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            • 1.

              Many people like traveling. Travel in Canada has become exciting as a number of lakes including “Great Lakes” in Canada make it attractive. In fact, Canada has more lakes than any other country which contains fresh water. In addition to lakes, Canada has a number of beaches as it has a long coastline on its north, east, and west. Travelers from around the world come in large numbers to enjoy sunbath at various beaches.

              Niagara Falls lie on the border of Canada and the US. It is now popular for its beauty and is a valuable source of hydroelectric power(水力发电). Niagara Falls are most attractive during summer season when weather condition is charming and attractive. At the Canadian side, floodlights(照明灯)illuminate(照亮)both sides of the fall for several hours after dark and the whole scene becomes magnificent(壮丽的).

              When traveling to Canada, travelers can enjoy doing shopping at Toronto which is considered a leading city. It symbolizes American culture and the spirit of independence. Migrants(移民)form European, Latin American, Asian and Caribbean races inhabit(居住)the place and make it a plural society(多元社会). Ottawa, on the other hand, is the capital of Canada and center of political activities.

              Vancouver is an enlightening city in Canada which was named after British Captain George Vancouver, who explored the area in the 1790s. The city is a leading industrial place in Canada. Another tourist attraction in Canada is the capital city of British Columbia, Victoria. The city is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.

              Travel in Canada is being made easy as transportation facilities(设备)are of higher standard. Besides, very few people know that Canada is a high-paying country in terms of wages(报酬)per hour. In addition to a popular tourist destination(目的地), Canada is an economic powerhouse(经济强国)of North America, particularly in agriculture products. Canada dairy industry(乳品工业)exports(出口)milk products around the world.

              (1) What attracts travelers most in Canada according to the first paragraph?

              A. Animals and plants.                      
              B. Mountains and water.                   
              C. Lakes and beaches.                             
              D. Coastlines and sunbath.     

              (2) The second paragraph is mainly to tell us_________.

              A. Canada and the US
              B. the hydroelectric power
              C. the importance of the fall
              D. the beauty of Niagara Falls

              (3) What do we know about Toronto according to the passage?
              A. It is a political center in Canada.
              B. It displays the Canadian bravery.
              C. Travelers can buy something cheap there.
              D. Its people come from different countries.

              (4) Captain George Vancouver is referred to in the fourth paragraph in order to _____.
              A. introduce the city of Vancouver
              B. tell us a history story

              C. remind us to keep him in mind              
              D. compare Vancouver and Victoria   

            • 2.

              Disney World is a very popular attraction. But going there can be costly. Here are some suggestions that can help you save money.

              Instead of eating at the park, get premade food from a nearby grocery store or even make your own lunch. Also, make sure to take your own water with you because spending $3 on water will make your stomach hurt. Another idea is to pack snacks or quick and cheap pick-me-ups as you make your way around the park.

              Of course you’re going to want to take some Disney souvenirs home with you, but you’ll quickly realize that it comes with a price. Before buying anything, make sure you have a plan. Some suggestions for keeping costs down include picking your own pearl at the Japan store at Epcot, which is all about the experience and only $15.95 plus tax, or even getting special tradable collection pin that you can trade with Disney cast members or other guests.

              When you go to Disney World on rainy days, you may catch a lot of showers. But you don’t have to. Go to a local Dollar Tree and buy disposable ponchos(一次性雨披)for $1. The ponchos at Disney are probably more durable(耐用的), but they cost $9. For a family of five, the Disney ponchos would cost $45 versus spending $5 at the dollar store.

              It costs $17 to park in Disney for a day. Luckily, most non-Disney resorts offer free shuttles(来往的班车)to and from the park and all Disney resorts offer free transportation for guests as well. If you like to be on your own schedule without worrying about when the shuttle comes, then parking is your only choice. But waiting for the shuttle and going by a schedule isn’t really difficult, either.

              (1) According to the author, if you want to eat at Disney World, you can ________.

              A. just take pick-me-ups to save money     
              B. get premade food at Disney World

              C. avoid food that stimulates your appetite   
              D. prepare food before entering the park

              (2) What does the author think of buying pearl at the Japan store at Epcot?

