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
              A. An adventure in south Georgia
              B. Keeping our friendship strong and healthy
              C. Having lunch out with a friend
              D. Getting together once in a quarter 
            • 8.

              For many travelers, a home exchange— also known as a house swap— is an economical, comfortable and fascinating way to vacation far from home. You arrange to occupy someone’s home at your destination (目的地) while he or she stays at yours.

              There are several types of home exchanges. In a traditional exchange, you and your partner travel at the same time and stay in each other’s original primary (主要的) home. However, another type of exchange has turned up for people who own more than one home. In “non-simultaneous exchanges”, home swapping partners don’t need to travel at the same time. Instead, exchange partners come to stay in a vacation home or secondary home while the owner continues to live in his or her own primary home. Then the owner can travel to another home exchange house whenever it’s convenient. Another type of exchange, known as a hospitality (款待) exchange, involves you and your trading partner taking turns staying as guests in each other’s primary homes.

              Some folks love to swap because it allows them to experience new places without paying for hotels, restaurants or, in many cases, transportation (the use of the family car is included in many home exchanges). Home exchanges are also a great way to get mixed into the life of a local community. But some travelers are turned off by having to cook and clean on their vacation, while others feel uncomfortable about having strangers living in their own homes. In that case, a vacation rental (租房) might be a better choice.

              Most home exchange organizations charge a monthly or yearly membership fee. There are also a number of organizations that do not charge a membership fee, but you may find that you’ll get more serious offers as part of a network in which members have paid money for their listing.

              (1) In a traditional exchange, you are expected to________.
              A. agree on the traveling date with your partner
              B. come to your partner’s whenever you like
              C. live with your partner in his/ her home
              D. be in possession of more than one house
              (2) What does the underlined word “non-simultaneous” probably mean?
              A. never paying someone money              
              B. never living in a place for long
              C. not happening at the same time           
              D. not traveling all the time
              (3) Some people don’t like to swap because________.
              A. they only enjoy cooking in their own homes
              B. they hate to meet people in the local community
              C. they can’t use their exchange partners’ cars freely
              D. they feel uneasy about strangers’ living in their houses
              (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
              A. An explanation why people like swapping homes.
              B. An introduction to home exchange traveling.
              C. Do’s and don’ts when staying at others’ homes.
              D. Some advice on home exchange traveling.
            • 9.

              A new study, conducted by British company Mindlab International,has found that listening to music at work increases accuracy and speed, The Telegraph reported. Perhaps,some parents disagree with this idea, saying,"Switch off the music and concentrate!"Well,if that-s the case with your parents, you might now be able to convince them that you have science on your side.

              The company gave 26 participants a series of different tasks for five days in a row,including spell checking,mathematical word problems, data entry, and abstract reasoning. The participants completed these tasks while listening to music or no music at all.

              The results showed that while music was playing, 88% of participants produced their most accurate test results and 81% completed their fastest work David Lewis, chairman of Mindlab International, told The Telegraph,"Music is a very powerful management tool if you want to increase not only the efficiency of your workforce but also their emotional state... they are going to become more positive about the work. "

              However,you may have a list of your favorite songs,but not all kinds of music match all homework For maths or other subjects involving numbers or attention to detail,you should listen to classical music, the study found In the study, pop music enabled participants to complete their tasks 58% faster than when listening to no music at all. If you are reviewing your English writing,pop music is the best choice,as it is the best kind for spell checking. It cut mistakes by 14%,compared to listening to no music. After finishing your homework,do you often take time to check your answers? Maybe,some dance music is suitable for you.

              (1) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
              A. Music helps us to learn
              B. We cannot live without music.
              C. Different music,different lives.
              D. Music in the classroom
              (2) What did the participants have to do in the study?
              A. Persuade their parents to listen to music.
              B. Listen to the same music together.
              C. Try their best to choose the most suitable music.
              D. Finish tasks with music or without music at all.
              (3) What does the underlined word 6ˈthey" refer to in Para. 3?
              A. tools B. results C. tests D. participants
              (4) When you review your English writing,what kind of music is the best choice?
              A. Classical music. B. Dance music.
              C. Pop music. D. Rock music.
            • 10.

              It was Mother’s Day morning last year and I was doing my shopping at our local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were leaving,we found that only minutes earlier an elderly woman had fallen over at the entrance and had hit her head on the concrete.Her husband was with her,but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock.

              Walking towards the scene,Tenyson became very upset about what had happened to the couple.He said to me,“Mum,it’s not much fun falling over in front of everyone.”

              At the front of the supermarket a charity(慈善)group had set up a stand selling cooked sausages and flowers to raise funds.Tenyson suggested that we should buy the lady a flower.“It will make her feel better,”he said.I was amazed that he’d come up with this sweet idea.So we went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower for the lady to cheer her up.“Just take it,”she replied.“I can’t take your money for such a wonderful gesture.”

              By now paramedics(救援人员)had arrived,and were attending to the injured woman.As we walked up to her, my son became intimidated by all the blood and medical equipment.He said he was just too scared to go up to her.

              Instead I gave the flower to the woman’s husband and told him,“My son was very upset for your wife and wanted to give her this flower to make her feel better.”

              At that,the old man started crying and said,“Thank you so much,you have a wonderful son.Happy Mother’s Day to you.”

              The man then bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from.Though badly hurt and shaken,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smile.

