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            • 1.

              Climbers at Qomolangma are being asked to clean up after themselves.

              Qomolangma has earned the nickname(绰号)the Worldˈs Highest Garbage Dump(垃圾场).

              Climbing Qomolangma,the worldˈs highest mountain,just becomes more challenging.The government of Nepal is telling climbers they cannot leave trash on the trails.Each climber will have to come down the mountain with at the least 18 pounds of garbage.Thatˈs the average amount of trash a climber leaves behind on Qomolangma.

              Officials say climbers are responsible for their own trash.“We are not asking climbers to pick up trash left by someone else,”said the Nepal Tourism Ministry.“We just want them to bring back what they took up.”

              More than 4,000 people have reached the 29,035-foot summit(顶峰)in more than 60 years.Leaving trash along the way helps climbers keep their bags light so they have energy to reach the summit.“The trash problem in Qomolangma is not new.”Burlakoti says.“When the people started to climb the mountain,they started to leave their garbage there.”They have left behind bottles,food boxes and equipment.

              The new rule came into effect in April,2014.To make sure it is followed,climbers will have to deposit money(交保证金)before they climb.Once they climb back down the mountain,officials will check climbers at a return camp to make sure they have the required 18 pounds of trash.If they do,their money will be returned to them.If they do not,climbers will not receive their deposit and they will not be given a permit the next time they want to climb Qomolangma.

              The goal is to make sure no more litter will be left on Qomolangma."As we offer Qomolangma to all the people of the world they should take responsibility to clean it."Burlakoti says,“After seeing the results from this,we will also apply this rule to other mountains.”

              (1) Why does Qomolangma get the nickname the Worldˈs Highest Garbage Dump?

              A. The white snow on it looks like white trash.

              B. The government of Nepal transported trash onto it.

              C. There is too much trash left on it by climbers.

              D. The government of Nepal has used up the resources on it.

              (2) Climbers left trash along the way in order to______.

              A. provide guidance for other climbers              
              B. help climbers themselves find their way

              C. get timely medical rescue when in danger             
              D. reach the summit without too much load

              (3) If climbers want to climb Qomolangma again,they must______.

              A. get the climbing license                               
              B. have a large bag

              C. get the permission from the local people        
              D. bring back the required trash in the last climbing

              (4) What is the best title for the text?

              A. Protect our beautiful mountains                           
              B. Bring back your litter when climbing

              C. A new rule of protecting the earth                 
              D. Qomolangma belonging to the world people

            • 2.

              Why do men die earlier than women? The latest research makes it known that the reason could be that men’s hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle age. The largest study of the effects of ageing on the heart has found that women’s longevity(长寿) may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.

              “We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, David Goldspink of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.

              “Within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. Between the age of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said Goldspink. “This is part of the ageing process.” What surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. A healthy 70-year-old woman’s heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old one’s.

              “This gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said Goldspink.

              They studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of disease.

              The team has yet to find why ageing(衰老)takes a greater loss on the male heart, said Goldspink.

              The good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. Goldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age.

              (1) The text mainly talks about ______.

              A. hearts and long life                            
              B. women’s ageing process
              C. the gender difference                           
              D. men’s heart cells

              (2) According to the text, the UK scientists have known that ______.

              A. women have more cells than man when they are born               

              B. women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beat        

              C. the female heart loses few of the cells with age                   

              D. women never lose their pumping power with age

              (3) If you want to live longer, you should ______.

              A. enable your heart to beat much faster
              B. find out the reason for ageing​
              C. exercise regularly to keep your heart health
              D. prevent your cells from being lost

            • 3.

              One night, Pilar was in a deep sleep when she was woken by her cat Inti. Inti was meowing wildly outside Pilar’s bedroom and throwing himself against the closed bedroom door. When Pilar opened her eyes, she saw that her bedroom was filled with smoke. As she escaped her house with Inti in her arms, she saw that a fire was burning in her kitchen. Pilar could easily have lost her life, but Inti would not let that happen. Even though Inti could have escaped the house through a cat door, he wouldn’t leave Pilar.

