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            • 1.

              When studying foreign speech, donˈt forget about body language. In order to help you know more about these important parts of communication, here are four non­verbal characteristics that change from culture to culture.

              Gestures. When trying to communicate through a language barrier, itˈs natural to use gestures as a way of explaining your point. We think itˈs helpful, since our words will be strengthened.  (1)  For example, the thumbs­up sign is equal to the middle finger in Greece. Tapping your finger to your temple (鬓角) is a gesture to show memory in North America, but suggests insanity (精神错乱) in Russia.   (2)   The yes­no gestures are opposite in countries like Bulgaria and Albania.

              Silence. Though it can feel like an emptiness in communication, silence can be very meaningful in different cultures. Western cultures, especially North America and the UK, tend to consider silence as disagreement. In some interactions at work, school, or with friends, silence is often regarded as a sign of disinterests. In other cultures, however, silence is not viewed as a negative meanings.   (3)  Touch. Britain is classed as a“non­contact”country, in which thereˈs very little physical contact in peopleˈs daily interactions.   (4)  _By comparison, in the high­contact cultures of the Middle East, physical touch is a big part of social life.

              Eye Contact.   (5)  We think that a conversation partner who looks away is either indifferent or lying. Of course, this is not a standard around the world.

              (1) A. Language learners will put a lot of time into learning gestures.
              B. However, the wrong gesture can make people confused.
              C. In China, silence can be used to show agreement.
              D. In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence.
              E. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding.
              F. Even accidently brushing someoneˈs arm is a reason for an apology.
              G. Even nodding yes can be misunderstood abroad.
              (2) A. Language learners will put a lot of time into learning gestures.
              B. However, the wrong gesture can make people confused.
              C. In China, silence can be used to show agreement.
              D. In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence.
              E. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding.
              F. Even accidently brushing someoneˈs arm is a reason for an apology.
              G. Even nodding yes can be misunderstood abroad.
              (3) A. Language learners will put a lot of time into learning gestures.
              B. However, the wrong gesture can make people confused.
              C. In China, silence can be used to show agreement.
              D. In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence.
              E. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding.
              F. Even accidently brushing someoneˈs arm is a reason for an apology.
              G. Even nodding yes can be misunderstood abroad.
              (4) A. Language learners will put a lot of time into learning gestures.
              B. However, the wrong gesture can make people confused.
              C. In China, silence can be used to show agreement.
              D. In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence.
              E. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding.
              F. Even accidently brushing someoneˈs arm is a reason for an apology.
              G. Even nodding yes can be misunderstood abroad.
              (5) A. Language learners will put a lot of time into learning gestures.
              B. However, the wrong gesture can make people confused.
              C. In China, silence can be used to show agreement.
              D. In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence.
              E. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding.
              F. Even accidently brushing someoneˈs arm is a reason for an apology.
              G. Even nodding yes can be misunderstood abroad.
            • 2.

              Living a more simple life can improve how we think, feel and move around in the world. Here are ways to simplify your life while creating space for happiness.

              Give up your negative thoughts. As humans, we spend a lot of our time being caught up in negative thoughts that brings nothing good into our lives.  (1)  They can grow rapidly and cause unhappiness and do nothing to improve our quality of life.

              Reduce the amount of screen time.  (2)  While watching TV and endless YouTube videos or playing computer games can be a nice way to relax, too much can have a negative influence on your lives.

              Cut down on social media.  (3)  They say they feel less confident after comparing their lives against those of their online friends. So simplify your life by cutting down on social media-not only for your own health of mind but to stop the endless checking every several minutes.

                (4)   .In the effort to make yourselves better people and improve yourselves, you often set goals but having too many goals can prevent you from achieving them.

              Eat Fewer Unhealthy Foods.  (5)  Cutting down on bad foods will not only help you feel much better and give you more energy.

              (1) A. Reduce the number of your goals.

              B. Negative thoughts are much dangerous.

              C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

              D. You can make your own healthy food and tasty meals.

              E. Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

              F. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

              G. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

              (2) A. Reduce the number of your goals.

              B. Negative thoughts are much dangerous.

              C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

              D. You can make your own healthy food and tasty meals.

              E. Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

              F. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

              G. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

              (3) A. Reduce the number of your goals.