              A. It can be a terrible experience.

              B. It enables one to get pearl at a reasonable price.

              C. It’s a good way to find a tradable collection.

              D. It’s the best way to get Disney souvenirs.

              (3) If you buy four ponchos at a local Dollar tree instead of at Disney, you can save ________.

              A. $32                          
              B. $36                         
              C. $40                         
              D. $45

              (4) The author thinks it is advisable to ________.

              A. park in Disney World for a day        
              B. avoid going to Disney World on rainy days

              C. use more durable ponchos at Disney World 
              D. use transportation offered by the resorts

            • 3.

              Four Must-See Route 66 ( 66号公路) Attractions

                   The United States is full of odd roadside attractions. Route 66 is home to some of the oldest and most known attractions of them all. Here are four attractions you should see along the Mother Road:

                   1,Paul Bunyan and a Hot Dog

                   Route 66 travelers pass by many fiberglass giants (巨人) right along the road. These giants were a popular form of advertising in the 1960s. Many of them stood in front of service stations. They held car parts, such as mufflers. The collection of Route 66 giants became known as "Muffler Men". Businesses hoped the strange statues would get travelers' attention.

                   The first fiberglass giant was a "Paul Bunyan" figure, built in the early 1960s. It's said that Paul Bunyan is a famous wood worker.

                   2,Crown Candy Kitchen and Jamaica Ray

                   Crown Candy Kitchen has been serving Route 66 travelers from the very beginning. It is just a few short blocks from the 66 path through St. Louis, Missouri. The family-run soda fountain shop opened more than 100 years ago, and has been making candies and meals ever since.

                   On weekends, people sometimes wait in line for a table at Crown Candy for over an hour. Luckily there is free entertainment right outside. Jamaica Ray, a local folk artist, creates unusual sculptures.

                   3,The World's Largest Rocking Chair

                   Fanning, Missouri, is home to one of the strangest Route 66 attractions. Just off the road sits an almost 13-meter-tall rocking chair. The structure was completed in 2008 on the first of April, or April Fool's Day.

                   At one time the chair actually rocked. But officials decided it had to be still to be safe for ever. People are not permitted to climb the chair. We think, however, that it probably happens once in a while when no one is watching.

                   4,Big Texan's Steak Challenge

                   Few places better represent the common expression "Everything's Bigger in Texas" than the Big Texan Steak Ranch. Since 1960, it has appealed to travelers with big appetites and a big love of beef.

                   It is hard to miss the huge yellow restaurant or the giant cow statue that sits out front. The cow advertises Big Texan's special deal, and what has made this steak ranch famous: a "free" 72-ounce (英两) or 2-kilogram steak. There is one trick: the steak is only free if you can eat the entire thing in one hour.

                   A special table is in the middle of the restaurant for the daring diners who accept the challenge. Since 1990, more than 9,000 diners have eaten the entire 2-kilogram steak.

              (1) What was considered as "Muffler Men"?
              A. Hot Dog. B. Jamaica Ray. C. Car parts. D. Paul Bunyan.
              (2) Where will you maybe wait in line on weekends?
              A. Paul Bunyan and a Hot Dog.               
              B. Big Texan's Steak Challenge.
              C. The World's Largest Rocking Chair.         
              D. Crown Candy Kitchen and Jamaica Ray.
              (3) If you visit The World's Largest Rocking Chair, you have to ________.
              A. get there in April
              B. climb up and rock it
              C. travel to Fanning, Missouri
              D. see it 13 meters away
              (4) What is Big Texan's Steak Challenge?
              A. The giant cow statue sits out of the huge ranch.
              B. Diners eat up the entire 72-ounce or 2-kilogram steak.
              C. The Big Texan Steak Ranch is the biggest restaurant in Texas.
              D. The daring diners sit around at a special table in the restaurant.
            • 4.

              Four Must-See Route 66 ( 66号公路) Attractions

                   The United States is full of odd roadside attractions. Route 66 is home to some of the oldest and most known attractions of them all. Here are four attractions you should see along the Mother Road:

                   1,Paul Bunyan and a Hot Dog

                   Route 66 travelers pass by many fiberglass giants (巨人) right along the road. These giants were a popular form of advertising in the 1960s. Many of them stood in front of service stations. They held car parts, such as mufflers. The collection of Route 66 giants became known as "Muffler Men". Businesses hoped the strange statues would get travelers' attention.

