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            • 1.

              As we all know nowadays, English , which was only spoken by people living in Britain    (1)   the 16th century, began to be spoken in many other countries from the next century with the English colonists(殖民者) making voyages to conquer other places all over the world.   (2)   that, a large   (3)   of countries speak English   (4)   their first language, such as the U.S., Canada, Australia.   (5)  people in many more countries have a good command of English and speak   (6)   fluently as a foreign or   (7)   language   (8)    ever before.
                   Although there are   (9)   kinds of English in the world, the    (10)   speakers can have almost no   (11)   in communication with each other   (12)   they don’t make   (13)    of the same kind of English. However, sometimes they do have some difficulty in   (14)    and understanding each other’s words, dialects , pronunciation and   (15)  .
              English is an all-the-time changing   (16)   , for example, the English of AD 450 to 1150, which was  (17)  on German, was quite different from the English spoken at   (18)   .     (19)    to Shakespeare’s efforts, English had a big change in usage. American English got its own identity with the   (20)   of Noah Webster.

              (1) A. at the end B. finally    
              C. at the end of   D. in the end

              (2) A. Because B. As           C. Because of       D. while

              (3) A. number B. amount   C. deal                 D. sum

              (4) A. at       B. for            
              C. with                 D. as

              (5) A. But     B. However   C. And                 D. Or

              (6) A. that   B. it                
              C. this                   D. one

              (7) A. first   B. second        
              C. fourth             D. fifth

              (8) A. than   B. for              
              C. in                     D. after

              (9) A. different B. all          
              C. other                 D. some

              (10) A. foreign B. local          
              C. native               D. first

              (11) A. difference B. travel        
              C. visit                   D. difficulty

              (12) A. even if B. as if            
              C. as long as         D. as though

              (13) A. much     B. up              
              C. most                 D. use

              (14) A. speaking B. recognizing C. reading         D. writing

              (15) A. spelling B. telling      
              C. knowing           D. writing

              (16) A. culture B. language   
              C. country             D. business

              (17) A. built B. kept              
              C. based               D. impressed

              (18) A. once B. present          
              C. best                 D. most

              (19) A. owe B. Thanks          
              C. so as                 D. Thank

              (20) A. master  B. command       C. grasp               D. help

            • 2.

              Laughter is the best medicine. It helps those who cannot work out become healthy. We can easily recognize laughter, but what exactly is it?

              Experts say that  (1)   out loud helps improve your fitness. This is  (2)   laughter strengthens the heart and the lungs. Besides, a good laugh can  (3)   your muscles. As you laugh, they become  (4)  . After you laugh, these muscles start to relax. According to the research, this  (5)   is very useful for people with breathing problems. Some parts of the body are exercising. It’s a massage(按摩) inside the body!

              Laughter  (6)   makes us feel happy. Experts say that the positive feelings produced  (7)   laughter not only make us feel a sense of  (8)   but also helps us reduce pain.

              The next time you feel upset  (9)   disappointed, do not worry. Enjoying a funny comedy or reading some jokes will  (10)   your negative feelings and make you feel much better. Meanwhile, laughter measures your ability to handle the world around you. If you can laugh when you are afraid, you will be able to survive your troubles. If you are in control and sure of yourself, then you can enjoy a happy life.

              (1) A. laughing           B. crying                     
              C. reading                 D. working
              (2) A. how                       B. why                        
              C. because                    D. where
              (3) A. reduce                  B. relax                       
              C. repair                     D. rebuild
              (4) A. sensitive               B. negative                  
              C. native                     D. active
              (5) A. achievement            B. development            
              C. amusement               D. movement
              (6) A. even                     B. ever                        
              C. just                        D. already
              (7) A. for                        B. by                          
              C. in                           D. at
              (8) A. happiness                B. humour                   
              C. safety                        D. love
              (9) A. but                     B. while                      
              C. or                            D. than
              (10) A. turn away               B. give away                
              C. drive away               D. cut away
            • 3.

              Few days ago, I went to school with tons of books, hoping to get a locker. All of a sudden, it started raining  (1)  . I hurried to pay for my locker, but I was disappointed  (2)  they informed me that they only accepted cash. I was $7. 00  (3)  , which meant I had to carry the books back home. It would be an exhausting two-hour  (4)  back home with all those books.

              There was an elderly gentleman nearby.   (5)  my predicament (困境) , he asked me how much cash I needed. When I told him I needed $7, he quickly took out the money. “You don’t have to pay me back,” he said. I was  (6)  ; I didn’t know whether to take the money or come back with the books the next day. A young student who was working there noticed my  (7)  . “He is really nice,” said the student, “I was starving this morning and he bought  (8)  for me. He always helps people in different ways.”   (9)  thinking for a while, I took the money and  (10)  my locker.

