优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. In my school days,I was a shy boy and never even thought of taking part in any public speaking events,school (61) ______ (play) or stage contests,so acting (62) ______ (be) a remote career choice then.
              I still remember that evening so (63) ______ (clear).It was the last day of school and I was (64) ______ my friends at our school leaving party.A personality contest was going (65) ______ in which my classmates were speaking,but I felt like an outsider.
              Suddenly,I heard my name being called out.How was it possible!Full of fright,I walked up to the front of the stage,not sure of what to do next.My teacher saw me panic-stricken and smiled at me,(66) ______ (gesture) that I must go.My mind went blank,but then I went on to win the title that year!I later found out that it was my teacher herself (67) ______ had registered me for the contest (68) ______ (help) me overcome my stage fear.
              It would have been (69) ______ (imaginable) to start my journey on this path of acting (70) ______ it weren't for the small but beneficial step she took that evening.
            • 2. One day,I heard an American boy say to a Chinese student of English,“You speak very good English.”But the student answered,“No,no.My English is very poor.”The foreigner was quite  _____(surprise)at the answer.

              What’s wrong with the student’s answer? He didn’t accept the compliment in____same way as the American people do.He should say“Thank you”instead of“No”.He _____(real) understood what the American boy had said,____he thought he should be modest.In the west,people will feel proud and confident when they____(praise).So if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious,you should say“Thank you”.If someone says to a woman“You look so____(beauty)with the new clothes on”,she must be very happy and say“Thank you”.

              If you are modest and say“No,I'm afraid I can’t do it well”while _____(work)in a western country,the others may think that you really cannot do it.If you often say“No”,you will certainly be looked down upon by others.If asking_____a job,one says something like“Yes,I can certainly do it” instead of Let me have a try he or she will hope ____(get)it. So in the west,you should be brave to show your_____(confident)!

