优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              What does the woman want to drink?
              A.Apple juice.                           
              C.Orange juice.
            • 2.

              What does the woman suggest the man do?

              A.Apply for a different job.
              B.Wait for an application form.
              C.Fill out an online application.
            • 3.
              Where is the man’s mobile?


              A.On the table. 
              B.On top of the fridge.   
              C.I n the woman’s pocket.
            • 4.

              What does the woman want to find?

              A.A cell phone.                           
              B.A map.                           
              C.A park.
            • 5.


              (1) What is the man"s first advice?
              (2) Why doesn"t the woman agree on using china cups?
              (3) What does the woman agree to do in the end?
              (4) What is the speakers’ business?
              A.Write to people on recycled paper.
              B.Buy some drinks machines.
              C.Allow staff to wear jogging suits at work.
            • 6.
              What does the man say about Delta Restaurant?
              A.The service was better.  
              B.The food was delicious.  
              C.The menu was attractive.
            • 7.

              What do we know about man’s vacation?

              A.The weather was fine all the time.  
              B.It was better than the previous one.  
              C.There were many flies and mosquitoes.
            • 8.

              When does the bank close on Saturday?

              A.At 1:00 pm.                          
              B.At 3:00 pm.                        
              C.At 4:00 pm.
            • 9.
              Where is Steven now?
              A.At home.          
              B.At schoo1.        
              C.In the hospital.
            • 10.
              What does the man want to do?
              A.Surf the Internet.   
              B.Apply for a job.   
              C.Put an ad.
