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            • 1.
              The most wonderful time of the year (the Christmas season) is also the most stressful for lots of people struggling to fit in increased end-of-the-year workloads,holiday parties,shopping,guest hosting,travel,and seeing friends and relatives who you'd otherwise avoid.Luckily,the same coping mechanisms that can help relieve stress and find better balance during the year also work for this holiday.
              Here are four tips to finding work-life balance during this season.
              (1) Know and avoid your stressors(压力源).
              If cooking for a large group,baking cookies,or Christmas shopping are your key stressors,don't do them.Lots of grocery stores will help cater your next holiday meal.Bakeries exist for a reason,and gift cards are much appreciated by all.Stop trying to live up to someone else's expectations of the holidays and stay merry by outsourcing the pain points.
              (2) Get flexible at work.
              If you normally travel an hour each way at work,see if your boss will let you work from home in this special season to save time,get more done,and reduce your stress.Or ask if you can start work from home in the mornings and come to the office later in the day to avoid peak hours.Leave early and finish your day from the comfort of home,too.
              (3) Make your own list and check it twice.
              Make a to-do list for yourself,for both work and life,then divide it up into categories like"must do,""want to do,"and"feel obligated to do."If you can remove any or all of your required list,the rest of your to-dos will start to look a lot easier.
              Once you have your lists in order,it's time to start crossing things off.In between your must-dos tasks,include a want-to-do task to break things up and re-energize yourself.Yes,this holiday is a time to give back to others and be selfless,but there's still a bit of"self"in selflessness,isn't there?
              (4) If you start to feel a cold coming on,come to a full and complete stop.
              The best way to stop a cold from exploding into a weeks-long sickness is to stop it at the start.Unless a task or activity is an absolute necessity,cancel your plans,put away your to-do lists,and settle in for a long winter's nap.A day of rest and enough sleep is the only thing you NEED right now.Feel bad about declining holiday invitations from your friends and family?You're doing them a favor.Once people hear that you're sick,they'll be glad you stayed away-they don't want to come down with a cold during the holiday any more than you do!
              It is certain that you can feel less stressed in this hectic season when you stop expecting so much from yourself,because nobody puts so much expectation on you as you do to yourself.Trying to satisfy clients,co-workers,friends and family can be draining and can finally negatively impact you in many ways.When you simplify things up front,you relieve the stress off of yourself and everyone else in the process.Stop focusing on what you feel like you're obligated to do,and start focusing on what you want and need to do,the load will get lighter and you will feel a lot merrier under the Christmas tree.
              (76) ______ Four Ways to Find Work-life Balance during the Christmas Season
              Introduction ◆The Christmas (77) ______ is often a time when work and social activities
              collide with each other.
              ◆Luckily,(78) ______ relief mechanisms can be found to cope with the problem.
              Four Tips ◆Your stressors like cooking,baking and shopping can be (79) ______ because
              there is enough outsourcing for you to turn to and it is OK if you fail to live up
              to people's (80) ______ .
              ◆You can talk to your boss for a (81) ______ schedule.
              ◆You can make a list of what really (82) ______ and let go of the obligatory list.
              ◆Your friends and family don't want to come (83) ______ with a cold at all,so feel free to cancel all your plans when (84) ______ .
              Conclusion ◆Start (85) ______ on what you want to do and you can enjoy the season better.
            • 2.
              Things adults should learn from kidsChildren can teach adults a lot.In other words,there are many things adults can learn from children.For example,kids tend to show love.Every action they do for parents,friends,pets,and people they like,is filled with love.They don't think twice before loving,and they just love.So adults can learn this:the best way to receive love is to first give it.Unfortunately,most of us have developed the habit of questioning everything.We often try too hard with love,and associate it with weakness.Actually,the only way to experience love is to have minimal expectations,and love your dear ones unconditionally.
              Kids never hide emotions.They cry when they hurt themselves,and express displeasure when things don't go their way.On the contrary,we adults always try to hide our feelings,and never express ourselves sincerely.We often feel happy for others with negative thoughts in our hearts.Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do.Never hold back tears or happiness.If you want to cry,cry your eyes out,and if you are happy or pleased about something,don't be afraid to show or share it.
