优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry,  (1)  number!" and move on. But when Dennis Williams  (2)   a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something   (3)  .

                 On March 19, Dennis got a group text  (4)   him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the  (5)   of a baby.

                 "Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken," Dennis  (6)  . The baby was born and update texts were  (7)  quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her  (8)  , she didn’t seem to realize that she was  (9)   the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. "Well, I don’t   (10)   you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby," replied Dennis before asking which room the new   (11)  were in.

                 Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his   (12)  ! He turned up at the hospital   (13)   gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally   (14)   by the unexpected visit. "I don’t think we would have randomly invited him over but we  (15)   it and the gifts."

                 Teresa  (16)   a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website  (17)   by the touching words: "What a   (18)   this young man was to our family! He was so  (19)  and kind to do this." The post has since gained the  (20)  of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.

              (1) 41.
              A. unlucky              B. secret                   
              C. new                      D. wrong

              (2) 42.
              A. received               B. translated              
              C. copied                  D. printed

              (3) 43.
              A. reasonable                  B. special                 
              C. necessary               D. practical

              (4) 44.
              A. convincing          B. reminding            
              C. informing              D. warning 

              (5) 45.
              A. wake-up             B. recovery               
              C. growth                  D. arrival

              (6) 46.
              A. responded           B. interrupted           
              C. predicted               D. repeated

              (7) 47.
              A. coming in           B. setting out            
              C. passing down        D. moving around

              (8) 48.
              A. opinion               B. anxiety                 
              C. excitement            D. effort

              (9) 49.
              A. comparing                  B. exchanging           
              C. discussing             D. sharing

              (10) 50.
              A. accept                B. know                  
              C. believe                 D. bother

              (11) 51.
              A. parents                B. doctors                 
              C. patients                 D. visitors

              (12) 52.
              A. dream                 B. promise               
              C. agenda                 D. principle

              (13) 53.
              A. bearing              B. collecting             
              C. opening                 D. making

              (14) 54.
              A. discouraged        B. relaxed                
              C. astonished             D. defeated

              (15) 55.
              A. admit                 B. need                    
              C. appreciate            D. expect 

              (16) 56.
              A. found                 B. selected               
              C. developed             D. posted 

              (17) 57.
              A. confirmed                  B. simplified            
              C. clarified               D. accompanied

              (18) 58.
              A. pity                   B. blessing                
              C. relief                    D. problem

              (19) 59.
              A. smart                         B. calm                    
              C. sweet                   D. fair

              (20) 60.
              A. sympathy            B. attention               
              C. control                         D. trust

            • 2.

                No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own  (1)  

              I learned this lesson from a(n)   (2)   many years ago. I took the head  (3)  job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

              It was a tradition for the schoolˈs old team to play against the  (4)   team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didnˈt even practice to   (5)  the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldnˈt   (6)  I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to  (7)  that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were  (8)  me. I had to change my  (9)  about their ability and potential.

              I started doing anything I could to help them build a little  (10)  .Most important, I began to treat them like   (11)  .That summer, When the other teams enjoyed their  (12)  ,we met every day and  (13)  passing and kicking the football.

              Six months after suffering our  (14)  on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to  (15)  .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a  (16)  for us even if we lost the game. But that wasnˈt what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest  (17)  of my life!

              From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can  (18)  the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and  (19)  them. I helped them to see themselves  (20)  ,and they built themselves into winners.

              Winners are made, but born.

              (1) A. luck                  B. tests                 
              C. efforts                   D. nature

              (2) A. experiment       B. experience              
              C. visit                        D. show

              (3) A. operating        B. editing            
              C. consulting                D. coaching

              (4) A. successful       B. excellent          
              C. strong                            D. new

              (5) A. cheer for        B. prepare for             
              C. help with                 D. finish with

              (6) A. believe           B. agree              
              C. describe                   D. regret

              (7) A. realize            B. claim               
              C. permit                    D. demand

              (8) A. reacting to      B. looking for             
              C. depending on    D. caring about

              (9) A. decision B. attitude            
              C. conclusion               D. intention

              (10) A. pride              B. culture            
              C. fortune             D. relationship

              (11) A. leaders           B. partners            
              C. winners          D. leaners

              (12) A. rewards          B. vacations         
              C. health                      D. honor

              (13) A. risked            B. missed                    
              C. considered               D. practiced

              (14) A. defeat            B. decline            
              C. accident            D. mistake

              (15) A. relax              B. improve           
              C. expand           D. defend

              (16) A. shame            B. burden            
              C. victory                    D. favor

              (17) A.   chances    B. thrills                    
              C. concerns           D. offers

              (18) A. surprise          B. serve         
              C.   interest       D. affect

              (19) A. encouraged     B. observed          
              C. protected          D. impressed

              (20) A. honestly B. individually     
              C. calmly              D. differently

            • 3.

              The Depression was still going on, but I was in good spirits. I was going to graduate from elementary school, yet my mother   __  (1)  __   dressed me in shorts. Most of my classmates had given up   __  (2)  __   shorts. For the graduation ceremony, all the boys were   __  (3)  __   to dress the same way—white shirts and dark-blue wool pants.

