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            • 1. Do you know how to pick a good book you'll really like?Here are some tips.
              Start With Your Interest.(21) ______ .You can pick something that you love to read,not for school.They can be ancient martial (武术) arts,computers,or fashion design.You name it,there are books about it.
              What's Your Type?Do you prefer fiction or no nfiction (or both)?Fiction books,like novels,can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience.Nonfiction books give you the who,what,when,and why of something.(22) ______ .Many of them read like novels from start to finish.
              Read the description.The reviews and quotes on the back and inside covers of many books give you an idea of what the book is about.They can also help you pick future books,too.If you find a book you really like,take a minute to read the quotes and see which authors praised the book.(23) ______
              Find a Family Favorite.Which book did your mother love best when she was at your age?(24) ______ .Find out and give them a read-then you can share your thoughts about the book.
              Finally,you'll probably enjoy what you're reading a lot more if you find a quiet place and make time for the book.(25) ______ .You can put on some good music,get yourself some tea and let yourself be carried away by the book.You'll see that time does fly when you're reading something you love!

              A.How about your brothers and sisters?
              B.They tell stories using facts-but that doesn't mean they're boring.
              C.Reading is a good way to improve your English.
              D.Most reading is best enjoyed when you can concentrate (全神贯注) on it.
              E.Often,they'll have similar styles and you might find books you like by those authors,too.
              F.So you should read as much as possible when you are free.
              G.Reading on your own isn't like reading for school.
            • 2. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项.
              Every one complains.Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world,you still complain sometimes.Sometimes you complain:without even realizing ill,but rarely is it ever helpful.(16) ______ .Here are some tips to stop complaint and give up the negative thoughts:
              (17) ______
              When you find yourself thinking or saying a negative comment about someting or someone,stop and force yourself to say something positive instead.Seek the help of a cheerful friend to change you when you complain and help you to see the positive in the situation.
              Make a list of things we are grateful for.
              We often complain about the things we don't have without noticing those things we already have.Be grateful for what we have in our life because we are lucky simply for being ourselves.(18) ______
              Learn to adapt to the changes.
              There are many things we can't change.(19) ______ .Always find the positive side of each situation,regardless of however difficult the situation is,with parents'and friends'support,we can survive any life changes.
              Allow yourself to express your feelings every once in a while.
              Constantly ignored negative thoughts could add up if you are really going through a hard time,don't be afraid to share your feelings with close friends or family members or see a therapist.
              Find what makes you happy.
              (20) ______ .Maybe it is time to make the hard decision to move on to another job or career.Uncover what your biggest complaints are about and see if you can change the situation to make you happy.Stop complaining,focus on the positive,and be kind always!

              A.Change the way you think
              B.Make positive people friends
              C.The best and only thing we can do is to accept them
              D.Are you constantly complaining about your present job?
              E.Sometimes this list can be easy,full of hobbies you enjoy
              F.So how can you manage to force yourselves to end complaining?
              G.Set down things we are thankful for and we'll see that we don't have any reason to complain.
            • 3. Are you studying English and do you need help with grammar?(16) ______ Well,you can find help online with these top 5 free English as a Second language websites.
              1.Dave's ESL Cafe
              This is a complete website that can help you learn and practice English.In the learning center,you can read many stories and do a lot of exercises to test yourself.(17) ______
              You can get free English courses from About.com and you'll get regular e-mails that will help you learn English.
              3.(18) ______
              You can watch videos and listen to news stories to improve your listening and vocabulary skills.You can also hear English words and their meanings.
              4.Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English
              Do you need to find the definition (定义)of a word?(19) ______ You can also find different cultural facts.
              5.Personal English Portal (门户网站) on YouTube
              You can watch this series of videos on YouTube to develop your listening skills.You can also do a search for"learn English"on YouTube to find other videos.There are also lots of English songs for you to listen and relax.Even you can play interesting games or chat with your friends in English on this website.(20) ______

