优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              What does the woman mean?[
              A.Keep the window closed.     
              B.Go out for fresh air.         
              C.Turn on the fan.
            • 2.
              What does Tom plan to do next week?
              A.to make a robot            
              B.to enter a competition        
              C.to surprise the woman
            • 3.
              Why has the man stopped exercising?
              A.He is busy moving house.     
              B.He lives far away from the gym.
              C.He dislikes going to the gym alone.
            • 4.
              Where does the conversation probably take place?
              A.In an office.          
              B.In a theatre.          
              C.In a restaurant.
            • 5.
              What is the man going to do?
              A.Go to the information counter.    
              B.Take a train to leave New York.
              C.Check the price of the ticket.
            • 6.
              What can we learn about the hat?


              A.It was a Christmas present.       
              B.It was bought thirteen years ago.     
              C.The man doesn’t wear it very often.
            • 7.
              What does the woman want the man to do?
              A.Speak louder.      
              B.Apologize to her      
              C.Turn off the radio
            • 8.
              What will they do first?


              A.Search for a pen.      
              B.Fix the bookshelf.    
              C.Paint the bookshelf.
            • 9.
              What do we know from the conversation?


              A.The man lost his keys.         
              B.The man didn"t want to enter the room.


              C.The man couldn"t open the door.
            • 10.
              What is the man doing?


              A.Waiting for a man.        
              B.Calling a taxi.           
              C.Driving a taxi.
