优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              I would have paid  _____ for the bike if the salesman _____,because I really wanted it.(  )
              A.as much twice; insisted
              B.much twice; had insisted
              C.2 times more; insists
              D.twice as much; had insisted
            • 2.
              After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced ________ cars in 2015 as the year before.(  )
              A.as twice many
              B.as many twice
              C.twice as many
              D.twice many as
            • 3.
              At a rough estimate,Nigeria is _____ Great Britain.(  )
              A.3 times the size of
              B.the size 3 times of
              C.3 times as the size of
              D.3 times the size as
            • 4.
              The bronze mirror of Han Dynasty on show in Shanghai museum is ____ the one Sam saw.(  )
              A.2 thirds the size of
              B.as 2 thirds big as
              C.2 thirds as much as
              D.the 2 thirds the size of
            • 5.
              Is this stick long enough?
              No,I need one _____.(  )
              A.twice so long
              B.so long twice
              C.twice as long
              D.as long twice
            • 6.
              Paper produced every year is      the world’s production of vehicles.
              A.the three weight of
              B.three times the weight of
              C.as three times heavy as
              D.three times as heavier as
            • 7.
              The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ________ the present one.
              A.three times bigger as              
              B.three times as big as
              C.as big as three times               
              D.as big three times as
