优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              上车(公交车)get ____

            • 2. 担心be worried ____
            • 3. 代替instead ____
            • 4.

              与…相比compared _____

            • 5. 作为…而出名be known____
            • 6.

              被分成be divided ____

            • 7.

              有共同的特点have        common

            • 8.

              (1)The girl is _________(盯着) at the strangers with her eyes wide open.

              (2)It’s good m__________ to say goodbye to the host when leaving.

              (3) The reason he gave to _____________(说明) for his absence was unbelievable.

              (4)They rushed to the s_________ of the accident.

              (5)It’s _________(不像)him to be late; he’s usually on time.

              (6)Not all people are aware of the various effects g_________ warming.

              (7)Some believe in the __________(存在) of life on Mars, while others consider it as a myth.

              (8)Everyone was a bit __________(迷惑的) by her sudden departure.

              (9)I consider that it is h_________ for students to play computer games, though some of them don’t think so.

            • 9.

              The disease spread rapidly            (遍及)Europe..

            • 10.

              Some countries even limit the number of visitors on 300 million each year.

