优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              小题1:He has lost his i_________ card and is being questioned by the police.
              小题2:She changed a lot and I had great difficulty r___________ her at first.
              小题3:It made her u_______ that she didn’t do well in the final exam.
              小题4:John looked calm, but a_________ he was very nervous.
              小题5:He comes from India and speaks English with a strong Indian a__________.
              小题6:He knew there was a speed limit, but he i___________ it and drove very fast.
              小题7:People from England made v__________ to conquer other parts of the world .
              小题8:Many countries in the world use English as an o________ language.
              小题9:Young people spend most of their time o______ for they don’t like to stay at home all day.
              小题10:The teacher is entirely c_________ about his students’ health.
            • 2.
            • 3.
            • 4.
              To learn to swim well, ___________.
              A.one needs much practiceB.much practice is needed
              C.much practice needsD.one is needed much practice
            • 5.
              阅读下面的短文,然后从A-F选项中,为每一小段选择合适的标题, 并把答案写在答案卷上。
              A. The most common problem is a “wandering” mind
              B. Selective listening is also a mental barrier
              C. Listening isn’t an easy skill to master
              D. Attitude can also influence good listening
              E. Noise and background music makes listening more difficult
              F. Listening is also related to the level of the listener’s knowledge
              Listening is not as easy as someone thought. Even good listeners may recall only fifty percent of what they hear. Retention, the ability to remember and recall information, decreases about twenty to twenty-five percent after a few days. So no matter how well you listen in class, you’re always going to have to refresh your memory before a test! Unfortunately, many people have poor listening habits, and little listening training. To improve your listening skills, it’s important to understand what causes poor listening.
              If you find it difficult to concentrate solely on what a speaker is saying, there’s a good reason. The mind processes information much faster than a speaker can speak. The brain can process over 500 words per minute, while the average speaker talks at a rate of 124 to 250 words per minute. That means the mind can hear what’s being said and can think about something else at the same time.
              If you have a negative idea about the speaker or the topic, you’ll find it difficult to listen attentively. Hostile or captive audiences often have more difficultly listening than do favorable or voluntary ones.
              If a speaker speaks “above the heads” of an audience, people find it difficult to concentrate. Speakers who use unfamiliar words or who use incomplete explanations make it more difficult to listen. Speakers who “speak down” to audiences, failing to acknowledge what the audience already knows, also create mental blocks.
              When people listen selectively, they simply block out what they don’t want to hear. For instance, many people have habits that are dangerous to their health, like smoking. However, they often choose to block out what a speaker says about health risks. They may listen to a speech and think that the speaker’s message applies to other people, not them. In other words, they hear what they want to hear and ignore what they don’t want to hear.
            • 6.

              二. 选短语填空(共9小题,每小题1分,满分9分)
              earn his living, in memory of, set off, before long, dress up   had better   
              would rather…than…    remind…of ,hold one’s breath 
              1. In order to attend the party, they __________ and set off
              2. In such cold days I ___________ stay at home _________ go out.
              3. We _____________ revise what we learned in classes every day.
              4. The hunter _________________ in the face of tiger.
              5. If you want to catch the first train you’d better ______________ for the station immediately.
              6. David told me that he _____________ by writing articles for newspapers.
              7. They set up a monument _____________ the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War.
              8. I shall visit you again __________.
              9. The photo ____________ her ________ her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept.
            • 7.
              双向翻译 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
              61. 除了由于战争和冲突所引起的各种紧急问题外, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease. At a UN meeting in 2000,62. all 191 members agreed to try and meet eight development goals by the year 2015. One of the goals is to ensure that 63. fresh drinking water is available to everyone. Another is to ensure all children complete primary education. For more information, 64. 你可以浏览联合国的相关网页。 So you see, with the work of the UN 65. the world has been brought closer together
              61. _____________________________________________________
              62. _____________________________________________________
              63. _____________________________________________________
              64. _____________________________________________________
              65. _____________________________________________________
            • 8.
              小题1:breath  ()
              小题2:advice  ()   
              小题4:wild   ()
              小题5:gentle ()
            • 9.
              —We’ve finally found the solution with the help of Hans! It’s really great!
              —____, you know.
              A.Two heads are better than oneB.Birds of a feather flock together
              C.The early bird catches the wormD.Great minds think alike
            • 10.
              —Will you be able to finish your work today ?
              A.I like itB.I hope so C.I’ll do soD.I’d love it
