优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


                 I like traveling from a young age. I had been waiting for the moment when I would get the chance to ____  (1)    (2)  ____ abroad, I spent a semester(学期) in Seville, Spain living with a host family and ____  (3)  ____ myself completely in the culture. I still ____  (4)  ____ my time abroad and my program provider API, Academic Programs International. ____  (5)  ____ my time abroad was challenging, it was the best experience I have ever had. Not only did I ____  (6)  ____ and develop, but also I feel more directed to where I want my life to go.

                 Now I often ____(6)____ to my host mother in Seville and tell her about my life. She is such a beautiful woman, who ____(7)____ me to her home and treated me as if I had lived with her all my life. When I ____(8)____ my journey of studying abroad I had no expectations of what Spain would be. ____(9)____, the places I saw, the people I met and the things I did are incomparable and ____  (7)  ____ to put into words. When I ____(11)____ home, I was completely different from what I was at the beginning of semester.

                 Looking back at the times I stepped out of my comfortable home, I feel ____(12)____. I challenged myself academically and mentally and have no ____  (8)  ____ of my time spent abroad. I expect to return to Spain and feel that ____  (9)  ____ of waiting in the airport, ordering food in a ____(15)____ language and grasping every moment that comes to me. The education I received outside the classroom will ____(16)____ with me my entire life. There is nothing more exciting than finding yourself ____(17)____ in a foreign city, with a map, a camera and a lot of courage.

                 The best ____(18)____ of my life so far has been my time in Seville, Spain. I thank API for giving me the chance to ____(19)____ who I am, to see the world through a whole ____(20)____ set of eyes and for inspiring me to follow my dreams.

            • 2.

              Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to   (1)   how much I wanted to see France; evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I   (2)  that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and  (3)  friends. While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was  (4) , nothing about my term in France was what I  (5) .

              The moment I arrived in Paris, I was  (4)  by a nice French couple who would become my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting   (5)  I received some shocking news from my program coordinator(协调人):there had been a death in my host parents’ extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to   (6)   out of one family’s house and into another. The exchange coordinator told me I’d have a   (7)   this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation to   (8)  my native language, I asked not to be  (9)  with an English-speaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I   (10)  myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian(巴西人),the same age as I, whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDs! In just a few hours, we knew we’d be good friends for the rest of the  (13) .

              I left France with many  (11)  , so when people ask what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always  (12)  to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends  (13)  France we enjoyed together. I love how people   (14)  seem so different, but end up being so  (15)  . The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn’t just to respect the foreign people   (16)  to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful   (17)  .

            • 3.

              I had already looked through my old photo albums many times, but nothing happened. The other day I felt a sudden urge to see those old   (1)   again. I found myself   (2)   many beautiful memories from my childhood. There was my dear grandma giving me a bath when I was a(n)   (3)   . There was me and my brother   (4)  infront of the world’s ugliest Christmas tree. There was my first dog lying next to me on the  (5)   and watching TV with me. There was my beautiful mom   (6)   me on her lap.   (7)  , the pictures seemed   (8)   because my eyes were wet. Tears were   (9)   my cheeks. I wiped my wet eyes and   (10)   what was going on. I hadn’t cried before. What was   (11)   now, me or the pictures?

              I soon realised I was different. As I   (12)   , I became more and more mature. I had a better understanding of love. My compassion (同情) had   (13)  . My heart was full of love. I realised too that wet eyes were nothing to be ashamed of   (14)   they came with a warm heart. I smiled and felt Mom and Grandma smiling down on me from Heaven.

              Leo Buscaglia once said: “ I’m not afraid to   (15)   . It cleans out my eyeballs.” I think it cleans out our insides   (16)   . It helps us to wash away our   (17)   , fear and grief (悲伤). It helps us to   (18)   to our love and gratitude. It helps us to become the ones who we were meant to be. The next time you feel your own   (19)   starting then just let them flow.

              Life is full of   (20)   as well as tears. Only by allowing them both can we truly live. Only by hugging them both can we truly love.

            • 4.

              My children and I were finishing the last minute preparations for Kathy`s birthday celebration. At one store we had bought a   (1)   balloon with Kathy`s favorite character design on it. We had to make one more stop at another store to complete our   (2)  . I sent my older daughter and her little brother out to our   (3)   while my other daughter and I were   (4)   at the cashier line.