              B. Negative thoughts are much dangerous.

              C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

              D. You can make your own healthy food and tasty meals.

              E. Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

              F. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

              G. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

              (4) A. Reduce the number of your goals.

              B. Negative thoughts are much dangerous.

              C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

              D. You can make your own healthy food and tasty meals.

              E. Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

              F. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

              G. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

              (5) A. Reduce the number of your goals.

              B. Negative thoughts are much dangerous.

              C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

              D. You can make your own healthy food and tasty meals.

              E. Learn to choose to think and see the positives in life.

              F. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

              G. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

            • 3.

              Everything is online these days, and it\s so easy to search online for whatever you want. The Internet is a valuable tool, but it s easy to find yourself disturbed by it. For example, you're working on an essay, and you need to do some search online. ____(1)____ Before you know it, you've spent an hour reading more information than you'll be able to use. Maybe you notice an attractive title or something else that draws you away from your work.  ____(2)____ 

                  Addiction to social media is closely related to our general addiction to the Internet. Everyone is always on their phones.  ____(3)____  As a result, when I get to work, I don*t have enough attention and energy to put toward the task. If this sounds like you, then your productivity has suffered because of the way you use the Internet.

                   ____(4)____  So we should learn to live with it. The only way to stop the Internet from occupying all your time and concentration is to disconnect. When you disconnect, you'll get your attention back and work productively. Thus, when working on a challenging task, keep your phone out of reach. Meanwhile, go into your work with the intention of having greater focus and energy so that you'll be discouraged from using the Internet.  ____(5)____  This pressure will help you get the job done on time.

              (1) A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

              B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

              C. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

              D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

              E. As a result, time disappears but you still don't finish your work.

              F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

              G. Besides>> you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

              (2) A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

              B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

              C. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

              D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

              E. As a result, time disappears but you still don't finish your work.

              F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

              G. Besides>> you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

              (3) A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

              B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

              C. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

              D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

              E. As a result, time disappears but you still don't finish your work.

              F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

              G. Besides>> you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

              (4) A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

              B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

              C. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

              D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

              E. As a result, time disappears but you still don't finish your work.

              F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

              G. Besides>> you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

              (5) A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

              B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

              C. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

              D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

              E. As a result, time disappears but you still don't finish your work.

              F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

              G. Besides>> you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

            • 4.


                 Is it necessary to learn when we are 50s, 60s or even 70s? Most people consider when they get retired, they are supposed to be completely laidback, do something fun, or hang around. ___(1)___ It's particularly important to the elderly.

                 Through learning, we know how to think, how to memorize, how to ask questions and even how to interact with others. According to a study, while we are learning, "the brain creates neural (神经) pathways" that make us smarter. ___(2)__ The more we learn, the more new neural pathways develop in our brains.

                 When it comes to learning, it doesn't mean we must load ourselves with lots of knowledge. What we need to do is just learn something we like day in and day out. ___(3)___ Everyone learns

              from bottom to up. If we have an interest to learn, that desire will naturally push us to move forward.

                 As we feel worn out from learning, don't be discouraged. ____(4)__ An old saying goes, "Birds of a feather fly together." As long as we have partners to learn all together, our learning excitement will come alive again. On the contrary, if we don't learn, and choose to distance ourselves from other, we might be getting dumb, and slow; eventually, we lose energy, and life passion. Instead of being bored, dumb, why don't we keep learning?

                 ___(5)___ More importantly, learning explores our life horizon, helps us build up our confidence; gradually, it leads us to a way of finding a sense of value and achievement in the process of learning journey.

