优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. — Have you heard of the North Korea's nuclear test?
              — Yes, ______ news came as ______ shock to me.

              [     ]

              A. the; a
              B. the; the
              C. a; a
              D. a; the
            • 2. We are too busy to take  _____ holiday at _____ present.

              [      ]

              A. a; the
              B. a; /
              C. the; the
              D. /; a
            • 3. — How about calling on many _____ volunteer to help those trapped in Yushu county?
              — I can't think of ________ better idea.

              [     ]

              A. a ; /
              B./, a
              C. a ; a
              D. /; /
            • 4. On ______ April Fool’s Day, some of the naughty boys in our class played _____ trick on the
              new teacher.
              [     ]

              A. the; a      
              B. the; 不填      
              C. 不填 ; a      
              D. 不填;不填  
            • 5. Harbin No.3 High school is___ school of wonders, ____ school which we students are proud of.
              [     ]

              A. a , a  
              B. a, the  
              C. the , a  
              D. the, the
            • 6. Please tell us about your _____ in China.
              [     ]

              A. experiences    
              B. experience  
              C. experienced  
              D. being experienced
            • 7.
              Hearing Tom's travelling _____, I knew that he was an _____ traveller.

              A. experiences; experienced
              B. experience; experience
              C. experiences; experiencing
              D. experience; experiencing
            • 8.
              It is _____ to jump into the swimming-pool to have a swim after a day of study.

              A. funny
              B. strange
              C. fun
              D. a fun
            • 9.
              The water _____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning _____.

              A. was felt; exercise
              B. felt; exercise
              C. feels; exercises
              D. is felt; exercises
            • 10.
              We went to professor Black's yesterday. He gave us            .

              A. some advice
              B. advices
              C. an advice
              D. a few advices