              A.You are sure to learn a lot from all the five websites.
              B.National Geographic.com.
              C.Do you want to learn new vocabulary or slang?
              D.Use this online dictionary to find simple and clear definitions,as well as example sentences and idioms.
              E.You can also post questions and answers onto the help center.
              F.This is a good way to practice English and have fun.
              G.The Classroom by Voice of America.
            • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
              Reading is a task that we all do either for enjoyment or education,but sometimes the book we have to read may lack the attraction.Here are some tips on avoiding getting bored while reading.
              Try to step into the world of literature(文学) you are reading.(16) ______ If the wind is blowing,imagine how the leaves move with each movement of air.
              Make your reading area unlike your sleeping area.If you sleep with the radio on,then shut it off.
              (17) ______ Make the area you read in an area that feels almost uncomfortable to sleep in.This will keep you from becoming sleepy.
              (18) ______ If you are reading for a book report,then take breaks from time to time to put what you are reading into some kind of context(语境) that you can put into the report.
              Take a break once in a while.(19) ______ You'd better offer yourself short breaks while reading in case you are too tired,which may make you give up.
              Find a friend.(20) ______ Try to read the same book.Even if you read different books,you can tell him or her how good the book is.Also,a friend can encourage you to read.
              (1) A. Get a note book and make notes.
              B. Put aside sometime and devote it just to reading.
              C. Some books are a little too boring for"hours on end"reading.
              D. Determine what you are supposed to get from the reading material.
              E. If you don't like lights on when you are asleep,then turn on the lights.
              F. Reading can be more enjoyable when you do it with a friend.
              G. Don't just read the words on the page; picture them in your mind.
              (2) A. Get a note book and make notes.
              B. Put aside sometime and devote it just to reading.
              C. Some books are a little too boring for"hours on end"reading.
              D. Determine what you are supposed to get from the reading material.
              E. If you don't like lights on when you are asleep,then turn on the lights.
              F. Reading can be more enjoyable when you do it with a friend.
              G. Don't just read the words on the page; picture them in your mind.
              (3) A. Get a note book and make notes.
              B. Put aside sometime and devote it just to reading.
              C. Some books are a little too boring for"hours on end"reading.
              D. Determine what you are supposed to get from the reading material.
              E. If you don't like lights on when you are asleep,then turn on the lights.
              F. Reading can be more enjoyable when you do it with a friend.
              G. Don't just read the words on the page; picture them in your mind.
              (4) A. Get a note book and make notes.
              B. Put aside sometime and devote it just to reading.
              C. Some books are a little too boring for"hours on end"reading.
              D. Determine what you are supposed to get from the reading material.
              E. If you don't like lights on when you are asleep,then turn on the lights.
              F. Reading can be more enjoyable when you do it with a friend.
              G. Don't just read the words on the page; picture them in your mind.
              (5) A. Get a note book and make notes.
              B. Put aside sometime and devote it just to reading.
              C. Some books are a little too boring for"hours on end"reading.
              D. Determine what you are supposed to get from the reading material.
              E. If you don't like lights on when you are asleep,then turn on the lights.
              F. Reading can be more enjoyable when you do it with a friend.
              G. Don't just read the words on the page; picture them in your mind.
            • 5. Before reading,answer me,what do you do for a living?Are you a teacher?Editor or lawyer?That would be too normal compared to the jobs here.(36) ______ Let's take a look.
              (37) ______
              Is begging a job?You may wonder.According to a recent survey,the average monthly"salary"of each of the 59detained beggars in Dubai is about 73,000.73,000.
              Pet food tester
              Have you ever tasted the food your beloved pet lives on?If you can't wash it down with anything,a pet food tester can help to check the pet food's quality and taste.(38) ______
              Chick(小鸡) gender examiner
              (39) ______ This is a demanding job in Britain,with a salary of 58,000 per year.
              Professional hugger
              Do you need a hug but don't have someone to provide one?A professional hugger provides hugs,or bear hugs (if you want) in New York for 60 per hour.
              Mistress fighter
              These fighters do not really fight against mistresses who break up couples.(40) ______ Some fighters can earn 15,000 a month.

