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            • 1. Which of the following is among the first movies about soccer? ______
              A.Looking for Eric.B.Shaolin Soccer.C.The Damned United.D.Gregory's Girl.
            • 2.
              I always do voluntary work in the hospital.As a patient visitor,my primary goal is to deliver quality services to patients and families.By providing companionship for patients in a sometimes lonely environment.I try my best to serve and help to diminish the loneliness and frustration patients may feel after staying in a hospital for a stretch of time for weeks or even months.
              Every Saturday afternoon for three to four hours,with a list of patients who have requested a patient visitor service,I head up to the 5th,6th,or 7th floor to first visit my priority patients.At the nurse's station,I kindly ask the nurses or the medical staff about the condition of the patients on that unit and confirm that the patients would like a visitor.After receiving an update from the nurse,I gently knock on the door of the patients and enter with a friendly"hello".Then,I introduce myself and again politely ask if they would like a patient visitor.I usually try to prepare a few starting conversation topics such as the current news,sports scores and fun facts.However,the patients usually engage me first in an interesting conversation.
              When volunteering as a patient visitor,I spent a lot of time communicating one-on-one with patients.Individual patients had individual needs and possessed extraordinary personal stories.Therefore,I found every visit fascinating.From generous and kind patients,I have learned about their diseases and their course of treatment.Additionally,I learned about literature,life during the Great Depression and wilderness of Northern Minnesota.On the whole,not only did I learn about the hospital settings and system,but I learned about the diverse life of others.
              Many of the patients I have visited were truly inspiring and I always admire them for their strength.Although difficult,they were often willing to share their stories of pain,suffering,hopes and optimism.I realize that I am truly grateful and honored that they would share their personal stories with just a volunteer like me.

              (1) What does the underlined word"diminish"in Paragraph 1mean?(1word)
              (2) What are the topics the author prepares for the patients?
              (no more than 10words)
              (3) What did the author learn from her talking with the patients?
              (no more than 12words)
              (4) How does the author feel about the patients telling her their stories?
              (no more than 8words)
              (5) What can you learn from the author's story?(no more than 15words)
              ______ .
            • 3.
              Whether it is"women and children first"or"every man for himself"in a shipwreck may depend on how long it takes the ship to sink,researchers said recently.
              When the Lusitania was torpedoed (用鱼雷袭击) by a German ship in 1915,it sank in 18 minutes and the majority of the survivors were young men and women who responded immediately to their powerful survival instincts.
              But when the Titanic struck an iceberg in 1912,it took three hours to go down,allowing time for more civilized behavior to take control--and the majority of the survivors were women,children and people with young children.
              Economist Benno Torgler of the Queensland University of Technology in Australia and his colleagues studied the two sinkings in order to explore the economic theory that people generally behave in a"rational"and selfish manner.The two tragedies provided a"natural experiment"for testing the idea,because the passengers on the two ships were quite similar in terms of gender and wealth.
              The major difference was how long it took the ships to sink.They suggested that when people have little time to react,instincts may rule.When more time is available,social influences play a bigger role.But psychologists noted that many factors other than following social norms (社会规范)could come into play in a disaster,including an evolutionary urge to save the species,attachments that are formed between individuals during the event and the leadership of authority figures.
              The extent of altruism(利他主义)and how it occurs"is a very controversial issue,"said Anthony R.Mawson,a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.He thinks the dominant response was attachment behavior.
              Psychologist Daniel Kruger of the University of Michigan,US thinks that the answer lies less in social norms and more in our evolutionary heritage.Human beings have a deep instinct to preserve our kind,he said,and that means"people are more likely to save those who have higher reproductive value,namely the young and women in child-bearing years".
              Kruger also stressed the importance of leadership during a disaster,noting that the Titanic's captain appeared to have greater control than the Lusitania's.
              (Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12WORDS)

              (1) According to Benno Torgler,what led to the different results between the two shipwrecks?
              (2) Besides social norms and leadership,what other factors play a part in disaster behavior?
              (3) According to Daniel Kruger,Why do the young and women of child-bearing age take the priority to survive?
              (4) What does the passage mainly tell us?
              ______ .
            • 4.
              Want to attract and keep top talent?Here's a suggestion:Make a flexible work schedule part of the deal.
              A survey this summer of 1,215 U.S.managers and employees across a variety of industries,by EY (formerly Ernst & Young),found those aged 18to 32rank flexibility among the perks (特殊待遇) they want most,with 33% saying they wouldn't work anywhere that didn't offer it.But it seems those aged 33to 48value flextime even more:38% of them consider it non-negotiable,with men who said so,at 40%,slightly outnumbering women (37%).
              "Companies first started offering flexible schedules,in the late 80s and the 90s,as a way to recruit (招募) and keep talented women,but it's gone way beyond that now,"observes Karyn Twaronite,an EY partner who came up through the tax side of the business.
              Noting that both men and women,in all age groups,ranked flextime (弹性工作制) tops among non-cash perks,Twaronite adds,"That result mirrors exactly what we're seeing here at EY."The accounting and consulting giant,No.57on Fortune's Best Companies to Work For,has had thousands of employees working flexible schedules for years-including,since 2004,six weeks'of paid leave for new dads.
              "Flextime may have started out as a women's issue,but it's changed into something that people of both sexes have come to expect,"he adds."I think it's partly because of the large number of two-career households now,where people have to adapt to two demanding professional schedules instead of just one."
              The EY survey suggests that,in the next decade or so,the opportunity for a life outside the office will become an even bigger draw than it already is.Most of those surveyed still work a set schedule,the report notes,but"respondents expect a shift in the coming years to more flexible hours,as 62% currently work standard office hours and only 50% expect to do so in five to ten years."
              That doesn't surprise Twaronite."Work is changing,"she observes."The technology to connect anywhere and anytime means that people are expected to be on call 24hours a day,especially in global companies that operate across different time zones.The other side of that is that employers are adapting to people's lives outside of work-because they have to be."

