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            • 1.

              There’re some important days in April to remember.

              Fools’ Day

              April Fools’ Day falls on the first day of April. It’s the only of the year when you can play tricks on others and needn’t worry about them getting angry. You must make sure the jokes are good for both sides. Don’t make your tricks mean(低劣的) or dangerous.

              First Modern Olympics

              On April 6, 1896, King George I of Greece welcomed people to the modern day Summer Olympic Games in Athens.

              Back then, Athens was just a small village, and news about the Games was unable to reach many people. As a result, only 245 athletes took part in the games. They weren’t chosen by their countries like they’re now. Instead, they came by themselves and paid for the journey themselves. Ever since then, the Summer Olympic Games have been held every four years in a different city around the world.

              Health Day

              April 7 is World Health Day. This day is not just about hand-washing and healthy eating. Each year a different theme(主题) is selected. For example, the theme of 2012 Health Day was Ageing and Health.

              This year, Health Day will focus on high blood pressure. The main causes of blood pressure include stress, too much salt in your food and too little exercise.

              Earth Day

              We call the Earth our “mother”; however, our mother is facing lots of problems. April 22 this year marks the 43rd Earth Day. It’s a day to remind us to care about the planet. On this day people do things to help improve the environment and cut down their energy use. Earth Day comes only once a year, but it reminds people to live in a green way every day. If we truly care about the planet, every day can be Earth Day!

            • 2.
              Yinxu (Ruins of Yin) is the ruins of the last capital of China's Shang Dynasty(1600BC~1046BC).The capital served 255 years for 12 kings.It shows the golden age of early Chinese culture,crafts(工艺品) and sciences,a time of great prosperity(繁荣) during the Chinese Bronze Age(青铜时代).
              Discovered in 1899,Yinxu is one of the oldest and largest archaeological sites(考古遗址 )in China and is one of the historical capitals of China and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.It lies in central Henan Province,near the modern city of Anyang,and is open to the public as the Garden Museum of Yinxu.It is famous as the source of oracle bone script (甲骨文),the earliest recorded form of Chinese writing.The oracle bone script has recorded everything from dreamexplaining to events such as harvests,birth of a child,the weather,and the success of military campaigns.
              Over 3,000 tombs,2,200 pits,and 200 houses have been dugout at Yinxu.The large number of burial accessories found there shows the high level of the Shang crafts industry.
              The site includes a main palace and an ancient tomb.Besides,there are a number of large buildings,at least 53 of which have been dug out.
              Yinxu has seen many years of research,first studied by the Academia Sinica in the late 1920s to the early 1930s and most recently by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

              (1) During which of the following periods may Yinxu have been the capital of Shang Dynasty? ______
              A. 1600BC~1500BC.
              B. 1500BC~1200B
              D. 1050BC~850BC.
              (2) From the passage,we can know that Yinxu ______ .
              A. was the last capital of China's Shang Dynasty
              B. proved the failure of Shang Dynasty
              C. was discovered in the 1920s
              D. can be visited by the public now
              (3) Which of the following is NOT true about the oracle bone script? ______
              A. It was discovered in Yinxu.
              B. It is the earliest form of Chinese writing.
              C. Many things were recorded using it.
              D. It is important for studying the Shang Dynasty.
              (4) According to the passage,which of the following belongs to things that are dug out from Yinxu? ______
              a.craft b.gold c.oracle bone script d.tombs
              e.bronze f.houses g.accessories
              A. afg    
              B. bcd
              C. bdg
              D. ace
            • 3.
              Started in 1636,Harvard University is the oldest of the many colleges and universities in the United States,Yale,Princeton,Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.They were all started before the American Revolution made the thirteen colonies(殖民地)into states.
              In the early years,these schools were much the same.Only young men attended colleges.All the students studied the same subjects,and everyone learned Latin,Greek and Hebrew.Little was known about the science then,and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world.When the students graduated(left school),most of them became ministers Or teachers.
              In 1682,Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors.Later lawyers could receive their training in Harvard's law school. In 1825.Harvard began teaching modern languages,Such as French and German,as well as Latin and Greek.Soon it began teaching American history.Special colleges for women were started. New state universities. began to teach such subjects as farming,engineering and business.Today,there are many different kinds of colleges and universities.Most of them are divided into smaller schools that deal with social fields of learning. There is so much to learn that one kind of school cannot offer it a11.