              A.Beggars in Dubai
              B.Professional Beggars
              C.A person who does this job is estimated to earn $90-180a day.
              D.They persuade them to leave and save broken marriages.
              E.Here are some unusual jobs that sound both funny and unexpected.
              F.Believe it or not,these fluffy little creatures need examiners to check if they are males or females.
              G.Do you need a gender examiner to provide a healthy chick?
            • 6. Doctors Say Most Heart Disease PreventableHeart disease is the number one killer,worldwide,of men and women over the age of 60.But people of all ages die of heart attacks each year.And while death rates have declined in the U.S.and many western European countries,they are on the rise in the developing world.(16) ______
              No one would have guessed that Barbara Teng would have a heart attack.She was not overweight.She did not smoke or exercise."In 2004,the week after I turned 49,when I was on a business trip in Chicago,I had a major heart attack,"she said.(17) ______ She now exercises daily,and monitors her heart health.
              Dr.Patrice Nickens,who is with the National Heart,Lung and Blood Institute,thinks that heart disease is 82percent preventable."(18) ______ ,"she said,"Men are also facing the same problem,and the key to staying healthy is knowing your numbers".
              "Your weight,your blood cholesterol,blood sugar and your blood pressure are important numbers that can help you take action and reduce your risk,"she said.(19)
              "And the steps to take are simple:don't smoke,maintain a healthy weight,exercise,know your numbers and talk to your physician and control these risks,"she said.
              African-Americans are at higher-than-average risk for heart disease and stroke; people don't even know they have it,which increases the risk.Medstar Washington Hospital Center is trying to reach this population.(20) ______ .For example,helping the people monitor their blood pressure.If people realize they are at risk for heart disease,they'll make lifestyle changes:lose weight,exercise,eat the right foods and keep in touch with a doctor.

              A.And that changed her life
              B.So we must cure heart disease
              C.Lack of exercise causes heart attacks
              D.Yet most heart disease is preventable.
              E.It is the leading cause of death for women
              F.A healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease
              G.With the right training,they can play an important role in community health.
            • 7. Currently,an increasing number of people spend their holidays in other countries.(11) ______ So read our travel tips that are simple and practical,and you can always enjoy your travels.
              On a business card,write down the emergency contact information and place it in your wallet (12) ______ Give your emergency contact a copy of your travel plan,a passport data page,and the visa information.Give each piece of your luggage a unique look:tie a bright handkerchief to a handle or purchase a colored luggage tag.(13) ______ If you don't speak the local language,carry a matchbox,or a brochure with the name and address of your destination.(14) ______
              To avoid being a target of crime,don't wear eye-catching clothing:dress conservatively,and don't wear or carry obvious signs of wealth (gold watches,expensive jewelry and etc.) and don't carry more cash than necessary.(15) ______
              To make sure of a safe journey and avoid some unnecessary trouble when traveling in foreign countries,you should be more careful.
              A.Good preparations can always help you out as well.
              B.It will be easier for you to keep track of your bag from a distance.
              C.Also,don't accept packages from strangers.
              D.Include the name of anyone who should be contacted in an emergency.
              E.Once your wallet is stolen,you can let them know.
              F.Of course everyone wants his travels to be trouble-free and enjoyable.
              G.You can show it to taxi drivers or when asking for directions.
            • 8. Every boy and every girl expects their parents to give them more pocket money.Why do their parents just give them a certain amount?(16) ______
              The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.(17) ______ Some children get weekly pocket money.Others get monthly pocket money.
              First of all,children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving.Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money.At first,some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it.Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time.(18) ______
              In order to encourage their children to do some housework,some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home.Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that.(19) ______
              Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with the money.They can spend it by giving it to a good cause.They can spend it by buying things they want.(20) ______ Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice(牺牲).Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing(投资) for children.
              A.They can save it for future use.
              B.Timing (时间)is another consideration(考虑).
              C.As helping at home is a normal part of family life.
              D.Some children are not good at managing their pocket money.
              E.Learning how to get money is very important for every child.
              F.One main purpose is to let kids learn how to manage their own money.
              G.By doing so,these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget(预算).
            • 9. W:Hi,dad!Come over here!Be quick!
              M:Yes?What for?
              W:There's a football match (61) ______ TV.Hurry up,dad?
              M:Yes,I'm coming.
              W:Let's turn(62) ______ the TV a little so that we won't bother our neighbors.It's too late now.
              M:Yes.Ah,what time is it now?
              W:Let me have a look first.Er.It's half past eleven by(63) ______ ( I ) watch.
              M:Eleven thirty?I think(64) ______ is high time that you went to bed now,Rose.
              W:But the football match is so exciting!I enjoy (65) ______ ( watch ) football matches just like you.I don't want to miss such (66) ______ exciting game.
              M:You will be late for school if you stay up too late watching TV.Furthermore,if you get to school late,you (67) ______ ( punish ) by your teacher tomorrow.Therefore,you'd better go to bed (68) ______ ( immediate ) and take a good sleep.
              W:No,I won't,dad.I will turn on my alarm clock,and it will wake me(69) ______ at the right time.
              M:But it doesn't do if you don't take enough sleep.That will be too(70) ______ ( harm ) to
              your health.
              W:Never mind,dad.I will go to sleep at twelve sharp.
            • 10.