              A very short time later, my older daughter with little brother came running back into the store; upset that Kathy`s birthday balloon had   (5)   while they trying to get into the car. I was tired from   (6)  , but I sent them back to the vehicle   (7)   them not to worry because we would get Kathy another   (8)  . I paid for our purchases all the while trying to think of the most expedient place to   (9)   another balloon.

              As Kathy and I   (10)   our car a lady with   (11)   face came up to us. She   (12)   some folded bills in my hand. She   (13)   to me that she had seen what had happened and did not   (14)   my older daughter or my younger daughter to be   (15)   at the loss of the balloon.

              I thanked her for kindness and   (16)   to give her the money back; as it was not a   (17)   to get another balloon. But she said, “I   (18)   children and I like to see them be happy.” I was overwhelmed (使不知所措) by the   (19)   of a total stranger that my daughters and I hugged the lady   (20)   her for kindness. She left so quickly that I was unable to even ask her name. Finally, I looked in my hand and what I found was not just a single one dollar bill but four one dollar bills.

            • 5.

              In the morning, Slim got up and prepared breakfast for his wife as usual. Nicole, his wife was listening to music in the bedroom. 21 , he felt that his body was shaking. Slim had the 22 response that there was an earthquake! He 23 quickly, “Dear, earthquake! Go to the toilet! ” Nicole heard the shouting, 24 the first aid box quickly and ran into the toilet. The house was 25 even more dramatically.

              Bathroom was the next door to the kitchen. Slim picked up a kitchen 26 and two pieces of bread outside the kitchen. Slim tried to run along the wall to help Nicole. 27 , it got 28 suddenly with an explosion. The house 29 down and many things fell from above. Nicole was quickly buried in 30 . She felt breathing very difficult. She tried to stand up, but 31 .

              A few minutes later, the land was   32  . Nicole heard the sound of short   33  and thought it was Slim! She shouted to him but no  

              34 ! He probably fainted. Nicole kept saying his name and she finally heard a response. Two people encouraged and 35 each other. They knew that there must be a way to 36 .

                Slim found that they were close and were 37 by the fallen stones and some powder. He started to dig with the kitchen knife. He felt  38 from his fingers. Finally, he removed the last piece of larger stones. Slim touched Nicole’s one hand, then dug the 39 stones of her body. Finally, Nicole had a 40 breathing slowly. Two people sat on the ground and hugged together.

            • 6.

              We were a group of people who took a bus to work every day. One of the  (1)   was a small old man who took the bus to the health center every morning. He always chose to  (2)   behind the driver. No one ever paid much  (3)   to him.

              But one July morning he said good morning to the driver and  (4)   at others. The driver nodded. The rest of us were  (5)   as usual.

              The next day, the old man got on the bus and said in a loud voice, “A very good  (6)   to you all!” Some of us looked up,  (7)  , and said, “Good morning!” From then on he said good morning to us every day and we began to  (8)  to each other.

              One morning he had some flowers in his hand. The driver turned around  (9)   and asked, “Are these for me, Charlie?” We never got to know his name was really “Charlie”,  (10)   he waved (挥动) the flowers and said  (11)  .People laughed. Every morning after that Charlie always  (12)   a flower.

              Until one morning Charlie wasn’t  (13)   at his usual stop. And he wasn’t there the next day and the day after that. What might have  (14)   to him? When we came nearer to the health centre, a woman  (15)   the driver to wait a moment. We all held our  (16)   when she went to the door.

              She said she knew  (17)   we were talking about. The elderly gentleman was sick. They  (18)   him back on Monday.

              The next Monday when Charlie got on the bus, all of us who he had brought  (19)   to in that summer sat with a  (20)   in our hands.

            • 7.

              Few days ago, I went to school with tons of books, hoping to get a locker. All of a sudden, it started raining  (1)  . I hurried to pay for my locker, but I was disappointed  (2)  they informed me that they only accepted cash. I was $7. 00  (3)  , which meant I had to carry the books back home. It would be an exhausting two-hour  (4)  back home with all those books.

              There was an elderly gentleman nearby.   (5)  my predicament (困境) , he asked me how much cash I needed. When I told him I needed $7, he quickly took out the money. “You don’t have to pay me back,” he said. I was  (6)  ; I didn’t know whether to take the money or come back with the books the next day. A young student who was working there noticed my  (7)  . “He is really nice,” said the student, “I was starving this morning and he bought  (8)  for me. He always helps people in different ways.”   (9)  thinking for a while, I took the money and  (10)  my locker.

