优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A.survive      B.question         C.shout        D.chemical
              A.cancer       B.decide        C.facial       D.celebration
              A.thirsty      B.resist           C.treasure     D.universe
              A.reach        B.moustache        C.channel      D.match
              A.language    B.finger           C.looking      D.passenger
            • 2.
              1.below      A、town       B、follow       C、down      D、cow
              2. work      A、perform     B、worm        C、more      D、before
              3.east        A、weather     B、easy        C、break       D、breast
              4.exist       A、expect      B、expense      C、exit        D、exact
              5.threat      A、gather       B、these        C、through     D、though
            • 3.
              American pilot Frank Webb first flew a glider at the age of 14, made his first flight alone on his.16th birthday and got his commercial pilot's licensee (执照)on his 18th birthday.
              After serving in the US Navy for 20 years, being a Boeing flight instructor, and working with Alaska Airlines for more than three years, Webb signed a contract with Shenzhen Airlines last May to captain domestic routes in China.As an experienced pilot, he still feels the same nervousness as he felt on his first fight.
              Captain Webb said that the "Sept.11" incident did not have a direct influence on his decision to move to China to work."Safety is in fact tighter in the United States and I am not worried about a terrorist attack," he said."The main reason I came to China was that my children will have a chance to see the world and experience international living."
              Webb has not experienced any in-flight emergencies(紧急情况) during his term in China although he said the weather here was generally more changeable than in the United States."The weather changes tend to be great from north to south.We may be flying in a snow storm in Harbin, and then later that same day we may be flying through a tropical rain shower approaching Shenzhen," Webb said.
              While Webb had more flexibility(灵活性) to deal with the weather in the United States, he said air traffic control in China was more strict and allowed fewer deviations(偏离).
              Speaking of planes often being late in China, Webb said that in America, being late was one of the few things that would get him in trouble."In China, on the other hand, it seems there are many things that can get you in trouble with the boss, but being late is not one of them." Webb does everything in his power to keep his flights on schedule.
              "They provide really excellent service during flights.Western flight attendants just serve passengers.But the Chinese attendants will also check on the crew to see if we need anything," Webb said.
              小题1:Why did Webb sign a contract with Shenzhen Airlines? (no more than 20 words)
              小题2:What is "glider " (in Paragraph 1)? (no more than 5 words)
              小题3:What in the flight Webb met in China increased his difficulty? (no more than 5 words)
              小题4:Is Webb's flight often late? Why? (no more than 20 words)
              小题5:What can you learn from Webb's words in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
            • 4.
            • 5.
            • 6.
              66.He was employed as a _______(图书管理员) in the company.
              67.Have you ________(处理) with the  letters received yesterday?
              68.Many economists use the Davos forum as a______(平台) for their financial views.
              69.Seeing the scene, he left_______(失望).
              70.There are not enough ____(柜橱)for all the students in the school.
              71.He's still______(犹豫) about joining in the expedition.
              72.She knitted a pair of_______(手套) herself.
              73.It is useful to ____(开发) oil reserves, water power, solar energy because we are badly in need of them.
              74.We are busy now and we can’t spare a _______(两周) holiday.
              75.Each country celebrates April Fool’s Day_________.(不同)
            • 7.
            • 8.
              —Mary, we are going to have a party on New Year‘s Eve. I’m sure we’ll have a good time. _____小题1:___
              —I’d like to. __小题2:__
              —In our classroom. We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid ballroom.
              —____小题3:___ I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.
              —But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance. ___小题4:_
              —I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear, though.
              —I heard you sing once. ___小题5:____ I’m sure you’ll be the star of our New Year party.
              —Oh,thank you.
              A.Your voice was sweet and beautiful.
              B.Where are you going to have it?
              C.Would you like to join us?
              D.Thank you for inviting me.
              E. Oh, it is great.
              F. Let’s go to the ball together.
              G. Do sing us some English songs, please.
            • 9.
              -- Mom, I’ m going to the graduation dance tonight but I don’ t think I look attractive enough.
              — Oh, darling, don’ t worry. _______
              A.They don’t know what beauty is.B.Nobody will care about it.
              C.You look perfect the way you are.D.Impossible is nothing,
            • 10.
              1、asleep        A、fast        B、last        C、cast            D、breakfast
              2、head         A、beach     B、beast     C、sweat          D、cheat
              3、captain       A、bargain    B、contain   C、straight         D、daily
              4、machine      A、lunch     B、moustache C、check          D、charge
              5、hero         A、photo     B、do       C、into            D、onto