                   The first fiberglass giant was a "Paul Bunyan" figure, built in the early 1960s. It's said that Paul Bunyan is a famous wood worker.

                   2,Crown Candy Kitchen and Jamaica Ray

                   Crown Candy Kitchen has been serving Route 66 travelers from the very beginning. It is just a few short blocks from the 66 path through St. Louis, Missouri. The family-run soda fountain shop opened more than 100 years ago, and has been making candies and meals ever since.

                   On weekends, people sometimes wait in line for a table at Crown Candy for over an hour. Luckily there is free entertainment right outside. Jamaica Ray, a local folk artist, creates unusual sculptures.

                   3,The World's Largest Rocking Chair

                   Fanning, Missouri, is home to one of the strangest Route 66 attractions. Just off the road sits an almost 13-meter-tall rocking chair. The structure was completed in 2008 on the first of April, or April Fool's Day.

                   At one time the chair actually rocked. But officials decided it had to be still to be safe for ever. People are not permitted to climb the chair. We think, however, that it probably happens once in a while when no one is watching.

                   4,Big Texan's Steak Challenge

                   Few places better represent the common expression "Everything's Bigger in Texas" than the Big Texan Steak Ranch. Since 1960, it has appealed to travelers with big appetites and a big love of beef.

                   It is hard to miss the huge yellow restaurant or the giant cow statue that sits out front. The cow advertises Big Texan's special deal, and what has made this steak ranch famous: a "free" 72-ounce (英两) or 2-kilogram steak. There is one trick: the steak is only free if you can eat the entire thing in one hour.

                   A special table is in the middle of the restaurant for the daring diners who accept the challenge. Since 1990, more than 9,000 diners have eaten the entire 2-kilogram steak.

              (1) What was considered as "Muffler Men"?
              A. Hot Dog. B. Jamaica Ray. C. Car parts. D. Paul Bunyan.
              (2) Where will you maybe wait in line on weekends?
              A. Paul Bunyan and a Hot Dog.               
              B. Big Texan's Steak Challenge.
              C. The World's Largest Rocking Chair.         
              D. Crown Candy Kitchen and Jamaica Ray.
              (3) If you visit The World's Largest Rocking Chair, you have to ________.
              A. get there in April
              B. climb up and rock it
              C. travel to Fanning, Missouri
              D. see it 13 meters away
              (4) What is Big Texan's Steak Challenge?
              A. The giant cow statue sits out of the huge ranch.
              B. Diners eat up the entire 72-ounce or 2-kilogram steak.
              C. The Big Texan Steak Ranch is the biggest restaurant in Texas.
              D. The daring diners sit around at a special table in the restaurant.
            • 5.


              If you get into the forest with your friends, stay with them always. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you really get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you by staying in one place.

              There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Any signal given three times is a call for help.

              Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They give you two shouts, two whistles, or two gun-shots (枪声). When someone gives you a signal, it is an answer to a call for help.

              If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house---cover up to the holes with branches (树枝) with lots of leaves. Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass.

              What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little house to look for a river. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back. The most important thing to do when you are lost is—stay in one place.

            • 6.


               Secrets of Web Travel Sites

              Booking a trip on an online travel site is convenient, but comes with its own set of problems.

               They know who’s on a Mac and who’s on a PC and who’s going

              to spend more.

              Last year, US travel research company Orbitz tracked people’s online activities to test out whether Mac users spend more on travel than PC users. On average, Mac users lay out US$20-30 more per night on hotels and go for more stars, according to the Wall Street Journal. As a result, online travel sites show these users more expensive travel options first. To avoid inadvertently paying more, sort results by price.

               Their software doesn’t always hook up to the hotel’s system.

              A guaranteed(确保了的) reservation is almost impossible to come by anywhere – but the risk of your flight or hotel being overbooked increases with third-party providers. The middle-man’s software isn’t free from system errors, so always call the hotel or airline to make sure your booking was processed.

              Don’t be fooled by packages: Often, they’re low-end items grouped together.

              Ever notice how travel sites recommend a hotel, a rental car, and tour package all in one click? These deals usually feature travel that no one wants, like flights with multiple layovers. Check the fine print.    

              You could miss out on loyalty points.

              Third-party providers can get between you and frequent flyer miles or points. Many hotel loyalty programmes don’t recognise external sites, others award only minimum points and exclude(排除) special offers, like double points on hotel stays.