              Kids are curious little beings,who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they undertake.They have a huge appetite for knowledge,and ask lots of questions every day.This curious nature guides their life,and often leads them to simple yet brilliant discoveries.Are adults as curious as kids?Well,most of us aren't.Also,they no longer have the thirst for knowledge,and don't even ask questions if they don't understand something.Adults often forget that it isn't talent or skill but our curiosity and a huge appetite for knowledge that makes us worthy.
              Kids live in the present,and give 100% to any task they are doing.They never worry about the future,and since they are so busy enjoying their present,life is great today.However,with a job,money,and relationships,it does get hard for an adult to enjoy life.The best thing to do here is to change oneself,and if that isn't possible,we can live like a child.Just don't bother about the future,because it isn't in your control.The only thing you can control is your present,so work hard toward it.
              As kids treat everyone equally,they make friends soon and also play a lot with them.Through playing,they make a lot of astonishing discoveries about their friends and surroundings.They also learn a lot about life,because they are out in the open and are playing with all their hearts.So how long has it been since you played outdoors for fun as an adult?Not some serious sporting event or activity,just kicking a ball,running in the park,or any other silly game!Playing doesn't mean that you have to achieve a purpose.Sometimes,it is healthy to just have some fun.
              Paragraph outlines Main points
              Show love. •Adults should learn to give love first instead of (71) ______ love.
              •In order to experience love,adults should (72) ______ less and love others unconditionally.
              Never hide emotions. •Children aren't afraid to display their emotions while adults always
              •(73) ______ to express themselves sincerely.
              •It's normal to express oneself,so try to show or share your emotions,(74) ______ you are happy or sad.
              Be curious. •Kids are curious and are (75) ______ for knowledge,so they ask questions every day.
              •Most adults don't ask questions even if they feel (76) ______ about something.
              •Actually,our worth (77) ______ on our curiosity and desire for knowledge.
              Live in the present. •Kids live in the present happily,while adults have (78) ______ in enjoying life with many things to consider.
              •Change yourself,or enjoy your present without worrying about the future that can't be (79) ______ .
              Play more. •Children (80) ______ and learn a lot through playing.
              •Adults should also play outdoors for fun just like kids.
            • 3.
              Boys are not so good at English when there are girls in their class,a research student said.This finding disagrees with the widely held belief that girls always have a good influence on boys in school.
              Boys do best with as few girls as possible in English lessons at primary and secondary schools,Steven Proud,a research student at Bristol University,told the Royal Economic Society's conference.
              But when it comes to math and science,both boys and girls at primary schools achieve up to a tenth of a grade higher when there is a greater percentage of girls in the class,Proud found.
              Proud kept a record of boys'and girls'test results at the ages of 7,11,and 16 in 16,000 schools in England.He studied the test scores to see whether the percentage of girls made a difference to the results of both boys and girls in math,science and English.
              Boys always perform worse when the number of girls they study English with increases,which is especially the case at primary schools.Proud also found that girls are unaffected by the number of boys in their English class.
              Proud said boys may do worse in English when there is high proportion(比例) of girls in their class because they think that the girls are better than them.It could also be that teachers use teaching styles more appropriate(适合) to girls when there are more girls than boys in the class.
              Proud argues that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.
              However,Professor Alan Smithers,director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham,said,"Boys may be discouraged by how well girls are doing in English,but you can't say that it means boys and girls should be separated.It has very little practical importance to schools."
              Theme Boys may do(76) ______ in English in a class with a higher percentage of girls.
              Widely held
              (77) ______
              Girls always have a good influence on boys in school.
              Proud's(78) ______ When there are more girls both boys and girls at primary schools perform better in math and (79) ______
              When the number of girls (80) ______ boys perform worse in English
              When the number of boys changes girls aren't(81) ______ in an English class.
              Possible (82) ______ Boys think that the girls are better than them.
              Teachers use(83) ______ styles more appropriate to girls.
              Proud's suggestion Boys and girls should be taught English in(84) ______ classes.
              Alan's opinion Don't(85) ______ the boys and girls.
            • 4.
              When was the last time you read a.book,or a magazine article?Do your everyday reading habits centre around updates on the Internet?In case you are one of innumerable individuals who don't make a habit of reading consistently you may be passing up a great opportunity:Reading has a noteworthy number of advantages.and only a couple of advantages of reading are recorded below.
              Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you never know when it might be useful to you.The more knowledge you have,the better-equipped you are to overcome any challenge you'll ever face.Additionally,here's a bit of food for thought:Should you ever find yourself in terrible circuit stances,remember that although you might lose everything else-your job,your possessions,your money,even your health-knowledge can never be taken from you.
              At the same time,the more you read,the more words you gain exposure to,and they'll surely make (heir my into your everyday vocabulary.Being able to express your ideas clearly in words is of great help in any profession?and knowing that you can speak to higher-ran king people with self-confidence can he a great encouragement to your selt-esteem(自尊).It could even aid in your career.as those who are well-read,well-spoken,and knowledgeable on a variety of topics tend to get promotions more quickly (and more often) than those with smaller vocabularies and lack of awareness of literature,scientific breakthroughs,and global events.Reading books is also vital for learning new languages,as non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context,which will improve their own speaking and writing fluency.
              When you read a book,you have to remember a lot of characters,their backgrounds,ambitions,history,arid nuances,as well as the various plots that weave their way through every story.That's a fair bit to remember,but brains are wonderful things and can remember these things with relative ease.Amazingly enough,whenever you remember something new,new synapses[(神经元的)突触]are formed and existing ones me strengthened.I low cool that is!
              No matter how much stress you have at work,in your personal relationships,or countless other issues faced in daily life-it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story.A well-written novel can transport you to other realms (领域)while an interesting article will distract you and keep you in the present moment T letting tensions drain away and allowing you to relax.
              Title:Some of Benefits of Reading:You ShouldReadd Every Day,Why?
              The more you read,the more adequately it (71) ______ you for various troubles in life,
              Knowledge is what will stay with you (72) ______ .
              You can ( 73 ) ______ your vocabulary by reading,which may favour you in your job and make you proud when you talk with your leaders.
              Your rich vocabulary means you are a great reader with rich knowledge,which offers you a big (74) ______ over others in promotions.
              Wards in context will help a foreigti language learner use the laneuaec (75) ______ .
              (76) ______ improvement You will try to keep in mind the (77) ______ of a book while reading and (hut h somewhat (78) ______ for your brain.
              The more you try to remember,the (79) ______ you will be at remembering.
              Stress reduction An interesting riding will transfer your attention to its plob so that you feel (80) ______ and forget about your worries.
            • 5.
              Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world.Women's education may be an unusual economical field,but increasing women's contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue.And economics,with its focus on encouragement,provides an explanation for why so many girls are rid of an education.
              Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family:girls grow up only to marry into somebody else's family and bear children.Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school--the prophecy (观念) becomes self-fulfilling,trapping women in a vicious (恶性的) circle of neglect.
              An educated mother,on the other hand,has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices.She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children,ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance.The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls,as well as of boys,will be educated and healthy.The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.
              Few will argue that educating women has great social benefits.But it has enormous economic advantages as well.Most obviously,there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.Wages rise by 10to 20per cent for each additional year of schooling.Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments,but they are just the beginning.Educating women also has a significant effect on health practices,including family planning.
              Topic:The significance of female (71) ______ in developing countries
              Viewpoint Educating girls is more beneficial and worthy of being (72) ______ .
              Families From low-income families From educated mothers'families
              Attitudes Girls are of less (73) ______ than boys. Development should be for all the (74) ______ .
              Practices There is (75) ______ investment in daughters,while boys are sent to school.
              Girls are made to stay at home,
              (76) ______ housework.
              It is insisted that girls and boys be offered chances to be educated (77) ______ .
              Consequences A vicious circle A virtuous circle
              Significance Educating women (78) ______ o social benefits,has economic advantages and (79) ______ health practices significantly,including family planning.
              (80) ______ Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.
            • 6.
              You've just graduated from business school and you feel like the world is your oyster,only to find that job offers aren't knocking down your door as expected,making MBAs wonder why they're not getting hired.This can be disheartening,but as an MBA,you know that perception(洞察力) is more important than reality.The key to getting hired is an employer's perception of you.Many MBA graduates are guilty of unconsciously displaying signs that they are not the best fit for the job.Once you discover what these common mistakes are,you can put your MBA skills to use and strategize how to turn things in your favor and land the job you've been looking for.
              Employers feel more comfortable hiring MBAs with experience because there is less need for training.Many MBAs mistakenly apply for jobs they are obviously not qualified for or which require more experience than they have,leaving them scratching their heads at why they're not getting interviews.Interviewers want MBAs who can prove their ability to increase profits,decrease costs,and help their business succeed in some way.Show that you can help the company by providing concrete examples of relevant experience.
