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            • 1. What do people think of the new alarm clock? How do you know that? ______
            • 2. What do you think of the invention of the yellow robot? Why? (no more than 20 words)
            • 3.
              Scientists have been trying to make soft and friendly robots,like Disney's Baymax,for years.
              And they have finally done it.
              The"Octobot"is the world's first soft robot.It is not like the scary,metal robots in movies
              like Star Wars or The Terminator.Instead,it is made of soft material,and looks just like an
              octopus (章鱼).
              The Octobot is also the first soft robot that controls itself without batteries or wires,according
              to its researchers at Harvard University in the US.
              The hope is that one day,soft robots like this will help humans do difficult medical surgery
              and save lives in emergencies like earthquakes and storms.
              Scientists have been trying for years to make soft robots that are safe around humans,but this
              is the first time it has happened.It means that humans won't be in danger of being hurt if the robot
              accidentally touches you too hard.
              The Octobot gets power from a chemical reaction.It pushes gas through the robot's body and
              makes its legs dance.
              They used a 3.D printer to create its silicone (硅酮) body.
              "Humans ourselves,we're very soft and soft robots are made of materials that are safe for us
              to interact with,"PhD student Ryan Truby,one of the Octobot researchers,said.
              Barry Trimmer,the editor⁃in⁃chief of Soft Robotics,said that,"Soft robots and soft material
              technologies are definitely needed if we expect them to help us in the home or in natural
              They may not all look like an octopus in the future,though.Scientists have studied jellyfish
              and even cockroaches in their research so far.

              (1) What is the Octobot?(不多于5 个单词) ______
              (2) How will soft robots help humans?(不多于9 个单词) ______
              (3) How does the Octobot get power?(不多于4 个单词) ______
              (4) In what ways is the Octobot different from other robots?(不多于10 个单词) ______ .
            • 4.
              Friendship is a wonderful thing to have no matter how old you are.However,it is important for teens and young adults to provide conversation,support and so much more as friends.(16) ______ Actually,there are a few things that symbolize(象征) a friendly relationship.
              (17) ______ One of the symbols of a wonderful relationship between friends is easy conversation.When you can talk about almost anything,you are sure to be true friends.When the conversation flows easily from one topic to another,this can be a symbol of friendship as well.
              Able to have fun(18) ______ No matte what you are doing,you can have a fun experience so long as you are with your friend.This is one of the best parts of friendship.
              Support all the time
              If your friends know they can call you anytime and you will be there for them,then this symbolizes friendship.
              Attentive(专心的) listening by both individuals
              If you find that you listen closely to what your friend says and they do the sam for you,this is another symbol of friendship.(19) ______ Share laughter and tears
              Another symbol of friendship is the ability to share both laughter and tears.A friend is someone with whom you can laugh and cry over anything.(20) ______
              A.Get together

              B.Easy conversation
              C.Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D.A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E.You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F.If you are trying to make friends,you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G.True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is saying.
            • 5.
              Five steps to better handwriting
              Some kids love handwriting,but others hate it when it's time to put pen to paper.Maybe they are worried about their handwriting.Are you one of them?(16) ______ Here are five steps that really work!
              Get a great grasp
              Try this-hold your pencil at the top and try to write your name.Pretty hard?But when you hold your pencil the correct way,writing is much easier.(17) ______ Hold it in place with your thumb(拇指),and your index and middle fingers.
              Let the lines be your guide
              Lined paper is your friend!Those lines can help you create letters that are of the right size and proportion (比例).(18) ______ Also be sure to fill up the lined space completely.Those capital letters should be from the bottom line to the top one.
              Slow down
              If your writing is hard to read,try slowing down a little.If you rush,it's hard to control where you stop and start your letters.
              Lower the pressure (压力)(19) ______
              That makes it harder to make the smooth lines.Try relaxing and don't hold the pencil too hard.
              (20) ______ Lots of games need you to write or draw pictures.So even though it's not schoolwork,you're still using the skills you need to control your pencil better.

              A.Play games
              B.Ask for advice
              C.You've been writing since you were a little kid.
              D.So"a"should be half the height of a capital"A".
              E.Some kids press down really hard when they write.
              F.The best way to hold a pencil is to rest it next to the base of your thumb.
              G.The good news is that just about everyone can improve their handwriting.
            • 6.
              Not long ago,people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.
              Scientists note that babies are strongly influenced1 by their environment.They say a baby will smile if his mother does something the baby likes.A baby learns to get the best care by smiling to please his mother or other caregivers.This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.
              A study shows how mothers can influence social development and language skills in their children.
              Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years.The researchers tried to measure the sensitivity2 of the mothers.The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children's activities and did not get involved unnecessarily.They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.Also,the researchers observed the women for signs of depression.
              The children of depressed3 women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression.The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear.
              (1) influence:to affect the way people behave or think
              (2) sensitivity:the ability to understand other people's feelings
              (3) depressed:very sad and without hope

              These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.The researchers noted that the sensitivity of the mothers was important to the intelligence development of their children.Children did better when their mothers were caring,even when they suffered from depression.
              64.When do babies begin learning according to doctors in the United States?(不多于5个单词)
              65.Why do babies smile to please their mothers or other caregivers?(不多于6个单词)
              66.In what tests did the children of depressed women do poorly?(不多于 7个单词)
              67.What kind of mothers can help children have a better development?(不多于 2个单词)