              (1) The story doesn't say so,but it makes you think that ______ .
              A. universities have changed over the years
              B. today all the students study to become teachers or ministers
              C. all colleges were much the same in the early years
              D. students then were allowed to study both language and science
              (2) As knowledge increased,colleges began to teach ______ .
              A. everything that was known
              B. many new subjects
              C. Latin,Greek and Hebrew
              D. foreign languages
              (3) On the whole,this story is about ______ .
              A. how colleges have changed
              B. how to start a university.
              C. the American Revolution
              D. the would-famous colleges in America
              (4) Which of the following is right according to the text? ______
              A. There is more to learn today than in 1636.
              B. The early schools are still much the same.
              C. Every student studied Latin,Greek and Hebrew.
              D. They began teaching foreign languages in 1825.
            • 4.
              The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture(建筑).It is at Agra in northern India.It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.
              The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝)Shah Jehan,who ruled India in the seventeenth century.It is in memory of his favorite wife,Arjumand Banu Bagam,known as Mumtaz Mahal,who died in 1631.The building,which was completed between 1632 and 1638,was designed by a local Muslim architect(建筑师),Ustad Ahmad Lahori.The whole building,with gardens and gateway structures,was completed in 1643.The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path.The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls.The building now is kept in good condition.
              It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.Shah Jehan planned a similar building,but in black instead of white,to lie on the other side of the river.But before it could be built,Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.

              (1) The Taj Mahal was built for ______ .
              A. Mumtaz
              B. Shah
              C. either Mumtaz or Shah
              D. both Mumtaz and Shah
              (2) Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? ______
              A. His own tomb hadn't been built.
              B. He hoped to be buried there.
              C. King and Queen should be buried together.
              D. He liked Mumtaz all his life.
              (3) The passage mainly tells us ______ .
              A. why the Taj Mahal was built
              B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz
              C. some information about the Taj Mahal
              D. the Taj Mahal-the pride of Indians
              (4) From the passage we can learn that ______ .
              A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before
              B. the Taj Mahal doesn't exist now
              C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed
              D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest
            • 5.
              Papercutting is a very special visual art of Chinese handicrafts.One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony of offerings.The ancient people cut papers into animals or people.They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals,wishing that things that paper stands for could be with the dead.After hundreds of years'development,now they have become a very popular means of decoration among country folk,especially women.
              It is easy to learn about cutting a piece of paper but very difficult to master it with perfection.Beginners need only a knife and paper.For craftsman,they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated (复杂的) patterns.For complicated patterns,people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.
              Papercutting covers nearly all topics,from flowers,birds,animals,legendary people,figures in classic novels,to types of facial makeup in Beijing Opera.Papercutting has various styles in different parts of China.
              In the past,women living in the countryside gathered in their free time to make papercutting,which is a way to judge their skillfulness.As society develops,fewer and fewer still regard it as a profession.At present,there are factories and associations for papercutting in China.Exhibitions and exchanges are held regularly and books of this kind are published.Papercutting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time,papercutting also appears in cartoons,on stage,in magazines or in TV series.

              (1) What is the passage mainly about? ______
              A. Ancient religious ceremonies.
              B. A special kind of art form in China.
              C. Decoration of festivals in ancient China.
              D. Animals made of paper.
              (2) Why did ancient people burn paper animals or people on the funerals? ______
              A. They wanted to give them warmth.
              B. They wanted the dead to have enough food.
              C. They wanted them to go with the dead.
              D. They wanted the dead to use them as decoration.
              (3) If a mistake is made during the process, ______ .
              A. you have to correct it after you finish the work
              B. you'd better use some kind of knife to correct it
              C. all your work will be wasted
              D. it doesn't affect the result
              (4) What can we learn from the last paragraph? ______
              A. More and more people regard papercutting as a profession.
              B. Papercutting is in danger of disappearing in the future.
              C. Papercutting is a way to judge a woman's skill.
              D. As a kind of art,papercutting is still popular today.
            • 6.
              Different things usually stand for different feelings.Red,for example,is the color of fire,heat,blood and life.People say red is an exciting and active color.They associate (使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like (1) .Red is used for signs of (2) ,such as STOP signs and fire engines.Orange is the bright,warm color of (3) in autumn.People say orange is a (4) color.They associate orange with happiness.Yellow is the color of (5) .People say it is a cheerful color.They associate yellow too,with happiness.Green is the cool color of grass in (6) .People say it is a refreshing color.In general,people (7) two groups of colors:warm colors and cool colors.The warm colors are red,orange and (8) .Where there are warm colors and a lot of light,people usually want to be (9) .Those who like to be with others like red.The cool colors are (10) and blue.Where there are these (11) ,people are usually worried.Some scientists say that time seems to (12) by more slowly in a room with warm colors.They suggest that a warm color is a good (13) for a living room or a (14) .People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. (15) colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.
              (1) A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile
              (2) A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places
              (3) A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains
              (4) A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening
              (5) A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. sta rs
              (6) A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter
              (7) A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell
              (8) A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray
              (9) A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful
              (10) A. black B. red C. golden D. yellow
              (11) A. colors B. people C. groups D. feelings
              (12) A. walk B. go C. run D. move
              (13) A. one B. way C. fact D. matter
              (14) A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital
              (15) A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. Same
            • 7.
              A teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each (1) to bring a bag (2) a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a (n) (3) that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put into his/ her bag will (4) the number of people the child (5)
              Some children had two potatoes; some had three and others had (6) five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to (7) the bag wherever they go for a week.
              As the days (8) , the children started to complain(抱怨) because of the unpleasant (9) coming from the rotten (腐烂的 ) potatoes. And the students with five potatoes also had to carry (10) bags.
              After (11) , the teacher asked, "How did you feel?" The children started complaining about the (12) they had to go through , when they had to carry the heavy and (13) potatoes everywhere they went.
              (14) the teacher said, " This is the situation (15) you carry your hate for (16) inside your heart. The smell of hate will (17) your heart and you will carry (18) with you wherever you go. If you cannot (19) the smell of rotten potatoes for (20) one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for your lifetime?"