              I waited a week before I told my mother. I   __  (4)  __   Iˈd better break the news to her as gently as I could.

              “Mum,” I said, “about   __  (5)  __   …”

              “Yes?” she answered.

              “Theyˈre going to give me the first-prize medal,” I said.

              She looked   __  (6)  _   her shoulder at me and smiled. “Thatˈs wonderful, babe. Dad and I will both be there, and weˈll be the __  (7)  __   parents in the place.”

              She must have seen by the look on my face that   __  (8)  __   was wrong. She turned her back and said, “So?”

              “So, I have to get   __  (9)  __   pants,” I said.

              “Babe, we donˈt have the   __  (10)  __   for new pants right now,” she said very quietly. “You know that.”

              “OK,” I burst out. “Then I wonˈt go to graduation. Plus, Iˈm   __  (11)  __   away from home!” 

              The following Saturday, when my mother said, “Letˈs go shopping,” I knew she had   __  (12)  __   the problem. We walked a short way and stopped at a place I had never   __  (13)  __   before. My mother said, “ __  (14)  __   here.” She entered a storefront that looked like a   __  (15)  __. She came out about ten minutes later, and we went to the pants store. I was holding the new pants   __  (16)  __  under my arm when my mother went to pay for them. I saw her   __  (17)  __   a tiny brown envelope from her purse. There were four   __  (18)  __   new one-dollar bills inside.

              About halfway home, I   __  (19)  __   down at my motherˈs hands. It was then that I saw the wedding ring that had always circled her ring finger was   __  (20)  __   there.

              (1) A. still  B. also  C. already  D. even

              (2) A. choosing  B. making  C. wearing  D. buying

              (3) A. persuaded  B. expected  C. encouraged  D. forced

              (4) A. guessed  B. dreamed  C. imagined  D. figured

              (5) A. classmates  B. graduation  C. school   D. depression

              (6) A. over  B. above   C. across   D. through

              (7) A. luckiest  B. poorest  C. richest  D. proudest

              (8) A. everything  B. nothing  C. something  D. anything

              (9) A. fashionable   B. expensive  C. short  D. long

              (10) A. power   B. energy  C. money  D. time

              (11) A. walking   B. running  C. moving  D. escaping

              (12) A. solved  B. discovered  C. met  D. ignored

              (13) A. passed  B. noticed  C. watched  D. stayed

              (14) A. Rest  B. Look  C. Stand  D. Wait

              (15) A. school  B. restaurant  C. bank  D. hotel

              (16) A. tightly  B. roughly  C. softly  D. nervously

              (17) A. bring  B. take  C. carry  D. pick

              (18) A. total  B. entire  C. complete  D. brand

              (19) A. glared  B. stared  C. glanced   D. put

              (20) A. no doubt  B. no longer  C. no way  D. still

            • 4.

              I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. She seemed so  (1)  , but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her     (2)  nobody could.

              I began to notice Sally at other times, basketball in hand, playing  (3)  . She practiced dribbling (运球)and  (4)  over and over.

                     One day I asked Sally why she  (5)  so much. Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is to get a  (6)  . I’m going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one. I believe that if I am  (7)  enough,I will get one. My father has told me that if the dream is big enough,the facts don’t  (8)  . ”

                     I  (9)  her through those junior high years and into high school. Every week, she led her team to  (10)   . One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting on the grass, her head  (11)  her arms. Slowly and quietly, I  (12)  and sat down beside her. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh,nothing,” came a soft reply, “I am just too short. ” The  (13)  told her that at 165 cm she would probably never play for a top team一still less she would be  (14)  a scholarship--so she should stop dreaming about college.

                     I felt she was extremely  (15)  . I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were  (16)  . They didn’t understand the _    (17)  of a dream.

                     The next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game. She was  (18)  offered a scholarship and  (19)  to the college team. She was going to get the college education that she had  (20)  and worked toward for all those years. 

                     It’s true: if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count. 

              (1) A. silent B. small C. strong D. huge

              (2) A. but B. and C. so D. for

              (3) A. still B. again C. well D. alone

              (4) A. passing B. running C. shooting D. struggling

              (5) A. studied B. practiced C. expected D. improved

              (6) A. title B. prize C. scholarship D. reward

              (7) A. good B. brave C. careful D. active

              (8) A. lack B. talk C. appear D. count

              (9) A. encouraged B. respected C. watched D. helped

              (10) A. victory B. confidence C. responsibility D. profession

              (11) A. dropped B. buried C. covered D. sunk

              (12) A. walked off B. walked out C. walked around D. walked up

              (13) A. coach B. teacher C. captain D. leader

              (14) A. suggested B. sent C. promised D. offered

              (15) A. worried B. excited C. disappointed D. surprised

              (16) A. great B. wrong C. strict D. cruel

              (17) A. pressure B. value C. cause D. power

              (18) A. exactly B. naturally C. really D. normally

              (19) A. taken B. admitted C. introduced D. appointed

              (20) A. dreamed of B. picked up
              C. benefited from D. carried out

            • 5. I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people   41              I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a   42              person.
              I think my   43               started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my   44               and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever   45                to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really   46               . It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So tried a(n)  47               . I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I  48              to help. That was really a big   49               for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of   50               are still my best friends today. A bigger cause of my new   51               , however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my   52                . Every time I came into her room, she was so  53             because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never   54               her, so I took her place. She let me   55              . that making others feel good make me feel good, too, when she died, I was  56               , but I was very grateful to her.I think I am a much   57               person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not   58               these experiences. They have   59                me to care about other people more than about myself. I   60               who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.
            • 6.

