优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               take photos of , arrange for, in advance, be convinced of, a great deal of, dozens of,

               belong to, step up, in other words, occur to, in that case, make up, go missing

              (1) ----I don’t think the company may offer you a good pay.

              ----______________________, I won’t take the job.

              (2) We must try our best to __________________ the protection of the environment.

              (3) It is said that boys _________________ 75% of the student number in Class 14.

              (4) Quite a few chickens ________________last week. Everyone thinks his dog is to blame.

              (5) The lorry in the street loaded with apples _________________me. I bought it two months ago.

              (6) There were _________________ flies everywhere in the yard, which made people upset.

              (7) People ________________ the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.

              (8) It is cheaper by 20% if you book the ticket________________.

              (9) The Smiths visited Beijing last week and spent the day _____________ the beautiful city.

              (10) I’m busy _________________a cab to pick my child up at six.

            • 2.

                     ban   participant    mix   compose   audience

                      genius  recognize complex  symptom   power

              (1) All the ___________ in the debate(辩论会) had an opportunity to speak.

              (2) I ___________Tom at the first sight in the supermarket.

              (3) It’s well known that Einstein was a great scientific ___________.

              (4) The doctor examined me and asked me questions about my ___________

              (5) Selling drugs should be __________ in every country.

              (6) You can’t expect to find a simple solution( 解决办法) when the problem is so _________.

              (7) Beethoven became completely deaf later in his life, but he continued___________ .

              (8) Most of the _____________ wondered what kind of music a deaf man could offer.

              (9) This is the most ___________ medicine to cure your illness.

              (10) He __________ red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint.

            • 3.

              look back on   have respect for    make good use of     be in charge of  stay up tend to turn out think of…as recover from on a diet forbid…from develop an interest in

              (1) I’m afraid this is the best way I can think of __________________ the resources.

              (2) The teacher along with the students ________________ take this factor into account.

              (3) ___________________ a subject is the key to learning it well.

              (4) I regret _________________ last night. I am unable to focus my attention in class.

              (5) Peter _________________ a radio club as he was the oldest student member.

              (6) My father even _____________ me __________ chatting with my friends in the Internet café when I was a teenager.

              (7) I was positive that things were going to ______________ fine.

              (8) Lyn seems to be ______________. She has lost a lot of weight.

              (9) I ________________ my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.

              (10) I am now in hospital _________________ liver failure.

            • 4.

              harvest     gift    nod shortcoming marry

              overcome    interrupt   possess   awake  raise

              (1) Don’t ____________ the speaker now; he will answer questions later.

              (2) He made a speech in the public, struggling to ___________ his shyness..

              (3) At weekend, you can visit the gallery which ___________ a number of Xu Beihong’s works .

              (4) In spite of all her ____________ , she is still the best teacher in the school.

              (5) To watch over the sick baby , the mother remained ___________ all the night.

              (6) I said that we don’t have enough opportunity to speak English and he ________ his head in agreement

              (7) He went on a special tour ____________ money to help the poor in Africa.

              (8) Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China ,which is held to celebrate the ______ .

              (9) Since 1965, she ____________________to her husband for over 50 years .

              (10) Mary is a very __________ girl in music. She won the first prize in playing the piano contest last week.

            • 5.

              fortunate   apartment    starve     equipment  

              conclusion    reaction        exchange

              (1) I’m _____________ to have such a good English teacher.

              (2) We gave them bread ,or they would __________.

              (3) He shares a/an ____________ with his brother.

              (4) His company supplied kitchen __________.

              (5) I’d like to know his _________ to your words yesterday.

            • 6.


              experience;  disaster;  household;  gallery;  principle

              (1) We can believe in him because he always lives up to his _________.
              (2) Children need to _______ things for themselves in order to learn from them.
              (3) The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural _______.
              (4) Next week, there will be an exhibition of Chinese paintings at the art _________ of our city.
              (5) The _______ consists of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, their son and two daughters.