              Travel writing is a great way to combine the love of travel and the love of writing into a profitable and rewarding career. ____  (1)  ____ You'll need to follow some simple guidelines in order to produce a story that publishers will want to run.

                    ____  (2)  ____Always carry a pen and notebook with you to make important notes. Be sure to include street names, prices for museums and other sites and information on how to get from place to place.

                   Take pictures. You should always have a camera with you when traveling to record the things you are seeing and places you are visiting, if for no one else, but yourself. ____  (3)  ____ Most travel magazines will use professional photos, but you never know when someone might ask to use yours.

                   Say something new. This is the biggest challenge when it comes to travel writing. There are a lot of articles including every location, monument and restaurant. Maybe, they are fa-miliar to others, and you should find something to raise their interest. ____  (4)  ____

                   Write the facts. Your first draft should get the basic details about the journey. ____  (5)  ____ Be careful when you edit it later. Make sure you include all the important facts about the loca-tion, such as how late banks are open and if you can change money on Sundays.

              (1) br />
              A. Be prepared.
              B. Be honest, personal and funny.
              C. Don't worry if the first draft is dry and a bit boring.
              D. So it's important to put some new information in your article.
              E. This will help you remember things you might have forgotten.
              F. Tell the reader what you liked or disliked about the location, and why.
              G. Travel writing isn't rocket science, but it can be a hard door to break into.
              (2) br />
              A. Be prepared.
              B. Be honest, personal and funny.
              C. Don't worry if the first draft is dry and a bit boring.
              D. So it's important to put some new information in your article.
              E. This will help you remember things you might have forgotten.
              F. Tell the reader what you liked or disliked about the location, and why.
              G. Travel writing isn't rocket science, but it can be a hard door to break into.
              (3) br />
              A. Be prepared.
              B. Be honest, personal and funny.
              C. Don't worry if the first draft is dry and a bit boring.
              D. So it's important to put some new information in your article.
              E. This will help you remember things you might have forgotten.
              F. Tell the reader what you liked or disliked about the location, and why.
              G. Travel writing isn't rocket science, but it can be a hard door to break into.
              (4) br />
              A. Be prepared.
              B. Be honest, personal and funny.
              C. Don't worry if the first draft is dry and a bit boring.
              D. So it's important to put some new information in your article.
              E. This will help you remember things you might have forgotten.
              F. Tell the reader what you liked or disliked about the location, and why.
              G. Travel writing isn't rocket science, but it can be a hard door to break into.
              (5) br />
              A. Be prepared.
              B. Be honest, personal and funny.
              C. Don't worry if the first draft is dry and a bit boring.
              D. So it's important to put some new information in your article.
              E. This will help you remember things you might have forgotten.
              F. Tell the reader what you liked or disliked about the location, and why.
              G. Travel writing isn't rocket science, but it can be a hard door to break into.