              As amazing as this story is, it is not as uncommon as you may think. Take the example of Charlotte Lee and her horse, Thunder. One summer night, the whole family was asleep with the windows open. It was normally very quiet where they lived. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Charlotte woke up from her sweet dream, and the noise continued. Then she heard a horse running fast towards the house. The next thing she saw was Thunder standing outside her window, neighing(嘶叫) and shaking his head. She knew something was wrong. Charlotte quickly got everyone out of the house before the earthquake hit. Thunder has saved her life.

              There are also stories of wild animals coming to the rescue of humans. One animal known to be a friend of humans is the dolphin. Once, Todd Endris was surfing with his friends when he was attacked by a 13-foot(4-meter) shark. In the middle of the attack, a group of dolphins came to his rescue by forming a protective ring around Endris until he could get safely to shore. Without the help of the dolphins, there is little chance that Todd could have escaped.

              No one is sure why animals have so often come to our rescue. However, it is clear that humans and animals enjoy a close relationship. It is important that we care for them as much as we can.

              (1) Why did Inti throw himself against the door? Because_____.

              A. he wanted to get out of the room

              B. he was trying to wake up his owner

              C. he couldn’t find the way out because of smoke

              D. he felt bored and was playing by himself

              (2) Before the earthquake hit, Charlotte_____.

              A. closed the windows                                
              B. ran to warn her neighbors

              C. got her horse out of the stable                 
              D. was sleeping deeply

              (3) Both Inti and Thunder_____.

              A. saved their owners several times           
              B. used to make noise at night

              C. were shy and quiet                                 
              D. were brave, smart and devoted

              (4) What might Todd say to those dolphins?

              A. Thank you so much.                               
              B. What are you doing here.

              C. Why are you leaving.                             
              D. Leave me alone.

            • 4.

              Are you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired? Then grab your hiking boots and a tent. A new study suggests that camping in the great outdoors for a couple of days can reset your body clock and help you get more sleep.

              The body clock is an internal system that tells our bodies when it’s time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin (褪黑激素)circulating in a person’s blood at any given time.

              In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it’s time to wake up.

              In our modern society,however,most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is,your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to fatigue. It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes (糖尿病),overweight and heart disease.

              Professor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited (招募)fourteen physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers’ body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend.

              “This tells us we can reset our clocks fast,” Wright said.

              Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night. And if that doesn’t work,there’s always camping.

              (1) The underlined word “fatigue” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______.

              A. Excitement       B. tiredness       
              C. relief         D. disappointment

              (2) What did Wright's team discover from their experiment?

              A. Those staying outdoors reset the clock inside their bodies over a short period.

              B. The body clocks of the two groups didn’t show much difference.

              C. The body clocks of those who stayed at home remained the same.

              D. Changes to the body clock don't necessarily affect melatonin levels in our bodies.

              (3) According to the passage, to change our sleeping habit, we’ d better______.

              A. stay home to reset our body clock and get more sleep

              B. stay up late long past sunset and sleep long after sunrise

              C. get exposed to more natural light but less artificial light

              D. try to reduce melatonin levels as much as possible at night

              (4) What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

              A. To inform us of a possible way to adjust the body clock.

              B. To explain how a lack of sleep is bad for our health.

              C. To analyze how the body clock influences our sleeping habits.

              D. To explore how the body clock is connected with melatonin levels.

            • 5.

              Twelve years ago, a young traveler named Rhett Butler fromSan Francisco,California, visited theSabahrainforest on Malaysian Borneo. In the rainforest, he watched a bird flying through the trees. The beautiful sight left quite an impression on him. But weeks later, back home, Rhett Butler got the news that trees in the area he visited had been cut down.

              That experience led Rhett Butler to write a book about rainforests and threats to their existence. But he did not publish the book. Instead, he created a website, using his research for the book. The site is Mongabay.com. His purpose was to inform the public of tropical rainforests. But the subject quickly developed. As a former businessman, he became a respected writer of science and environmental stories.

              The popularity of Mongabay.com attracted advertisers. Small ads on the site pay for its operations. Mongabay.com has grown and led to other sites, for example, kids.mongabay.com, a site for children; WildMadagascar.org, which is about the island that Rhett Butler called his favorite place.

