优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)A good decision is ________ (以…为基础) on one’s knowledge and experience.

              (2)The old lonely room is ________(dust) and messy in the corner of the village.

              (3)No one expects to be laughed_______ by others in public.

              (4)The two deskmates are good friends and really value their ________(友谊).

              (5)My boss ________( entire)misunderstood me. What a pity it is!

              (6) The secret cave was used for ________(hide) and seeking by the children around.

              (7)She was _______upset that she failed to sleep well the night before.

              (8)The two partners ________( 平静 ) down and shook hands with each other.

              (9)We should be ________( 感激的) to whoever has helped us our of trouble.

              (10)After he came back from abroad,he decided to  ________(定居)in his hometown.

            • 2.

              She is concerned _______ her son’s safety.

            • 3. 除掉,处理掉 get rid ____
            • 4.

              提供某人某物provide sb.____ sth.               

            • 5. 肯定地______ sure
            • 6.

              免费free _____ charge

