优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. In my school days,I was a shy boy and never even thought of taking part in any public speaking events,school (61) ______ (play) or stage contests,so acting (62) ______ (be) a remote career choice then.
              I still remember that evening so (63) ______ (clear).It was the last day of school and I was (64) ______ my friends at our school leaving party.A personality contest was going (65) ______ in which my classmates were speaking,but I felt like an outsider.
              Suddenly,I heard my name being called out.How was it possible!Full of fright,I walked up to the front of the stage,not sure of what to do next.My teacher saw me panic-stricken and smiled at me,(66) ______ (gesture) that I must go.My mind went blank,but then I went on to win the title that year!I later found out that it was my teacher herself (67) ______ had registered me for the contest (68) ______ (help) me overcome my stage fear.
              It would have been (69) ______ (imaginable) to start my journey on this path of acting (70) ______ it weren't for the small but beneficial step she took that evening.
            • 2. My husband and I were paying a visit(61) ______  my parents in Tucson.We went to a fast-food restaurant for dinner together.My husband went to the counter(61) ______  (order) dishes and I stood with my parents.
              My dad is 90years old.He can hardly see very well and walks with a stick.I was scanning the restaurant,(63) ______ (wait) to sit at the first table that was(64) ______  (convenient) than others.A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her.With a (65) ______  (puzzle) look on my face,I pointed to myself and said,"Me?"She (66) ______ (nod) and said,"Yes,you."I walked to the table and she said,"Bring your family here.I can finish eating at the counter.My son is in (67) ______ hurry to leave anyway."My eyes(68) ______  (fill) with tears as she wiped down the table and guided my dad to the seat.
              I always believe that there are (69) ______  (nature) kind people in this world.This woman has set a good example to her son,(70) ______ is a really lucky guy.
            • 3. 语法填空
              It was now (41) ______ (rain) heavily.My husband was away.I did not want to ask anyone else to go with me.So I went to the hospital by (42) ______ .I was taken to a small room.Lina lay sleeping quietly on a table.
              This wasn't (43) ______ first time Lina had taken too many pills.I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours (44) ______ the poison stopped doing its harm.
              I sat down by Lina's side and watched her sleep.The room was still.I looked around.The room seemed familiar."Have I been here before?"I wondered.I looked around again."I'm sure I've been in this room,"I told myself.Then I remembered.It was in this very room (45) ______ I gave birth (46) ______ Lina seventeen years ago.(47) ______ happy I was then!
              Lina used to be such a bright,(48) ______ (health) and nice child."What has turned her into a dope-taker (吸毒者)?"I asked myself."And why are millions of young people like her who (49) ______ (take) dope to destroy themselves?There must be something (50) ______ (serious) wrong with our society.What is it?"
            • 4. When Jack was a small boy,he was once asked to give a speech about"A Big Challenge in My Life".To talk before the whole class,he was (61) ______ (terrible) shy.However,he had no other (62) ______ (choose),though.First Jack was to draft the speech,(63) ______ was a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer.But the hard part (64) ______ (lie) in his oral presentation,for it was not allowed to read the paper.
              A real trial began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs (65) ______ (tremble) and his mind blank.He took a deep breath and tried his best (66) ______ (calm) down.Surprisingly,it did work on him.(67) ______ a few seconds,he was no more nervous and finished his speech.To his surprise,he made(68) ______ !
              From then on,his fear of talking before a big audience disappeared.Actually Jack had his confidence (69) ______ (build) up.Now he turns out to be a good speaker.
              As we know,the greater difficulty we meet on our way to success,the (70) ______ likely we will be able to achieve our goals.
            • 5. Mike was dying to apply for a new job,but he was unconfident of himself,for he thought of himself as a (41) ______ (fail) and unworthy of success.He believed that the other applicants were better and more (42) ______ (qualify) than him.
              Mike's mind was occupied with negative thoughts and fears concerning (43) ______ job.When the day for the interview (44) ______ (come),he got up late and went to the interview hurriedly,in dirty clothes and with messy hair.He was unsure of getting the job.
              It so happened that Jim was competing for the job,too,but he approached the matter in a(45) ______ (complete) different way.Before the interview,he had made full preparations for everything needed.He dressed himself decently and behaved properly in the interview,(46) ______ (leave) a favorable impression on the interviewer.Expectedly,Jim(47) ______ ( inform) that he got the job eventually.
              Remember:Sometimes your appearance is a mirror,(48) ______ reflects your quality in a way.Also,your state of mind counts.People with positive attitude are more likely(49) ______ (succeed) than (50) ______ with negative attitude.
            • 6. I had a great experience recently.It was a Sunday in (61) ______ famous classical city of Yangzhou,Jiangsu province and I played an unexpected role (62) ______ a substitute judge of an English (63) ______ (compete) for kids.They were aged 5to 11and they tried so hard and they were so funny.