              To keep his website going, he travels around the world on several major trips each year. His working tools are a laptop computer, cameras and some diving equipment. He often calls on experts for information. For example, he interviewed Alison Jolly, a top expert on lemurs (狐猴). He interviewed Rodney Jackson, a biologist who established the Snow Leopard Conservancy (雪豹保护协会).

              Stories like these have made Mongabay a favorite place on the Internet for researchers, students and teachers. In April, Time.com named it one of the fifteen top climate and environment websites in the world.

              (1) Rhett Butler didn’t publish his book about rainforests because________.
              A. it couldn’t bring him much money
              B. it was not about rainforest protection
              C. he didn’t dream of becoming a famous writer
              D. he wanted to use the information to create a website
              (2) To keep his website going, Rhett Butler________.
              A. kept visiting the rainforest
              B. raised rare snow leopards
              C. traveled around and interviewed experts
              D. made a great number of advertisements
              (3) What can we learn from the passage?
              A. Mongabay.com was loved by researchers as well as students.
              B. WildMadagascar.org is better known than Mongabay.com.
              C. Kids.mongabay.com has many stories written by kids.
              D. Rodney Jackson was once a successful businessman.
              (4) What’s the best title for the passage?
              A. Rhett Butler and His Website
              B. Rainforest on MalaysianBorneo
              C. How Rhett Butler Protected Rare Animals
              D. How Rhett Butler Made His Website Popular
            • 6.

              Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world.

              When it comes to cancer, the sooner you know you have it, the better your chances of surviving are.

              A new blood test could change the way doctors and researchers find cancer in patients. Researchers say the test could provide some hints of the early forms of the disease.

              Gareth Jenkins is a professor at the University of Swansea. He says he and his team did not look for cancer. They instead looked for a by-product of cancer, mutated (突变的) red blood cells. They looked for, what Jenkins calls, the collateral (附带的) damage of cancer—the damage left by the disease.

              “In this blood test we don’t measure the presence of cancer,we measure the presence of mutated red blood cells which are the collateral damage that occurs—a by-product of the cancer developing.’’

              The researchers used normal laboratory equipment to perform the tests. This equipment looks for changes in the structure of millions of red blood cells. Those mutated cells lack a surface protein (蛋白质) that healthy cells normally have.

              “The goal of the test is looking for very rare cells which have picked up a mutation. The number of mutated red blood cells in a healthy person is around 5 or so mutated cells per million; so, you have to look at millions of red blood cells to discover those rare events. The number increases in cancer patients—it goes up to 40 or 50 on average.”

              The researchers tested blood from about 300 people, all of whom have cancer of the esophagus (食管). Patients with esophageal cancer have high levels of mutated red blood cells. Jenkins says that at this point he is not sure if other cancers would produce similar results.

              The hope is that the new test could one day become part of commonly used medical methods to find out if a person has cancer. These new technologies could save millions of lives.

              (1) What does the underlined word “hints” probably mean in Paragraph 3?

              A. Deaths.                        
              B. Experiences.                
              C. Signs.                    
              D. Kinds.

              (2) Healthy people and patients with esophageal cancer are different in ______ of mutated red blood cells.

              A. the size

              B. the color

              C. the shape

              D. the number

              (3) What’s the author’s attitude to the new test?

              A. Negative.                      B. Indifferent.           
              C. Positive.   D. Doubtful.

              (4) What can be the best title for the text?

              A. Cancer Can Be Prevented

              B. New Test Could Find Cancer Earlier

              C. Scientists Have Discovered How Cancer Spreads

              D. New Cancer Treatment Is Showing Extraordinary Results

            • 7.

                When Chad Pregracke was a teenager in East Moline, Illinois, he and his father lived and worked on the Mississippi River — or rather, in it. Every day they dove into the river to   (1)  freshwater mussels (贻贝), which they sold to Japanese customers. The river was their   (2)  , but Chad came to realize that it was also dirty. While

              searching for mussels on the river bottom, Chad could not  (3)   much because the water was too muddy. When Chad Pregracke was in college, he decided that he had to   (4)  the river. And thatˈs what he has done.

                  In the summer of 1997, Chad   (5)   the Mississippi River Beautification & Restoration Project. Using a 20-foot motorboat and working   (6)   by himself, Chad cleaned up 100 miles of shoreline in Illinois and Iowa. By summerˈs end, he had   (7)   and recycled 45,000 pounds of trash! As people learned about Chadˈs   (8)   , they began to offer help. Towns and companies along the river   (9)   equipment, and communities (社区)   (10)  cleanup days.