              (1) A. child B. headmaster C. teacher D. classmate
              (2) A. including B. taking C. containing D. providing
              (3) A. animal B. toy C. book D. person
              (4) A. lead to B. depend on C. belong to D. consist of
              (5) A. spots B. hates C. loves D. misses
              (6) A. up to B. or rather C. at least D. less than
              (7) A. fetch B. offer C. carry D. bring
              (8) A. went away B. went down C. went up D. went on
              (9) A. shape B. smell C. color D. taste
              (10) A. smaller B. lighter C. brighter D. heavier
              (11) A. a week B. an evening C. a month D. an hour
              (12) A. success B. quarrel C. trouble D. pleasure
              (13) A. smelly B. pleasant C. fresh D. lively
              (14) A. Thus B. Then C. Anyhow D. However
              (15) A. until B. unless C. since D. when
              (16) A. somebody B. something C. everybody D. everything
              (17) A. prevent B. protect C. pollute D. produce
              (18) A. them B. it C. us D. that
              (19) A. allow B. admit C. bear D. breathe
              (20) A. ever B. still C. once D. just
            • 8.

              Peer pressure leads many high school students to follow the crowd. It took me two years of high school to realize that I was   (1)   of standing on my own feet and taking on the challenge of wrestling. What’s more, I have   (2)   a lot from this experience.

              Wrestling has a long history in my   (3)  . My grandfather and my two uncles wrestled. The tipping point for me was the constant   (4)   of my family to them. I remember my grandfather told me how he felt when he was   (5)   as New York State Champion. I could never have imagined that   (6)   till the night I won my first match.

              I never realized the   (7)   demand that wrestling took on one’s body. The long hours of learning new moves, lifting weights, and the mental preparation needed to   (8)   for this sport is overwhelming. I had to learn to manage my   (9)   between school, home and friends. Learning to manage a constant diet of   (10)   on a daily basis became more important than stopping by McDonalds for a hamburger and milk shake.

              Wrestling is more of an individual sport.   (11)  , it requires the help and support of a team to be successful. The coaches taught us to   (12)   ourselves and also the opponents(对手) we face on the mat. At Christmas, we as a team brought toys for the   (13)   children in the Upstate Hospital cancer unit who could not be home for the holidays with their families. Here I came face to face with the children who never knew   (14)   they would be able to leave the hospital and live a(n)   (15)   life. This made me realize that I should live each day to the full because no one can tell what life has   (16)   for us.

              Wrestling has showed me that I am capable of being   (17)  . I can’t go back in time to change the past.   (18)  , the confidence I have gained allows me the possibility of   (19)   my wrestling career in college. From this sport, I now know that to be   (20)   you must not be afraid to try something new.