              MBAs often have great resumes(简历) showing all the right qualifications,but then blow the interview with inappropriate behavior,such as a lack of professional appearance,poor hygiene,or even a bad attitude.It's necessary to be on your best behavior,dress appropriately,and not seem cocky,bored,or disinterested in the company.A little enthusiasm won't hurt you,especially when it comes to a potential new job.Every business wants to put their most enthusiastic MBAs forward with important clients and customers,so be sure to show your passion for your work.
              Another mistake you may be making unknowingly is how you present yourself on social media.As an MBA,you know how important networking is,and these days,most of it is done online.Don't assume that employers aren't interested in your online profiles.Many employers now use social networking sites and online searches to check up on potential hires.Inappropriate photos and information,such as annoying material or implications of drinking and drug use are huge red flags to employers.Even discriminatory(歧视性的) comments related to race,gender,or religion will leave employers with a bad impression.Make sure to remove any photos,content,or links that can work against you in an employer's eyes.
              Don't forget that practice makes perfect when it comes to finding a great MBA job.Earning your MBA was a huge accomplishment,but there's always room for improvement.Ask your classmates,peers,family,and even past co-workers or managers for feedback.Show multiple,trusted resources the job posting you're interested in,your cover letter and resume.Take constructive criticism on how it can be better.Do mock interviews to help relieve any tension and gain a better idea of how you'd like to present yourself.With a few minor changes to your resume and the way you interact with others,you'll be hearing"you're hired"in no time!
              Title Why MBA graduates are not getting hired
              Commonly-made mistakes Many of you MBA graduates unconsciously display unfavorable signs,and (72) ______ to bring out the best in yourselves.
              ◇While (73) ______ for jobs,you do not take your qualifications and experience into consideration.
              ◇You (74) ______ inappropriately,thus losing a good opportunity to have an interview.
              ◇You make the (75) ______ that employers know nothing about your online profiles.
              Possible solutions You should make full use of your skills to take a turn for the (76) ______ .
              ◇Try to show your (77) ______ to help the company,providing concrete examples of relevant experience.
              ◇Be well-behaved,and (78) ______ to please the company.
              ◇Remove from the Internet your inappropriate photos,information,and discriminatory comments that may (79) ______ your employers unfavorably.
              (71) ______ You are bound to (80) ______ in job hunting if you keep in mind that practice makes perfect and there is always room for improvement.
            • 7.
              Did you know that falling down is the leading cause of injury death for Americans aged 65and older?
              Each year 35to 40percent of older adult Americans fall at least once.
              Falling down is not just the result of getting older.Falling can be caused by a variety of circumstances,and many falls can be prevented.
              Here are 4simple steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of injury from falling down.
              Improve Your Body Balance with Exercise to Prevent Falling.
              •If you don't have a regular exercise program,start one.Lack of exercise leads to weakness,and that increases your chances of falling.
              •Exercise can improve your body balance and flexibility at any age.Try exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi.
              •If you are over 50and haven't exercised regularly,check with your health care provider about the
              best type of exercise program for you.
              Increase Your Home's Accessibility and Safety to Reduce Falling Risks
              About half of all falls happen at home.To increase accessibility and make your home safer:
              •Remove items you might trip over from stairs and places where you walk.
              •Remove small throw rugs(易滑地垫)or use double-sided tape to keep the rugs from slipping.
              •Have grab bars installed next to your toilet,and install grab bars in your tub or shower.
              •Improve the lighting in your home.
              •Make sure all stairways have handrails and sufficient lighting.
              •Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles.
              You might also consider avoiding lightweight slippers(especially backless styles),which can reduce your feeling of control.
              Prevent Falling:Watch Out for Medication Side Effects
              Age can affect the way some medications work in your body,so if you have been taking any over-the-counter medications for a while,it's important to tell your health care provider.He or she will be able to tell you if they are still safe for you to take.
              •Look out for drugs that have side effects including drowsiness(困倦).These side effects can increase your risk of falling.This is especially important with over-the-counter cold and flu medications,which can often increase drowsiness.
              •And don't forget herbal remedies(草药).Some remedies increase sleepiness and many react with other types of medication,which could increase your risk of falling down.Be sure to check with your health care provider before trying new medication.