              First they gave a speech about (64) ______ (they),their town,school and their family.Then they (65) ______ (sing) a song or recited a poem or story like how the sun is (66) ______ (strong) than the wind because it can make people take off their coat.
              After the first stage,I (67) ______ (gentle) asked them some questions about a picture with no words.They were nervous,shy and some froze and needed (68) ______ (come) back later.Maybe some of them had not talked to a foreigner and were too shy.Most didn't know the answers(69) ______ they learn by rote (死记硬背地).In that confusion of question time we had to say"that's all"and some knew they were finished.But for most we had to say"bye bye"with matching hand (70) ______ (wave) for them to realize they could go.Many long goodbyes were had.
            • 7. Welcome back to the hot topic of studying abroad!Last time,we talked about the general"software"needed to have a (41) ______ (success) studying experience overseas,(42) ______ refers to the ability to understand western culture,and problem solving skills when (43) ______ (face) critical situations,etc..
              Now,1will dig deeper into the concept of software".Everyone is talking about culture shock nowadays,but you may wonder what it actually(44) ______ (mean).Simply put:culture shock is the difficulty people may experience when being exposed and adjusting to a (45) ______ (remarkable) different new culture.Usually,people often go(46) ______ four distinct phases:the honeymoon phase,the negotiation phase,the adjustment phase and the mastery phase.Culture shock can happen immediately upon your(47) ______ (arrive) in the country.
              For international students,perhaps the most direct impact of culture shock is the variety of accents,especially in multicultural countries (48) ______ the U.S.Canada or Australia.There are two main reasons:Firstly,these countries have highly diversified groups of residents from different cultural (49) ______ (background).Secondly,there are many international students from all around the world every year studying in these countries,so you shouldn't be surprised (50) ______ (find) all kinds of unfamiliar accents around the university campus.
            • 8. A pupil's diary describing how his mother (61) ______ was addicted to her cell phone ignored his efforts to express his gratitude for her on International Women's Day has become a hit.
              The third-grade primary school boy wrote the diary on March 8,a day when China holds various (62) ______ (activity) to promote respect and love of women.In the diary,he wrote that he first told a story to his mother,but she seemed uninterested and stared into her cell phone(63) ______ (devote).Sad but not discouraged,he then recited some blessings,yet his mother remained occupied with her handset.(64) ______ (see) that,he chose to massage(按摩) her back."My mother was still looking at her cell phone,(65) ______ a sign of a smile on her face,and I felt even(66) ______ (sad),"he wrote in the diary"Heart-broken Women's Day".His mother felt ashamed after reading the diary and(67) ______ (make) up her mind to spend more quality time with her son.
              (68) ______ interview with students found nearly 70percent say(69) ______ (they) parents are often absorbed in the phones.Parents are urged to pay close attention to family education because it(70) ______ (be) they who are the first teachers to influence children.
            • 9. Shanxi noodles:A matter worth being proud of
              A commonly used greeting in China is the question,"Have you eaten?"It indicates the(41) ______ (important) of food in China.The Chinese are(42) ______ (extreme) proud of their cuisine(烹饪).For example,Shanxi takes full advantage.It is famous for its noodles (43) ______ (make) of wheat.It has a recorded history of more than 2,000years in making wheat-flour noodles.
              Every kind of noodle imaginable can be found in Shanxi.Even Marco Polo (44) ______ (inspire) by the making of the Shanxi noodles,which led him to take the recipes back to Italy and Europe.(45) ______ most popular Shanxi noodle is the daoxiaomian.This noodle is shaved from a giant block of dough(面团) hoisted over the chef's shoulder.The noodles are shaved off directly into boiling water.There is a phrase (46) ______ describes the noodle-making process:"One noodle in the (47) ______ (boil) water,one flying in the air,and one just being cut".
              The noodles are usually served in a small bowl,mixed (48) ______ fresh vegetables.As a special refinement,you can put some Shanxi vinegar on top.The extra aged vinegar is a typical product of the region as well.
              One can find handmade noodles all over China today,(49) ______ Shanxi province is special.It's (50) ______ the art of noodle-making reached its top.
            • 10. There are (61) ______ (variety) kinds of theme parks in the world with a specific theme for each.The theme park you are (62) ______ (probable) most familiar with is Disneyland which can(63) ______ (find) in several parts of the world,and it will bring you into (64) ______ magical world and make your dreams come true,whether you are travelling through space,visiting a pirate ship(65) ______ meeting your favourite fairy tale.Dollywood is another unique theme park that is famous (66) ______ its culture.You can listen to country music,take a ride on the only steam-engine train still(67) ______ (function) in the USA and so on.If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies,England's Camelot Park is a good place(68) ______ (visit).With all these (69) ______ (attract),no wonder that tourism is increasing (70) ______ there is a theme park.