               Once your trip is purchased, you’re on your own.

              An online travel agency can’t provide assistance the same way an agent can if a flight is cancelled or a room is sub-standard. Basically, when you arrive at the airport or hotel, you’re just another client who booked at the lowest rate.

              (1) Which of the following is TRUE?
              A. Third-party providers can ensure your reservation.
              B. Mac users are likely to spend more money than PC users.
              C. An online travel agency functions the same as an agent.
              D. Packages usually provide travelers with satisfactory programmes.
              (2) What’s the purpose of the passage?
              A. To encourage readers to book a trip on an online travel site.
              B. To make an advertisement about several travel sites online.
              C. To convince readers not to book a trip on an online travel site.
              D. To warn readers of some problems with booking trips online.
            • 7.

              If you have flexibility as to when and where to travel then you can think of traveling “off-season.’’ Off-season travel simply refers to travel at times other than the most popular time of the year to visit places. If you’re not sure whether the off-season is fit for you, keep the following in mind.

              Good reasons to go in the off-season:

               It is less expensive. The two biggest expenses—transportation and accommodation—are cheaper in the off-season.

              It is less crowded. Avoiding the busy time of the travel season also means that you aren’t rubbing elbows with strangers at every turn.

              It becomes your destination. Your vacation is decided by you —not by long lines and overcrowded activities. When no on else is eating in the local café, it is possible to spend time chatting with the owner because his/her focus is on you.

              Bad reasons to go in the off-season:

              Your options are limited. In some destinations, especially if there is a very distinct tourist season, you may find that tours or activities have been cut back in the off-season, and some destinations practically shut down, with no shops or entertainment at all.

              The weather may not be ideal. Sometimes the off-season is that way because it is an unappealing time to travel, and the weather can be a determining factor in whether you really would like to test a destination outside its prime time.

              You go just because it is the off-season. If you are going to a destination just because it is less expensive, then don’t go. Time and money are precious. Spend them knocking off places at the top of your list, even if you can only go at the same time of year as everyone else.

              (1) For which kind of people is off-season travel most suited?


              A. Businessmen.                
              B. Retired people.                    
              C. Officers.                                
              D. Students.
              (2) If you want to         , you shouldn’t travel off-season.


              A. have more choices        
              B. avoid the crowds
              C. save money                 
              D. find a good, cheap hotel
              (3) Which of the following is an advantage of traveling off-season?


              A. Your choice is wider.
              B. You are more likely to enjoy good weather.
              C. You can get more attention from the local people.
              D. You can spend a lot of money in shopping.
              (4) Where can you most probably find this text?


              A. In a travel magazine.                      
              B. In a health magazine.
              C. In a fashion magazine.                          
              D. In a science magazine.
            • 8.

              Alberta is home to many popular Canadian vacation destinations. It contains a large part of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, making it an attractive province to visit. However, this part of Canada has more than just the Rockies. There are cities and towns that draw a huge number of tourists each year. Here are four famous places of Alberta.


              Calgary is the largest city in Alberta. It’s best known for the Calgary Stampede(卡加利牛仔节), a large-scale show that happens every summer. However, if you’re not there for the Stampede, you still have lots of things to see and do. The city has many historic(有历史意义的) buildings and a wonderful zoo. It’s very rich due to its oil industry.


              Edmonton is the capital of Alberta. You can see a historic fort(城堡) at Fort Edmonton Park. The West Edmonton Mall is a popular attraction for visitors. This mall is the largest in North America and contains over 800 stores, a water park, and a theme park.


              Banff is a town located in Banff National Park. It’s famous for its natural scenery. There are a lot of hiking trails and other outdoor activities. Though it’s a small town, it is home to a lot of arts and culture. Banff holds a film festival and hosts many dance, theater, and music programs each year.


              Jasper is located within the second most popular park in the Canadian Rockies, Jasper National Park. There are a lot of outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, and skiing, depending on the season. Jasper offers a number of dining and hotel options at a variety of price points, making it convenient for your visit to the area.