              (Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
              (1) What is the main finding of the survey? ______
              (2) Flextime was originally aimed at ______ .
              (3) The result of the survey is caused by the fact that ______ .
              (4) What makes flextime possible according to Twaronite? ______ .
            • 5.
              The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the spread of mosquito-born Zika virus a global public health emergency.On Monday,the global health agency held an emergency meeting in Geneva after warning the public that Zika is spreading"explosively"across the Americas.Dr.Margaret Chan,the director-general of the WHO,said after the meeting that the cases of microcephaly,which is a birth disease in which babies are born with very small heads and underdeveloped brains,in regions with Zika cases,"become an extraordinary event and a public health threat to other parts of the world."
              Last week,health officials confirmed one case of the virus in Denmark,five in Great Britain,three cases in the United States and 18in its territory of Puerto Rico.The global health organization also predicts that Zika could infect as many as four million people in the Americas this year.
              The symptoms from the virus are minor.The symptoms are flu-like and include a rash (皮疹).But the results for some infected with Zika--namely pregnant women--are destructive.The WHO suspects the virus may have something to do with brain disorders in babies.Health experts highly suspect there may be a link between the illness and microcephaly.However,a definite link between Zika and microcephaly has not been proven.
              World Health Organization spokesman Gregory Hartl has this to say,"So,one of the curiosities is why we have so many neurological (神经学的) cases in the northeast of Brazil,but we have not had it in other places.So,we really need to understand what is existing that causes these microcephaly cases,for example,in children."
              Hartl does not agree with claims that the Zika virus could lead to a threat similar to that of Ebola (埃博拉病毒).He says that Ebola is transmitted by contact with bodily fluids (体液) from person to person and kills about 50percent of its victims."Zika has never killed a person and it is transmitted by the mosquito.So,we know that there are those two basic differences at least.Let us say that Zika on its own would not be the consideration of an emergency committee.What is the concern to the international community is the possible link with neurological disorders."

              (Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
              (1) The cases of microcephaly are generally seen in the places ______ .
              (2) Who should pay special attention to the infection of the virus to avoid its terrible result? ______
              (3) What puzzles the health experts about the cases of microcephaly? ______
              (4) What causes the global concern is that the mosquito-born Zika virus may ______ .
            • 6.
              Most families in Beijing love to gather in front of TV sets after dinner.But Gao Ning,husband of Huang Xiaoying,and his parents have better things to do.They clean the dishes,laze around (休闲) a bit,change into track suits,put on their sports shoes and leave home.
              The 32-year-old man and his wife sweat it out on treadmills(跑步机),go through the severe conditions of a group exercise session or do some stretching exercises under the guidance of personal trainers.And his parents join a group of retired people,most of them in their 60s,in a nearby community park to dance to the rhythms of traditional music.They use the intervals to chat with other members of the group,sharing their joys and pains.
              The Gaos represent a growing number of Beijing families that sweat by exercise,especially because of the Beijing Olympics'public fitness drive.Gone are the days when many people considered physical labor as the only way of exercise.More and more middle-aged and elderly people have realized the importance of regular exercise.
              "Most of the people who join us for the group dancing sessions suffer from chronic(慢性的) diseases that need a certain amount of exercise as treatment,"said Gao Ning's mother Gao Xiaohua,"It's a place for us to kill time,too."
              "Paying 1,000yuan (﹩146)a year as club fees is a waste of money,"said Gao Xiaohua."Besides,we don't need that tough exercise routine."
              Gao Ning said:"I feel relaxed and sort of reborn after a work-out.Without it my days are gloomy and I feel tired."
              Gao Ning and Huang Xiaoying make about﹩30,000a year,and pay﹩200each annually for their gym membership to get personal trainers for an hour a day.
              "It's money well spent,"Huang said."After you get all the necessities,money,job and a house,you realize how important health is.Without health,nothing is meaningful."

              (1) How old are most of the people who dance to the rhythms of traditional music in a nearby community park?(No more than 3words.) ______
              (2) Why do the people like to join the group dancing sessions?(No more than 10words.) ______
              (3) What is the main idea of this passage?(No more than 5words.) ______
              (4) What does the underlined phrase"a work-out"in Paragraph 6refer to?(No more than 8words.) ______
              (5) In terms of this kind of regular exercise,are you for or against?Please give your reasons.(No more than 20words.) ______ .