              (1) A. It's never too old to learn.
              B. Don't worry if we cannot learn well.
              C. You should set a high learning target.
              D. Learning makes us understand how potential we are.
              E. Look for a partner who has the same common interest as you do.
              F. In other words, our brains are active as we learn something new.
              G. However, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
              (2) A. It's never too old to learn.
              B. Don't worry if we cannot learn well.
              C. You should set a high learning target.
              D. Learning makes us understand how potential we are.
              E. Look for a partner who has the same common interest as you do.
              F. In other words, our brains are active as we learn something new.
              G. However, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
              (3) A. It's never too old to learn.
              B. Don't worry if we cannot learn well.
              C. You should set a high learning target.
              D. Learning makes us understand how potential we are.
              E. Look for a partner who has the same common interest as you do.
              F. In other words, our brains are active as we learn something new.
              G. However, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
              (4) A. It's never too old to learn.
              B. Don't worry if we cannot learn well.
              C. You should set a high learning target.
              D. Learning makes us understand how potential we are.
              E. Look for a partner who has the same common interest as you do.
              F. In other words, our brains are active as we learn something new.
              G. However, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
              (5) A. It's never too old to learn.
              B. Don't worry if we cannot learn well.
              C. You should set a high learning target.
              D. Learning makes us understand how potential we are.
              E. Look for a partner who has the same common interest as you do.
              F. In other words, our brains are active as we learn something new.
              G. However, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
            • 5.

              There might not be anything more important than taking care of your health. And doing so can be simple. It takes consistent habits to keep your body healthy throughout your life. Here are some of the habits of those living a healthy life.

                (1)  It'll help you save time and money in the long run. Spare some time, then sit down and consider your goals and needs. Do you want to lose weight? Cut back on sugar or fat? Add protein(蛋白质)or vitamins? Meal preparation keeps you in control.   (2)  A bonus: It'll be much easier to skip those sweet foods in the break room at work.

              Drink plenty of water

              It can do so many good things for you. Staying hydrated(含水的)is at the top of the list, but it may also help you lose weight. Another reason to go for H20?  (3)  If you aren't a fan of plain water, add flavor with slices of orange, lemon, lime, watermelon, or cucumber.

              Go offline

              Checking your email and social media a lot? Sure, your friends' and family's latest updates are just a click away, but do you really need to see pictures of your cousin's latest meal? Let's wait until morning. Set a time to log off and put the phone down.   (4)  Take a walk, read a book, or help your cousin chop vegetables for her next great dinner.

              Head outdoors

              A few minutes in the sunshine raise vitamin D levels, and that's good for your bones, your heart, and your mood.  

                (5)  Choose nature over city streets, if you can. One study found that people who strolled in urban green spaces were calmer than people who walked in built-up areas.

              (1) A. Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases.
              B. Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
              C. Plan your meals.
              D. Being outside means you're more likely to move your body.
              E. Remember your meals.
              F. You know what you're eating and when.
              G. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things.
              (2) A. Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases.
              B. Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
              C. Plan your meals.
              D. Being outside means you're more likely to move your body.
              E. Remember your meals.
              F. You know what you're eating and when.
              G. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things.
              (3) A. Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases.
              B. Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
              C. Plan your meals.
              D. Being outside means you're more likely to move your body.
              E. Remember your meals.
              F. You know what you're eating and when.
              G. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things.
              (4) A. Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases.
              B. Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
              C. Plan your meals.
              D. Being outside means you're more likely to move your body.
              E. Remember your meals.
              F. You know what you're eating and when.
              G. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things.
              (5) A. Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases.
              B. Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
              C. Plan your meals.
              D. Being outside means you're more likely to move your body.
              E. Remember your meals.
              F. You know what you're eating and when.
              G. When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things.
            • 6.

              Camping without a campfire is not camping at all. Late-night conversations and games around the campfire are essential for a pleasant camping experience. However, you ought to be aware of the fact that camping with a campfire is not all about fun.   (1)   If you are planning to set up a campfire, or if you are planning to cook during camping, you should remember some fire safety tips.

              Choose a campsite which has a campfire pit(深坑).  (2)   If there is no fire pit, set up your own. However, you should be careful not to place the fire pit near your camping tent. When you set up a campfire, make sure that you put the campfire materials in the right order. This can help you make sure that there will be no flying debris(碎片) once you light your fire. Put the light materials first such as paper or dry leaves.  (3)  Finally, make sure that you place stones around the campfire pit. Never burn plastics or other poisonous materials, which will disturb your neighboring

              campground guests. It will also significantly pollute the air and promote the risk of fire spreads.  (4)   Use it only when all the other fire-making options fail.

                (5)   Before you leave your campsite or before you go to bed, make sure that your campfire is completely out. Leaving fire unattended runs high risks of forest fires and the like.

              (1) A. Then, put the wood.

              B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

              C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

              D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

              E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

              F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

              G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

              (2) A. Then, put the wood.