                  In 1998, the project   (11)   . Chad fixed up two boats, and he   (12)   a crew. During the summer months, Chad and his crew cleaned up 900 miles of Mississippi   (13)  from St. Louis, Missouri, to Guttenberg, Iowa. They collected 400,000 pounds of trash —   (14)   from old refrigerators to plastic legs!

                  In the next year, Chadˈs group   (15)  the cleanup of more than 1,000 miles of the Mississippi River. They also   (16)  an“Adopt a Mississippi River Mile”program. In this program, companies and groups took   (17)   for keeping parts of the river clean. After that, Chad   (18)  the Illinois River.

                  Today, Chad Pregrackeˈs project has many sponsors and an annual budget of $200,000. Chad also has   (19)   plans. He will move eastward   (20)   he has done what he can for the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. He wants to clean up the Ohio River next, and then perhaps the Hudson.

            • 8.

              In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest __41__ in Britain. It is over thirty kilometers long and nearly 300 meters __42__. It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made __43__ the lake.

                   Holiday makers began to use the road, and this was when the __44__began. Someone said that he had seen a monster(妖怪) in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long __45__and a small head. Then someone else said he heard__46__. Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a __47__. It __48__ like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not too __49__. The newspaper printed the picture and __50__ it the Loch Ness monster, or “Nessie”. Then the argument began. __51__ people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was __52__ there. In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real __53__ to see and photograph the monster to find __54__ there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was __55__ no real proof(证据).

                    Later underwater television cameras were used, but __56__ found any real proof. However, they__57__ find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be __58__ of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof. In 1975,however, some American scientists__59__ a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a redbrown creature. Its body was about four meters long, __60__ had a very ugly head on the end of a four-meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can’t be certain.

            • 9.

              If I could learn one difficult skill, I would learn how to build and fly a model airplane. Model airplanes that are flown by a remote control (遥控器) are very  (1)  to build and control.Many people think of remote-controlled planes as just toys, but in fact theyˈre   (2)  real planes. Since the models are expensive, crashing one is something you really want to   (3)  . You also have to   (4)   things like trees, birds and changes in the wind,   (5)  any one of these could cause your model to crash and do a lot of   (6)   . You really need to learn how to   (7)   the controls and you have to be careful at all times. Carefulness isvery   (8)   when operating a small expensive machine like a model airplane.

              Another thing that people have to   (9)   about model airplanes is that they take a long time and a lot of  (10)   to build. Each piece has to be assembled (安装)   (11)   , or the model will not work properly and the motor itself is the hardest part to   (12)  . You canˈt try to do it all   (13)   . You have to go step by step for days so that the glue (胶水) can dry. Once all the   (14)   are assembled, it will look and work just like the real thing. Completing the model brings a feeling of achievement and being able to fly it only   (15)  that feeling.

              My   (16)  is to become a pilot one day and flying a remote-controlled model seems like a great way to prepare myself for that   (17)   . Being able to   (18)   one of those could be my first step towards being a real pilot. The controls of a model plane are  (19)  to the controls of a real plane. Once Iˈve   (20)   those controls, I can get used to the controls of a real plane more easily.

            • 10.

                  Going green seems to be fad(时尚) for a lot of people these days.    41     that is good or bad, we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad   42     a lifestyle.

                  On April 22,2011,we decided to go green every single day for an   43     year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant   44    ourselves to go green beyond easy things.  45     recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things   46    and this was no easy task.

                    47    the idea of going green every single day for a year, our  Green Year started. My   48    and I decided to educate people about   49    they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the   50  . We wanted to push the message   51    every little bit helps.

                  Over the course of our Green Year, we completely changed our   52   . We now shop at   53    stores. We   54    less meat, choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don’t need. We have   55    half of what we owned through websites. Our home is kept clean by vinegar(醋) and lemon juice, with no   56    cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the   57    of homemade fresh bread. In our home office anyone   58    doing something un-green might be punished.

                  Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate   59   . We believe that we do have the   60   to change things and help our planet.

