优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Why is integrity so important? (within 20 words) ______
            • 2.

              Walking will be banned on escalators as part of a trail designed to reduce congestion(拥堵)at some of the country’s busiest stations.

              In the first move of its kind,all travelers will be forced to stand on both sides of escalators on the London Underground as part of a plan to increase capacity(容量)at the height of the rush hour.

              A six﹣month trial will be introduced at Holborn station from mid﹣April,eliminating the rule of standing on the right and walking on the left.The move,imitating a similar structure in Far Eastern cities such as Hong Kong,is designed to increase the number of people using long escalators at the busiest times.it could be expanded across the Tube network in coming years.

              According to London Underground,only 40 percent of travelers walk the full length of long escalators,leaving the majority at the bottom as they wait to get on to the “standing” side.

              A three﹣week trial at Holborn last year found that the number of people using escalators at any one time of could be raised by almost a third.Peter McNaught,operations director at London Underground,said:“It may not seem right that you can go quicker by standing still,but our experiments at Holborn have proved that it can be true.This new six﹣month trial will help us find out if we can influence customers to stand on both sides in the long term.”

              Holborn has one of the longest sets of escalators on the Underground network at 23.4 high.Tube bosses claim that capacity was limited because so few people wanted to walk up﹣meaning only one side was used at all times.Research has shown that it is more effective use of escalators over 18.5 to ban walking.

              The previous trial found that escalators at the station normally carried 2,500 people between 8:30 am and 9:30 am on a typical day,rising to 3,250 during the researching period.

              In the new trial,which will be launched from April 18,one of three “up” escalators will be standing only,with a second banning walking at peak times.A third will remain a mix of walking and standing.

              (Note:Answering the questions the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)


              What is the existing problem with standing on the right and walking on the left?             


              What did last year’s three﹣week trial at Holborn station prove?                     


              The research suggests that walking should be forbidden on escalators that are at least ____________ in height.


              In the new trail,in addition to one escalator banning walking in rush hours,the other “up” escalators will be used for __________.          .

            • 3.

               If you are out in woods and suddenly realize that you can't remember which direction you came from, it means that you are lost! Don't panic. Here are some tips on how to survive in the wild.

                One of the most important tips on how to survive in the wild is to be able to find water. First, look for surface water like rivers, streams or lakes. When lost in the wild, try to move to low-lying areas. You are sure to find water on low-lying land as water always flows from higher levels to lower levels. Healthy and strong green vegetation is also a good sign of presence of water.

                The type of shelter that you find or you can make depends upon the climate and the area's natural features. If there is a cave, make sure that it is not home to some wild animal. You could stay around the mouth of the cave during dusk as an animal living in the cave would either go inside the cave or move out in search of food this time. If the cave is not large enough to be home to a large animal, throw some stones inside the cave. If there are snakes or small creatures in the cave, they will come out when stones are thrown in.

                Stick to known plant specimens(样品) like fruits while looking for food in the wild. A good idea is to see what animals eat. If the food is safe for them, it should be safe for human beings as well. Search for roots of edible plants like wild onions and carrots. Design a piece of equipment to catch rabbits as they are an important source of proteins (蛋白质). You could also consider fishing if there is a water source close by.

              (1) What is mainly talked about in the text? (No more than 10 words) (2) What are the ways of finding water in the wild? (No more than 20 words.) (3) What should you do before you take a cave as your shelter? (No more than 15 words.) (4) Why in the wild can we look for food by seeing what animals eat?(No more than 20 words.) (5) If you are lost in the wild, what will you do (at least 2 points)? ( No more than 20 words)
            • 4.

              I’m not an athlete, but I am a lover of the Olympics. My biggest sports moment ever didn’t require me to be the fastest, the highest, or the strongest. It just required me to be in the right place at the right time, and catch the opportunity when it came to me. It was to carry our national flag for the Olympic Torch Relay.

              As a part of the celebration, flag bearers(旗手) were needed. I served in the army at that time and the Olympic organizers asked for volunteers to help carry some of the flags. Although it demanded that I give up part of my weekends and get up early, I thought that it was the chance of a lifetime.

              There were several different groups that took part in the event as flag bearers. We soldiers were going to be out in front leading them. On the day of the event, we arrived early at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Many people arrived to see the flame arrive from Greece, and the beginning of the Olympic Torch Relay. It was exciting to wait for our turn to enter the coliseum.

              As a flag bearer, I was supposed to run out in front. Though the flag was fairly heavy, I picked it up and ran with it. I ran past rows of people. I ran through television cameras. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, being able to carry our national flag in an international event like the Olympics. I was very proud of it.

              I had never been able to attend the Olympics, and I might never be important enough to carry an Olympic torch or anything like that, but I did get to carry our national flag in the torch relay, although I will no longer have the opportunity to carry the flag in the Olympics, and that would be one sports experience that would be difficult to forget.

              (1) What was the author when the Olympics were hosted in Los Angeles? (no more than 6 words)


              (2) What was the author asked to do as a volunteer? (no more than 10 words)


              (3) What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2? (no more than 10 words)


              (4) How many times has the author carried the flag in the Olympics? (no more than 2 words)


              (5) Do you want to be a flag bearer? Why or why not? (no more than 20 words)



            • 5.

              Afternoon tea, that most essential of English customs,is a relatively new tradition,although the custom of drinking tea dates back to 3 BC in China. It was not until the mid 19th century that the concept of “afternoon tea” first appeared.

              Afternoon tea was introduced to England by Anna, the Duchess(公爵夫人), in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry and depressed and complain of "having that sinking feeling" around four o'clock in the afternoon. At the time it was usual for people to take only two main meals a day: breakfast and dinner at around 8 o'clock in the evening. The evening meal in her household was also served fashionably late at eight o'clock, thus leaving a long period of time between the two meals. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. Later friends were invited to join her in her country house and this practice proved so popular that the Duchess sent cards to her friends asking them to join her for "tea and a walking". This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880's upper-class and society women would change into long dresses, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea, which was usually served in the living room between four and five o'clock.

              Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of delicious sandwiches served with frozen cream. Cakes and cookies are also served. Tea grown in India is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups. Nowadays however, in the average suburban home, afternoon tea is likely to be just a biscuit or small cake and a cup of tea, usually produced using a teabag.

              (1) Why is afternoon tea a relatively new tradition of Britain? (No more than 10 words) 


              (2) What does the unerlined word “sinking” most probably mean? (No more than 1 word)


              (3) What does the traditional afternoon tea consist of? (No more than 10 words)


              (4) What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 8 words) (5) Do you like drinking tea? Why or why not? ( No more than 20 words)


            • 6. The United States is a large country. From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3, 000 miles wide. The Atlantic Ocean is on the East Coast and the Pacific Ocean is on the West Coast. Canada is the country to the north of the United States and Mexico is the country to the south. There are many rivers in the United States. The most important ones are the Mississippi River and the Missouri River in the central part of the country, and the Colorado and Columbia River in west. There are 50 states in the United States today.
                 The American people are of almost every race(种族)in the world. This is because of immigrations(移民)from abroad throughout American history. The population is now over two hundred million. English is the common language. The largest city in the United States is New York. It is on New York Bay and at the mouth of the Hudson River.

              (1) How far is it from the East Coast to the West Coast?(within 8words)
              (2) Which country is to the south of the US ? (within 10 words)
              (3) Why does America have almost every race in the world ? (within 10words)
              (4) Where does New York city lie ?(within 15 words)
              (5) What’s the population of America ?(within 10 words)