              Want to Prevent Falling?Have Your Vision Checked Regularly
              Vision problems can increase your chances of falling.
              •You may be wearing the wrong glasses that cause vision problems or limit your vision.
              •To reduce your risk of falling,have your vision checked by an eye doctor every year for early detection and correction of vision problems.If you can't see something,it's harder to avoid it,and this increases your risk of falling.
              How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury from Falling
              (76) ______ Detailed suggestions
              Make your body (77) ______ better with exercise •Try exercises (78) ______ like Yoga and Tai Chi
              •Make clear which is the best type of exercise program for you in advance
              Increase your home's accessibility and safety •Remove items that might cause you to (79) ______
              •(80) ______ items that will support you when needed
              •Improve the lighting in and out of your room
              •Wear non-slip shoes
              Be(81) ______ of medication side effects •Do check with your health care provider to ensure your (82) ______ of taking any over-the-counter medications,(83) ______ you have taken them or not
              Protect your vision carefully •Don't(84) ______ the wrong glasses that damage your vision
              •Have your vision checked regularly to detect and correct your (85) ______ vision problems
            • 8.
              What Should You Do When an Earthquake Hits?
              If you find the ground shaking beneath your feet,there's an international consensus on how you should act.Earthquake safety boils down to three basic steps:
              (1) Drop to the ground.
              (2) Take cover by getting under a study desk or table.
              (3) Hold on to it until the shaking stops.
              If there isn't a table or desk near you,drop to the ground in an inside corner of the building and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.Do not try to run to another room just to get under a table.
              If you are in bed,hold on and stay there,protecting your head with a pillow.You are less likely to be injured staying where you are:Broken glass on the floor has caused injury to those who have rolled to the floor or tried to get to doorways.
              If you are outdoors,move to a clear area if you can safely do so;avoid power lines,trees,signs,buildings,vehicles,and other hazards.If you're at the movies or a sports game,stay at your seat and protect your head and neck with your arms.Don't try to leave until the shaking is over.Then walk out slowly watching for anything that could fall in the aftershocks.
              If you're driving a car,pull over to the side of the road,stop,and set the parking brake.Avoid overpasses,bridges,power lines,signs and other hazards.Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.If a power line falls on the car,stay inside until a trained person removes the wire.
              If you're by the shore,drop,cover and hold on until the shaking stops.Estimate how long the shaking lasts.If severe shaking lasts 20seconds or more,immediately evacuate to high ground as a tsunami(海啸)might have been generated by the earthquake:evolve inland 3kilometers(2miles)or to land that is at least 30meters(100feet) above sea level immediately.Don't wait for officials to issue a warning.Walk quickly,rather than drive,to avoid traffic debris and other hazards.
              If you live downstream for a dam,you should know floodzone information and have prepared an evacuation plan.Catastrophic failure is unlikely,but dams can fail during major earthquakes.
              The main point is to try not to move and to immediately protect yourself as well as possible where you are.Earthquakes occur without any warning and may be so violent that you cannot run or crawl;you therefore will most likely be knocked to the ground where you happen to be.You will never know if the initial jolt will turn out to be start of the big one.
              In addition,studies of injuries and deaths caused by earthquakes in the US over the last several decades indicate you are much more likely to be injured by falling or flying objects(TVs,lamps,glass,bookcases,etc.)than to die in a collapsed building."Drop,Cover,and Hold on"offers the best overall level of protection.

              Theme:(29) ______ to be taken during an earthquake:Drop,Cover and Hold on
              When you
              are indoors
              •Get under a desk/table or drop to the ground in an inside corner with your head
              (30) ______ with your hands and arms.
              •Don't move to other places(31) ______ you might get injured by broken glass.
              When you
              are outdoors
              •Moving to a clear area and (32) ______ staying near power lines are recommended.
              •You are(33) ______ not to leave until the shaking is over.
              When you
              are driving
              •You should(34) ______ over to the roadside and keep away from dangerous places like overpasses,bridges or power lines.
              When you are
              by the shore
              •You should walk inland to a higher place to(35) ______ from a possible tsunami.
              When you
              •You should(36) ______ a plan for necessary evacuation if you live downstream from a dam.
              Conclusion:You should stay (37) ______ you are and protect yourself in an earthquake,because you are(38) ______ likely to die in a collapsed building than to be injured by falling or flying objects.