            • 3. Walking around the town(41) ______ I live in France is a little like stepping back in time.
              There are hardly any cars on the streets.Since I(42) ______ (arrive) two weeks ago I have taken the e opportunity to explore the town by bike or on foot.
              A beautiful canal(43) ______ (call)"le canal du Berry"runs through the centre of the town.The canal (44) ______ (surround) by sandy paths,large chestnut trees and old-fashioned streets lamps.I was lucky enough (45) ______ (be) able to borrow a bike and take(46) ______ _________46______evening bike ride through the town.This was(47) ______ (especial) interesting as there is a pathway of lights that guides you around the historical sights of the town.The paths also lights up many old houses which really show the(48) ______ (tradition) style of the town.I love going on this bike ride as I got to learn a bit about the history of the town.The best part of it is(49) ______ it was free!
              The weather is great with an average of 20℃and I spend much time (50) ______ (walk) a lot each day.It is a great way to keep fit and discover places close by and away if you are feeling energetic.
            • 4. Americans are proud of their variety and individuality,yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform,whether it is the uniform of(61) ______ elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star general.Why are uniforms so popular there?
              Among the arguments for uniforms is that most uniforms look more(62) ______ (profession) than civilian (百姓的) clothes.People expect superior quality from a man(63) ______ wears a uniform.The television repairman wearing a uniform tends(64) ______ (inspire) more trust.Faith (65) ______ the skill of a garage worker is increased by a uniform.Uniforms also have many practical66) ______ (benefit).They save on other clothes and laundry bills.They are often(67) ______ (comfortable) than civilian clothes.
              Among the arguments against uniforms(68) ______ (be) their lack of variety and the loss of individuality.(69) ______ there are many types of uniforms,the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it,without change.When people look alike,they will think,speak,and act (70) ______ (similar).
            • 5. Once there lived a rich man (46) ______ wanted to do something for the people of his town.(47) ______ first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.
              In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed (48) ______ very large stone.Then he (49) ______ (hide ) behind a tree and waited.Soon an old man came along with his cow.
              "Who put this stone in the centre of the road?"said the old man,but he did not try to remove the stone.Instead,with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.(50) ______ man came along and did the same thing; then another came,and another.All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove (51) ______ .Late in the afternoon a young man came along.He saw the stone,(52) ______ (say) to himself:"The night (53) ______ (be) very dark.Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone."
              Then he began to move the stone.He pushed and pulled with all his (54) ______ (strong) to move it.How great was his surprise at last!(55) ______ the stone,he found a bag of money.
            • 6. One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about(61) ______ (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,(62) ______ some of them looked very anxious and (63) ______ (disappoint).When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next(64) ______ the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike (65) ______ (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused(66) ______ (stop) until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept (67) ______ (ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,"Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?"A woman on the bus shouted,"Oh dear!It's (68) ______ (I)."She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about(69) ______ the boy had done,and the crowds of strangers(70) ______ (sudden) became friendly to one another.
            • 7. Long ago,there was a mother and a son living in a house.She worked hard every day,1.(41) ______ they were always poor.
              One day,her son stole his friend's bag."Mom,what do you think of this bag?"His mother praised her son instead of scolding him.The next time,he stole(42) ______ overcoat.She praised him again.A few years (43) ______ (late),he grew up to be a young man.He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother.This time,she(44) ______ didn't scold her son.Then he started to steal more expensive things.
              One day,the police caught him.Before he(45) ______ (put)in prison,he begged the police to meet his mother.They took him(46) ______ his mother.As soon as he saw his mother,he suddenly bit her ear."Ouch,What is the matter with you?"She finally scolded him.Her son answered.If you had given me a scolding like(47) ______ when I stole the first bag,I couldn't have become a thief.(48) ______ (look)at her son heading to prison,If only I could turn back time,I would (49) ______ (scold)him severely.She said(50) ______ (regret).
            • 8. A young man,while traveling through a desert,came across a spring of clear water.(31) ______ water was sweet.He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an old man (32) ______ had been his teacher.After a four-day journey,the young man(33) ______ _(give) the water to the old man.His teacher took a deep drink,smiled(34) ______ (warm),and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man went home(35) ______ a happy heart.
              After the student left,the teacher let (36) ______ student taste the water.He spit(吐) it out,(37) ______ (say) it was awful.Apparently,it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container.He asked his teacher,"Sir,the water was awful.Why did you pretend to like(38) ______ ?"
              The teacher replied,"You tasted the water.I tasted the gift.The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love.Nothing could be (39) ______ (sweet)."
              We understand this lesson best when we receive gifts of love from children.(40) ______ it is a cheap pipe or a diamond necklace,the proper response is appreciation.We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.
            • 9. It is reported that many middle school students are just not getting enough sleep,especially during the school week.The problem seems to get(41) ______ (bad) as they get older.Year 7 students sleep 8.4 hours in a school night,and Year 9 students only 6.9 hours.
              It's also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause (42) ______ ( (problem) in a student's life.Many students fall (43) ______ (sleep) in school or while doing their homework,so it is not(44) ______ (surprise) that they get lower grades than those who get enough sleep.Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students.Of the students who feel(45) ______ (happy) and nervous,73% don't get enough sleep at night.
              Why aren't students getting enough sleep?Many students have one of the(46) ______ (follow) things,like telephone,television,or computer in their bedrooms.
              (47) ______ (use) them on a school night not only takes their time away from homework,but also makes (48) ______ difficult for them to sleep.As a result,many students can't sleep before 11 p.m,yet they must get up early(49) ______ (go) to school.
              Scientists also suggest students should not do exciting activities for an hour(50) ______ bedtime.
            • 10. I was nine years old when I learnt to ride a bike.The bike was a birthday present from my uncle.You can imagine how(61) ______ (excite) I was when I saw the bike,and I begged my uncle to teach me how(62) ______ (ride) it right away.However,before I got on the bike,I felt(63) ______ (extreme) nervous and I was afraid that I would fall off and hurt(64) ______ (me).My uncle held onto the seat and helped me to get(65) ______ the bike.While I was riding,he was running along beside me,holding the seat so I would not fall over.I was so(66) ______ (grate) to him for his help.
              As I was practicing,I became more and more confident.Then,I heard my uncle shouting,"You are riding it by yourself now!"I was both pleased and scared.I was really riding by myself,but(67) ______ if I fell off?Could I use the brakes(刹车) to stop?As I was wondering about this,my uncle ran after me and got hold of the bike.I(68)
              ______ (slow) down and came to a stop.My heart was still beating fast when I got off the bike.(69) ______ (late) that day,having learnt how to get on the bike and get off it,I felt like I was walking on air!I am still thankful to my uncle for teaching me to ride a bike on my(70) ______ (nine) birthday.