              B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

              C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

              D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

              E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

              F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

              G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

              (3) A. Then, put the wood.

              B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

              C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

              D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

              E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

              F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

              G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

              (4) A. Then, put the wood.

              B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

              C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

              D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

              E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

              F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

              G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

              (5) A. Then, put the wood.

              B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

              C. It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

              D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

              E. This will ensure that you will be capable of controlling your campfire.

              F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

              G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.

            • 7.

              If something that youˈre doing doesnˈt challenge you, then it doesnˈt change you.We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all.  (1)  So challenge the following limits:

              (1) Figure out what youˈre scared of and do it continuously.

              If youˈre a salesman, and youˈre scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call.  (2)  But donˈt stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, "Go on, Iˈm not scared!"

              (2)   (3)  

              Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.

              (3) Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.

                (4)  A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself.Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself.

              (4) Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.

              Donˈt just limit yourself to your fellow travelers —— try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people theyˈre going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your ticket.   (5)  

              (1) A. You should do it continuously.
              B. You donˈt need to go to the gym.
              C. Someone may ring off.
              D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.
              E. Take a class for a hobby youˈve been wanting to develop.
              F. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
              G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
              (2) A. You should do it continuously.
              B. You donˈt need to go to the gym.
              C. Someone may ring off.
              D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.
              E. Take a class for a hobby youˈve been wanting to develop.
              F. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
              G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
              (3) A. You should do it continuously.
              B. You donˈt need to go to the gym.
              C. Someone may ring off.
              D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.
              E. Take a class for a hobby youˈve been wanting to develop.
              F. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
              G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
              (4) A. You should do it continuously.
              B. You donˈt need to go to the gym.
              C. Someone may ring off.
              D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.
              E. Take a class for a hobby youˈve been wanting to develop.
              F. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
              G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
              (5) A. You should do it continuously.
              B. You donˈt need to go to the gym.
              C. Someone may ring off.
              D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.
              E. Take a class for a hobby youˈve been wanting to develop.
              F. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
              G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
            • 8.


              You’re growing up. That means you’re probably experiencing lots of changes, all at once. Your body is changing. It might even seem as if your entire self is changing. It can be confusing and even scary.   (1)   And it’s good!

              Growing up means that you can do more, learn more, and start to make your mark on the world. In order for that to happen, your body produces chemicals called hormones that help both body and mind grow. Hormone levels change constantly, rising and falling.   (2)   But it’s partly to blame for intense emotions, surprising reactions, and mood swings.

              Because of the way your brain develops, it is somewhat ruled by emotion now and through your teen years. As a result, growing up can seem like an emotional roller coaster!   (3)   

              ●Take care of yourself. If you eat right, sleep enough, and get good exercise, your brain will be much more able to deal with the stress.

                (4)    When you feel your moods swinging or you’re upset, or confused, some quiet time will allow you to gather your thoughts and get calmer.

              ●Practice relaxing your body and deep breathing when you wake up and when you go to bed.  (5)   Plus, when stuff happens during the day, you’ll be able to calm yourself quickly with a deep breath or two before you react. Your body is changing.

              (1) A. Take a time-out.
              B. But the truth is, it happens to every teen.
              C. Work out regularly to keep physically fit.
              D. This changing is needed for your body’s development.
              E. It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.
              F. Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.
              G. Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on. 
              (2) A. Take a time-out.
              B. But the truth is, it happens to every teen.
              C. Work out regularly to keep physically fit.
              D. This changing is needed for your body’s development.
              E. It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.
              F. Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.
              G. Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on. 
              (3) A. Take a time-out.
              B. But the truth is, it happens to every teen.
              C. Work out regularly to keep physically fit.
              D. This changing is needed for your body’s development.
              E. It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.
              F. Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.
              G. Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on.
              (4) A. Take a time-out.
              B. But the truth is, it happens to every teen.
              C. Work out regularly to keep physically fit.
              D. This changing is needed for your body’s development.
              E. It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.
              F. Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.
              G. Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on.
              (5) A. Take a time-out.
              B. But the truth is, it happens to every teen.
              C. Work out regularly to keep physically fit.
              D. This changing is needed for your body’s development.
              E. It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.
              F. Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.
              G. Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on
