优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious ________ (挑战) we face.

            • 2.

              At the time, Ann was recovering from a heart_______ (operate)

            • 3.

              He swept the leaves up into a _________(堆) .

            • 4.


            • 5.

              Some Chinese c__________ were developed from drawings of objects while some others were invented to express ideas.

            • 6.

              The need to communicate is a key ________ (特性) of human society.

            • 7.


              (1)I’m trying to lose weight because I’m so a         of my body.

              (2)Don’t d         your health for a slim and attractive figure.

              (3)However, no matter what I do, my ________(努力)to lose weight always end in failure.

              (4)In t        , my friends say I’m an attractive girl just the way I am.

              (5)________(目击者)also say they saw him walking towards his house at 10.

              (6)She a         that Kelly was having a bad dream.

              (7)He was not home when these events o        .

              (8)There is really no hard ________(证据)that aliens took him.

            • 8.

              (1) The poor man is so c________about his son’s safety that he couldn’t sleep well all night.

               (2)It was the happiest day in my __________(整个的) life.

               (3)Don’t i_________ your little mistakes, or they may destroy your future.

               (4)Let’ go and __________ (使平静) your angry brother down.

               (5)They come from Germany. They are G__________.

               (6) He lost his i________card when he went shopping in the supermarket.

               (7)Everyone was surprised that a 3-year-old Chinese boy could speak English so __________ (流利地).

               (8)At the party last night, I could hardly r_________Tom, for he had changed a lot.

               (9) About 350 million people are native English speakers while 400 million people use it as an __________(官方的) language.

               (10)Success is __________(基于) on hard work.

            • 9.

              There are many ________ (争论) against smoking. People who are against it say smoking does great harm to our health.

            • 10.
              The awards ________________ ([prezn'teɪʃn]) lasted about four hours, which made the audience bored and tired. 