              (1) What do we know about Calgary?
              A. It is the largest city of Canada.
              B. It is the nearest city from the Rockies.
              C. The Calgary Stampede is held there every year.
              D. People there are rich because of the tourist industry.
              (2) If you enjoy going shopping, you should choose to visit_________.
              A. Calgary      B. Edmonton      
              C. Banff        D. Jasper
              (3) Jasper is the best choice for visitors who want to__________.
              A. have more outdoor activities       
              B. see many historic buildings
              C. enjoy Canadian arts and culture   
              D. watch excellent music programs
              (4) Which part is the passage probably taken from in the newspaper?
              A. Sports.    B. Food and drink.   
              C. Geography.   D. Travel.
            • 9.

                  If you’d like to go sightseeing, the following World Heritage(遗产) Sites may be your best choices.

              Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area

                  Jiuzhaigou Valley, which lies in the northern part of Sichuan province, China, reaches a height of more than 4,800 m, with a series of different forest ecosystems(生态系统). It’s particularly famous for its narrow landforms and excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds also live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda. Jiuzhaigou Valley was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1992.

              Khami Ruins National Monument

                  The city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16 th century, is of great archaeological(考古的) interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and China shows that Khami was a major centre for trade over a long period of time. It joined the World Heritage List 1986.

              Henderson Island

                  Henderson Island, which lies in the eastern South Pacific, is one of the few atolls (环礁) in the world whose ecology has been untouched by humans. It is particularly famous for the 10 plants and 4 birds that can only be seen on the island. It was recorded in the World Heritage List in 1988.

              Old City of Jerusalem

                  As a holy city for three different religious in the Middle East, Jerusalem has always been of great religious importance. It was given a World Heritage Status in 1981 and placed on the World Heritage in Danger List the following year.

              (1) From the passage, we can learn that Jerusalem __________.
              A. was ruined in the mid-16 th century
              B. was once business center for trade
              C. has over 140 kinds of birds living there
              D. is a holy city for three major religious
              (2) According to the passage, which World Heritage Site was most recently set?
              A. Henderson Island.                                               
              B. Khami Ruins National Monument.
              C. Old City of Jerusalem.                            
              D. Jiuzhaigou Valley scenic and Historic Interest Area.
              (3) In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?
              A. Industry.                  
              B. Travel.                           
              C. Science.                  
              D. Business.
            • 10.

              Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea until you have to pack. But packing will not be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.

              Organize Yourself

              Make a list. Think of what you need. Keep the list for future reference. When you have done this once, it will be easier the next time.

              Start Small

              Consider buying trial-size samples (货样) of shampoo, toothpaste, and other items at your local store. Make sure they are all sealed (封闭) tightly.

              In an emergency, you can buy them at your destination. But remember that the time you spend buying things at your destination will reduce your visiting time.

              The Clothing Dilemma

              Choosing which clothes to bring is probably the hardest packing decision to make. Think once again from head to toe — hats, shirts, jeans and sneakers. Once you have made your selection, think carefully whether or not you really need that extra pair of jeans. Mixing and matching is a smart and easy way to lighten your load (负载量).

              Weather is an important factor in your packing. If it is cold, you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a T-shirt. Layering (叠层) up will keep you warm, and it will leave more room in your bag.

              After you have mixed, matched and layered, try to cut the amount of clothing you have chosen in half. It may seem impossible, but keep in mind how much easier it will be to carry your bag.

              How to Pack

              ●Use a small, light bag. If you need to buy a bag, stick with something simple, like a small backpack.

              ●Distribute (分配) the weight evenly (均匀地). It makes carrying around a bag a lot easier.

              ●Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.

              ●Pack any breakables in the middle of your bag. Cushion (铺垫子以缓冲) them with your clothing.

              Remember that it is you who have been invited somewhere, not your things. You will have an easier time if you are not weighed down, so do it right — pack light.

              (1) If you buy things at your local store ahead of time, you can __________.
              A. lighten your load B. save a lot of money
              C. have more visiting time D. have more room in your bag
              (2) What does the author suggest doing immediately after choosing which clothes to pack?
              A. Removing half the clothes.
              B. Laying them flat in the backpack.
              C. Making a list of other items to bring.
              D. Rolling up clothes rather than folding them.
              (3) Which of the following would the author probably agree with?
              A. Choosing a bag as big as possible.
              B. Folding all the things that can be folded.
              C. Placing heavy things in one side of the bag.
              D. Putting breakables in the middle of the bag.