              The next day, I went to him and thanked him for  (11)  me and lending me the money. He said he forgot about it and did not  (12)  that I would give it back. “I am very happy,” he said, “not because I am getting my money back,   (13)  because this is the right way to go whatever you get   (14)  this world, give it back as much as you can. Spread kindness around the world  (15)  the smallest things you can do.”

              Later, I found out that he was not involved with any charity   (16)  . He has been performing these types of  (17)  for years. I desperately needed the locker that day but after meeting this man, I was much more  (18)  for meeting him than getting my locker. He taught me a very important  (19)  in life—we come to this world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. Whatever we own, it   (20)  someone else and whatever we leave, it will become somebody else’s.

              (1) A. hardly   B. heavily   C. largely   D. deeply
              (2) A. when    B. what     C. which    D. where
              (3) A. extra     B. short    C. enough    D. left
              (4) A. distance   B. way    C. movement  D. journey
              (5) A. Considering     B. Arguing   C. Noticing   D. Thinking
              (6) A. hopeless    B. speechless    C. careless   D. selfless
              (7) A. permission    B. difficulty   C. hesitation    D. doubt
              (8) A. breakfast    B. lunch    C. supper    D. service
              (9) A. Before     B. Over     C. During    D. After
              (10) A. closed    B. opened    C. kept    D. covered
              (11) A. trusting    B. believing   C. giving   D. praising
              (12) A. realize     B. depend     C. expect   D. prepare
              (13) A. and      B. but      C. so     D. while
              (14) A. in      B. from     C. out    D. around
              (15) A. for     B. without   C. by    D. with
              (16) A. organizations   B. applications   
              C. firms   D. emotions
              (17) A. results     B. purposes    C. chances     D. acts
              (18) A. surprised     B. grateful   
              C. interested    D. forgetful
              (19) A. idea      B. technique       C. lesson     D. dream
              (20) A. belonged to    B. contributed to  
              C. turned to   D. devoted to
            • 4.

               What do you think of that? One man donated (捐赠) his stem cells (干细胞) to a(n) __  (1)  __ living on the other side of the world.

                 A man working as a taxi driver in Shanghai __  (2)  __ an activity about stem cell donation. Shortly after, he received the __  (3)  __ that his stem cells had been matched a boy in England. The receiver is just seven years old. The driver, Jiang Yongfeng, __  (4)  __ to donate his stem ceils at once. "I did not expect it to happen so __  (5)  __. I was so excited to get a match so soon." He says. " __  (6)  __ I learned the boy was only born in 2008, I was silent. And I __  (7)  __ I made the tight decision. I must help him."

                 Some people __  (8)  __ stem cell transplants to treat cancer. They must __  (9)  __ a donor with nearly the same genes (基因). It means the matched. ___  (10)  __ must have the very similar gene, especially the same ethnic (种族的) background. The possibility of the long-distance match between Jiang Yongfeng and the little boy is __  (11)  __. It sounds like a __  (12)  __ miracle (奇迹). "The little boy receiving Jiang's donation is very __  (13)  __," doctors said.

                 Some donors were __  (14)  __ to donate stem cells in out-dated ways because of poor health care systems years ago. It was a (n) __  (15)  __experience that many people couldn't stand. __  (16)  __, Mr. Jiang was able to use a simpler and safer method.

                 Usually donors and receivers do not meet, nor do they know each other's ___  (17)  __ . Does Jiang Yongfeng mind that he doesn't even know the little boy's name? "No," he shakes his __  (18)  __. "I just want the operation to be done soon as possible so that they can send my __  (19)  __ to the UK and help the little kid __  (20)  __ as soon as possible. I hope he can be brave and strong and that be can live a good life."

              (1) A. baby B. friend C. stranger D. animal
              (2) A. took part in B. came up with
              C. caught up with D. gave in to
              (3) A. invitation B. survey C. donation D. news
              (4) A. remembered B. agreed C. needed D. afforded
              (5) A. nervously B. patiently C. secretly D. quickly
              (6) A. When B. Before C. Thought D. Because
              (7) A. accepted B. realized C. remembered D. forgot
              (8) A. need B. sell C. change D. provide
              (9) A. help B. treat C. find D. visit
              (10) A. team B. group C. pair D. family
              (11) A. big B. high C. clear D. small
              (12) A. medical B. chemical C. special D. natural
              (13) A. brave B. lucky C. healthy D. shy
              (14) A. offered B. awarded C. required D. planned
              (15) A. painful B. easy C. practical D. expensive
              (16) A. Firefly B. Sadly C. Quickly D. Luckily
              (17) A. name B. address C. hospital D. number
              (18) A. body B. hands C. head D. eyes
              (19) A. information B. cells C. money D. letter
              (20) A. smile B. understand C. learn D. recover