              The next day, I went to him and thanked him for  (11)  me and lending me the money. He said he forgot about it and did not  (12)  that I would give it back. “I am very happy,” he said, “not because I am getting my money back,   (13)  because this is the right way to go whatever you get   (14)  this world, give it back as much as you can. Spread kindness around the world  (15)  the smallest things you can do.”

              Later, I found out that he was not involved with any charity   (16)  . He has been performing these types of  (17)  for years. I desperately needed the locker that day but after meeting this man, I was much more  (18)  for meeting him than getting my locker. He taught me a very important  (19)  in life—we come to this world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. Whatever we own, it   (20)  someone else and whatever we leave, it will become somebody else’s.

            • 8.


               Kindness is not always a straight line. I was traveling in a city of Central America with a friend, and we were   (1)   a post office. We were standing on a street corner and did not know what the Spanish word for “post office” was. Some   (2)   guy could see we were   (3)   and came up to us. We tried to   (4)   what we were looking for, and he said, “Oh, yes, yes,” and   (5)    us, with our backpacks on in the middle of the heat of the day, down all these little crooked (弯曲的) streets. It seemed like we walked for miles.   (6)   , he pointed us toward a   (7)  without any name on it. But when we   (8)   , it turned out not to be the post office.

                   When we came out and were   (9)   standing around looking    (10)   , someone else soon came up. She asked if we    (11)    help. Again, we tried to explain   (12)  we were going. The woman said she   (13)   where the post office was. We headed off as she   (14)    us to another building which also had no   (15)   and which also turned out not to be the post office.

                    At this point we decided that   (16)    we didn’t know where we were, we were not going to listen to anybody else. But then another person came up and said, “I can   (17)  you.” We said “No, thank you,”  (18)  he was very insistent (坚持的). He actually grabbed me by the hand and dragged (拉着) me through the streets. Circling around, we came back to the first    (19)    we had been standing on when we began. The   (20)   pointed across the street, and there was the post office.


            • 9.

               One of Mark Twain’s classic novels is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It is set in a small American   (1)   in the 19th century. The people in this town are very traditional and   (2)   a quiet life.

                The story is about a boy called Tom Sawyer, who lives with his aunt Polly. He is often in   (3)   with his aunt. Aunt Polly is very kind,   (4)   Tom thinks she is always trying to control him.

                Tom is different from   (5)   children in the town. He loves adventure. He does a lot of bad things, but he never really   (6)   anyone. He tries very hard not to go to school, and often jumps   (7)   his bedroom window at night to meet his friends. He is very clever. One day, Aunt Polly asks him to do some painting, and he   (8)   to get all the boys in the town to do the work for him by inventing a new   (9)   game. It is these little stories   (10)   make readers want to keep reading the novel, but it is the adventures that   (11)   the most important part of the book.

                Tom’s best friend is Huck Finn, a boy who has no home. In one adventure, they spend the night outside, and they see a man kill another man   (12)  . Later in the book, Tom, Huck and another boy decide to leave the town   (13)   they think that life there is too boring. They   (14)   to an island in the middle of a river. They   (15)   fires, catch fish and sleep under the stars. They also make a   (16)   to travel up and down the river.   (17)   seeing the boys for days, the people in the town think that they have died. One day, when Tom cones back to his aunt’s house to leave a letter   (18)   that he is not dead, he hears his aunt talking about his funeral (葬礼).   (19)   Tom has an idea. On the morning of their funeral, the boys run back into town and   (20)   their own funeral before telling everyone that they are still alive.

            • 10.

                Soon it would be the holidays, but before that, there were year exams. All the  41  had been working hard for some time, reviewing their lessons for the exams. If they didn't  42 , they would have to retake them in September. There were usually a few who  43 , but Jane didn't want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year,  44   just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbara was 45    about her. She went to bed too  46  . The night before the first exam, Barbara   47   that she have an early night and take a  48   pill. She promised to wake   49   up in the morning.

                  As she was falling asleep, Jane was afraid that she might oversleep. Her 50  kept jumping from subject to subject. At last, with the help of  51 , she went to sleep. In no time at all, she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the examination  52 , but she couldn't answer any of the questions.  53    around her was writing pages and pages. 54 she thought hard, she couldn't find anything to write   55 . She kept looking at her  56  . Time was running out. There was only an hour to go. She started one question, wrote two sentences,  57 and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started  58  . Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she  59   up. She was still in bed and it had all been a  60   dream. A minute later, Barbara called her name.