              I always pay attention to the first impression I leave upon strangers. However, I have  31   that no stranger cares much about what you have done.

              It was Saturday. I was very excited after a week’s hard study. What was more, my former classmate and best friend was coming to visit me.

              When dusk  32   near, my friend appeared on time. We decided to have supper together and went to a restaurant. To my astonishment, many people were  33  at us as if we were monsters from other planet. I looked myself up and down, but found nothing was  34  . When I cast my eyes at my friend, suddenly I realized what had happened: I was with a boy  35  .

              My friend also noticed it. We looked at each other and smiled.  36  , people kept staring at us throughout our meal  37  the strange atmosphere made us uncomfortable.

              During the meal, I  38   that my friend finish as fast as possible, so that we could get out of such an embarrassing situation. Suddenly my friend noticed another classmate passing by the  39   and he rose to his feet to  40  him. But he was in such a hurry that he knocked down the table, leading to the hot soup pouring all over me. What was more, his voice caught people’s  41  again. The  42  on their faces showed me that they were laughing us.

              How embarrassed I was! My face turned red and I wished I could find a hole to  43  in. As quickly as possible, I rushed out of the restaurant. My friend  44  and he caught up with me when I was so tired that I had to stop. But he was so  45  that it surprised at me.

              “Don’t be too  46  what people think about you,” he said to me. “In fact, to many  47  , you are just a passing figure, like a piece of cloud in the sky, which will disappear in no  48  . Nobody knows who you are. You can just be yourself.”

              Yes, he is right. No one in the restaurant actually knew who I was. I should just be myself and  49  others’ prejudices(偏见) aside. Life is a long road and we need not make such fuss(大惊小怪) of tiny things — it is too  50  .

            • 7.

              Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really   (1)   them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could never play basketball.

                  I like playing basketball though Iˈm not good at it. Iˈve had a basketball   (2)   I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one   (3)   when I was just a kid. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.

              At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were   (4)   allowed to play volleyball or badminton.

              My parents did not   (5)   me play basketball at home. “Basketball is not fit for girls,” they said.   (6)   when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys   (7)    at me on the court as if I were an alien.

              I was feeling   (8)   and had lost hope of playing basketball.   (9)  , something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They   (10)   me to get back on the court.

              One of them told me with a smile, “Go your own   (11)  , let others talk.” This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about   (12)   with me almost every day.

              I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion   (13)   to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can,   (14)   for me, even the sky is boundless(无垠的).

              Basketball has become an important part of my   (15)  . I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also  (16)   a lot.

              I’ve heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, “Nothing is impossible.” It is from an advertisement on TV. I have   (17)   to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an   (18)  . After that, just be confident and   (19)   going. Never give up and you’ll make it sooner or later.

              I love the motto of the NBA. It can  (20)   my strong feelings for basketball, “I love this game!”

              (1) A. concerned                 
              B. annoyed                  
              C. admired                  
              D. appreciated
              (2) A. when                       
              B. before                  
              C. after                            
              D. since
              (3) A. struggled                B. cared                   
              C. enjoyed                   D. joined
              (4) A. only                       
              B. almost                         
              C. hardly                  
              D. never
              (5) A. make                      
              B. agree                     
              C. let                                
              D. allow
              (6) A. Still                              
              B. Yet                      
              C. Just                             
              D. Even
              (7) A. looked                   B. glared                  
              C. glanced                 D. stared
              (8) A. stressed                      
              B. frustrated                   
              C. excited                   
              D. shocked
              (9) A. Unluckily               B. Naturally                      
              C. Unexpectedly         D. Clearly
              (10) A. encouraged              B. forbade                 
              C. ensured                 D. explored
              (11) A. effort                     B. way                     
              C. business                 D. direction
              (12) A. basketball                B. sports                  
              C. interests                  D. dreams
              (13) A. stuck                     
              B. referred                        
              C. turned                  
              D. returned
              (14) A. but                               
              B. though                          
              C. and                      
              D. however
              (15) A. wish                       
              B. life                              
              C. work                   
              D. study
              (16) A. experience               B. grow                           
              C. learn                     D. play
              (17) A. come                    
              B. turned                          
              C. refused                  
              D. happened
              (18) A. idea                      
              B. aim                             
              C. opinion                
              D. effort
              (19) A. insist                             
              B. remain                          
              C. keep                    
              D. last
              (20) A. inform                           
              B. express                  
              C. ignore                          
              D. connect   
