优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               take photos of , arrange for, in advance, be convinced of, a great deal of, dozens of,

               belong to, step up, in other words, occur to, in that case, make up, go missing

              (1) ----I don’t think the company may offer you a good pay.

              ----______________________, I won’t take the job.

              (2) We must try our best to __________________ the protection of the environment.

              (3) It is said that boys _________________ 75% of the student number in Class 14.

              (4) Quite a few chickens ________________last week. Everyone thinks his dog is to blame.

              (5) The lorry in the street loaded with apples _________________me. I bought it two months ago.

              (6) There were _________________ flies everywhere in the yard, which made people upset.

              (7) People ________________ the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.

              (8) It is cheaper by 20% if you book the ticket________________.

              (9) The Smiths visited Beijing last week and spent the day _____________ the beautiful city.

              (10) I’m busy _________________a cab to pick my child up at six.

            • 2.

                     ban   participant    mix   compose   audience

                      genius  recognize complex  symptom   power

              (1) All the ___________ in the debate(辩论会) had an opportunity to speak.

              (2) I ___________Tom at the first sight in the supermarket.

              (3) It’s well known that Einstein was a great scientific ___________.

              (4) The doctor examined me and asked me questions about my ___________

              (5) Selling drugs should be __________ in every country.

              (6) You can’t expect to find a simple solution( 解决办法) when the problem is so _________.

              (7) Beethoven became completely deaf later in his life, but he continued___________ .

              (8) Most of the _____________ wondered what kind of music a deaf man could offer.

              (9) This is the most ___________ medicine to cure your illness.

              (10) He __________ red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint.

            • 3.

              look back on   have respect for    make good use of     be in charge of  stay up tend to turn out think of…as recover from on a diet forbid…from develop an interest in

              (1) I’m afraid this is the best way I can think of __________________ the resources.

              (2) The teacher along with the students ________________ take this factor into account.

              (3) ___________________ a subject is the key to learning it well.

              (4) I regret _________________ last night. I am unable to focus my attention in class.

              (5) Peter _________________ a radio club as he was the oldest student member.

              (6) My father even _____________ me __________ chatting with my friends in the Internet café when I was a teenager.

              (7) I was positive that things were going to ______________ fine.

              (8) Lyn seems to be ______________. She has lost a lot of weight.

              (9) I ________________ my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.

              (10) I am now in hospital _________________ liver failure.

            • 4.


              (1)She __________ the job offer because she wanted more money.

              (2)Nowadays we increasingly __________ computers for help.

              (3)With the climate change, more and more wild animals are in danger of __________.

              (4)They had __________ the bad behaviors from their son which they would not have tolerated from anyone else.

              (5)Everyone may sign up for the “Color Run” __________ their age or sex.

            • 5.

              recover from ;be dying to ;work out; be ashamed of; can’t wait to; normal; explain

              make preparations for; be independent of; in the long term ; be supposed to ; argue

              (1) Now that you are a college student, you should learn to __________ your parents' help. 
              (2) The teacher gave us a clear ________________on the use of the word.
              (3) The news excited him so much that he ____________tell it to his parents.
              (4) You should __________________ yourself for telling such a lie to your parents.
              (5) The girl always tries various weight-loss pills, and ________________ be slim and a model in the future.
              (6) ___________, a good amount of sleep is important for our health.
              (7) You _____________ hand in your homework last Monday, but you didn’t.
              (8) __________regularly and going on a diet can help you stay slim.
              (9) If you take the doctor’s advice, it won’t be long before you________the illness.
              (10) After some heated___________ a decision was finally taken.
            • 6.

              figure out

              pass on to

              lead the way

              fool sb into…

              be designed to

              get across

              feel honored to

              realize one’s dream

              deal with

              be delighted with

              play tricks on

              (be) determined to

              (1) These exercises ________ develop and strengthen muscles. Keep doing them and you will get stronger.

              (2) Have you ________ how much money our trip to Europe will cost?

              (3) Working in the Customer Service Department, I become an expert in ________ complaints.

              (4) At the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese ________, winning 51 gold medals.

              (5) After years of hard work, she finally ________ of becoming a lawyer.

              (6) It is important that he ________ this message ________ to voters. They have the right to know.

              (7) ________ be a professional dancer, I practised for six hours every day.

              (8) Now Xu Haifeng is ________ the torch ________ Gao Min, then to Li Xiaoshuang… now Zhan Xugang… Zhang Jun… and now Sun Jinfang.

              (9) The criminals managed to ________ the police ________ thinking they had left the country.

              (10) On Halloween, kids can ________ neighbors who refuse to give them candies.