              (1) A. afraid                 B. unsure                 
              C. worthy                     D. capable

              (2) A. suffered                  B. mentioned            
              C. learnt                       D. hesitated

              (3) A. school                B. family                 
              C. mind                        D. life

              (4) A. mystery                     B. performance            
              C. practice                    D. urging

              (5) A. announced          B. described                 
              C. imagined                  D. persuaded

              (6) A. action                
              B. feeling                           
              C. reaction                   
              D. change

              (7) A. frequent                     B. permanent            
              C. physical                   D. economic

              (8) A. account               B. answer                           
              C. exchange                  D. prepare

              (9) A. preference                B. understanding          
              C. time                         D. value

              (10) A. homework          B. food                       
              C. complaint                 D. guess

              (11) A. Though               B. Also                     
              C. Instead                     D. Otherwise

              (12) A. entertain             B. convince              
              C. respect                            D. content

              (13) A. naughty                    
              B. unconfident                
              C. innocent                  
              D. unfortunate

              (14) A. whether                     B. why                     
              C. because                    D. until

              (15) A. normal                      B. early                   
              C. flexible                   D. formal

              (16) A. in need               B. in store                
              C. in advance                D. in turn

              (17) A. another               B. either                         
              C. nobody                    D. myself

              (18) A. However             B. Thus                      
              C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile

              (19) A. predicting           B. furthering            
              C. advocating                D. admitting

              (20) A. successful           B. considerate          
              C. similar                            D. automatic

            • 9.

              The time may soon come when we say goodbye to most of the world’s languages. Today humans

              express themselves in over 6,000 different languages. But that is quickly changing. Many scientists say that over half of these languages will disappear within the next 50 years. After 100 years, the languages

              used in the world will not be more than 20.

                   Why? It is because people from different cultures live and work together much more often than before. This brings changes. The languages of the world’s main cultures are replacing the languages of the smaller cultures. Most international trade takes place in world languages such as English. People respect their own cultures and traditions, but when it comes to getting a job, knowing a world language is often necessary. It may mean the difference between success and failure.

                  People in different cultures think it good for them to share a popular language. They can quickly share ideas and work together. Knowing the same language means easier communication and is a basis for trust.

                   Is the death of a small local language such a terrible thing? The answer is maybe. Many cultures may have words for many useful things we know nothing about. If their languages die, their valuable wisdom may be lost forever. The future of the world’s language depends on our actions now. Will we protect endangered languages or allow them to quietly disappear?  

              Time will have the last word.

              (1) Scientists say that within 50 years, perhaps, there will be only _______languages in the world.
              A. 6,000             B. over 3,000        
              C. around 3,000        D. less than 20
              (2) In “the languages of the world’s main cultures are replacing the languages of the smaller cultures.” the underlined word “replace” means “_______”.
              A. to put something back into a correct place      
              B. to take the place of something
              C. to find the good place for something           
              D. to decide how important something is
              (3) The passage says that if all the people in the world knew a popular world language, _______.
              A. people would respect their own culture more
              B. people would have no trouble in learning language
              C. lessons at schools would be taught in the language
              D. it would be easier for them to share their ideas
              (4) According to the passage, if nobody spoke the languages of smaller cultures, _______.
              A. there would be no smaller cultures   
              B. knowledge would come from the mouths of the elders
              C. people would have difficulty in working together
              D. many of the words for things we do not know would be lost
            • 10.

              Every people uses its own special word to show its ideas and feelings. Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years. Others are popular for just a short time. One such American expression is “Where’s the beef?” It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be. In the early 1980s “Where’s the beef?” was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. It seemed as if everyone using it at the time.

              Beef, of course, is the meat from a cow, and food is more popular in America than a hamburger made from beef. In the 1960s a businessman named Ray began building small restaurants that sold hamburgers at a low price. Ray called this “McDonald’s”. Ray became one of the richest businessmen at last in America.

              Other business people watched his success. Some of them opened their own hamburger restaurants. One company called “Wendy’s” said its hamburgers were bigger than those sold by McDonald’s or anyone else. The Wendy’s Company began to use the expression “Where’s the beef?” to make people know that Wendy’s hamburgers were the biggest. The Wendy’s television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers. The bread that covered the meat was very big, but inside there was only a bit of meat. One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef. “Where’s the beef?” she shouted in a funny way. The advertisement for Wendy’s hamburger restaurants was a success. As we said, it seemed everyone began using the expression “Where’s the beef?”

              (1) _______ started McDonald’s restaurant.
              A. McDonald  B. Ray   C. Wendy  D. Three old women
              (2) Other people wanted to open hamburger restaurants because they thought _______.
              A. they could sell hamburgers at a low price
              B. beef was very popular in America
              C. they could make a lot of money
              D. hamburgers were easy to make
              (3) Wendy’s made the expression known to everybody _______.
              A. by a television advertisement
              B. with many old women eating hamburgers
              C. while selling bread with a bit of meat in it
              D. at the McDonald’s restaurant
              (4) We can learn from the passage that the expression “Where’s the beef?” means that _______.
              A. the beef in hamburgers is not as much as it is said to be.
              B. the hamburgers are not as good as they are said to be.
              C. Wendy’s beef is the biggest one in American restaurant.
              D. it is used when something is not as good as it is said to be.
