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            • 1.
              "Time,"says the proverb,"is money".This means that every moment well-spent may put some money into our pockets.
              If our time (25) ______ (employ) usefully,it will either turn out some useful and important piece of work which will fetch its price in the market,or it will add to our experience and increase our capacities so as to enable us to earn money when the proper opportunity comes.Let those,(26) ______ think nothing of wasting time,remember this.
              Our life is nothing more than our time.To kill time is therefore a form of suicide.We are shocked (27) ______ we think of death,and we spare no pains,no trouble,and no expense to preserve life.
              But we often care nothing about the loss of an hour or of a day,(28) ______ (forget) that our life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live.Our life is a brief period measuring some seventy or eighty years in all.So a day or an hour(29) ______ (waste) is therefore so much life lost.
              But nearly one third of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be spent over our meals; some in watching over the sick-beds of our (30) ______ (near) relatives; some in making journeys on land and voyages by sea.
              Now if all these years were to be decreased from the term over which our life extends,we shall find about twenty or thirty years at our disposal (处置) for active work.(31) ______ remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life.
              The precious hours of childhood and youth,if properly used,(32) ______ (supply) us with incalculable advantages.If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away,we shall never be able to make up for the loss.
            • 2.
              Home on the Way
              People need homes:children assume their parents'place as home; boarders call school"home"on weekdays; married couples work together (33) ______ (build) new homes; and travelers …have no place to call"home",at least for a few nights.
              So how (34) ______ people who have to travel for extended periods of time?Don't they have the right to have a home?Of course they do.
              Some regular travelers take their own belongings:like bed sheets,toothbrushes and family photos to make them feel like home (35) ______ they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; others (36) ______ simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely.Furthermore,driving a camping car during one's travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like (37) ______ is generally thought of as"home"--only mobile!
              And how about maintaining relationships while in transit?Some keep contact with their friends via internet; some send letters and postcards,or even photos; (38) ______ may just call and say hi,just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well.People find ways to keep in touch.(39) ______ (make) friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home.Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends,even closer than siblings.
              Nowadays,fewer people are working in their local towns,so how do they develop a sense of belonging?Whenever we step out of our local boundaries,there is always another"home"waiting to be found.Wherever we are,with just a little bit of effort and imagination,we can make (40) ______ place where we stay"home".
