优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              假设你是李华,去年作为一名交换生去英国学习,得到史密斯夫妇的照顾 。回国后写一封感谢信给史密斯夫妇,内容包括:

              1.  感谢生活上的关心。

              2.  感谢学习上的帮助。

              3.  欢迎到中国做客。




              参考词汇: exchange student 交换生

            • 2.

              Welcome to Holker Hall & Garden

              Visitor Information

              How to Get to Holker

              By car: Follow brown signs on A590 from J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere-20 minutes, Kendal-25 minutes, Lancaster-45 minutes, Manchester-l hour 30 minutes.

              By rail:The Nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports.

              Opening times

              Sunday-Friday (closed on Saturday) 11:00 am-4:00 pm, 30 March-2nd November.

              Admission Charges

              Hall & Gardens   Gardens

              Adults:               £12.00        £8.00

              Groups:                   £9.00          £5.5

              Special Events

              Producers: Market 13th April

              Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.

              Holker Garden Festival 30th May

              The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening.

              National Garden Day 28th August

              Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide.

              Winter Market 8th November

              This is an event for all the family! Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.

              (1) How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester?

              A. 20 minutes.           B. 25 minutes.           
              C. 45 minutes.            D. 90 minutes.

              (2) How much should a member of a tour group pay a visit to Hall & Gardens?

              A. £12.00.                
              B. £9.00.                   
              C. £8.00                    
              D. £5.50

              (3) Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show?

              A. Producers Market.                                  
              B. Holker Garden Festival.

              C. National Garden Day.              
              D. Winter Market.

            • 3.







              Dear Jack,







            • 4.

              Madame Tussaudˈs Wax (蜡) Museum, London

              Madame Tussaudˈs Wax Museum was first set up in Paris in 1770, moved to London in 1802 and moved to its present address in 1884. The collection of famous people of the past and present is kept up to date. Visitors will see Henry Ⅷ and his six wives, the present Queen and royal family, leading figures of the French Revolution and so on. In 1993, a new section was added to it, the “Spirit of London”, a journey through London  from medieval times (中世纪) to the present day.


              Madame Tussaudˈs Marylebone Road

              London NWI 5LR United Kingdom


              It is open from 9:30 to 17:30 from Monday to Sunday and always closed on Christmas Day (December 25).


              Adult: £25.00.

              Child 16 under: £21.00.

              Child 4 under: FREE.


              Extra money applies to (适用) some peak periods.

              Group rates apply to 10 or more persons.

              Combined tickets for Madame Tussaudˈs and the London Planetarium (天文馆) are available at reduced rate.

              Opening hours may vary throughout the year.


              By Tube (地铁): Madame Tussaudˈs is a two-minute walk from Baker Street tube station.

              By Train: Marylebone Station is within 10 minutes walking distance of Madame Tussaudˈs.

              By Bus: The following bus numbers travel to Madame Tussaudˈs: 13, 18, 27, 30, 74, 82, 113, 139 and 274.

              (1) From the “Spirit of London”,visitors can learn ________.

              A. the tube of London

              B. what London people think today

              C. the history of London

              D. the famous people in Londonˈs development

              (2) If the Smiths visit the Wax Museum with their ten-year-old twins,they will have to pay ________.

              A. £ 71.00                        B. £ 85.00

              C. £ 92.00                        D. £ 50.00

              (3) What can we learn from the Tips?

              A. Visitors may have to pay extra money during some peak seasons.

              B. The visiting time doesnˈt change all the year around.

              C. Visitors can enter the Planetarium for free.

              D. More than 8 visitors together can buy group tickets.

              (4) The text is written to ________.

              A. attract more readers to visit London

              B. explain the different routes to the Wax Museum

              C. tell readers how to enjoy most in the Wax Museum

              D. offer information about visiting the Wax Museum

            • 5.

              假设你是李华,你的美国朋友MIKE对中国春节非常感兴趣,请你给Mike 写一封e-mail,邀请他来中国过春节并在邮件中向他介绍春节的情况。







              Dear Mike,











                                                          Li Hua

            • 6.



              2.医学方面已有很大的突破,已研制出防艾疫苗(vaccine n.);




              Dear Mike,

                  Thank you for your letter asking about my opinion of the life in 2050.



            • 7.

              学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。假如你是李华,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书(popular science books)和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆老师写一封100个词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。


              Dear Mr. Wang,


                                                               Yours sincerely,

                                                                    Li Hua

            • 8.

              Guitar Lessons for Guitar Players

              Playing the same things over and over again when you pick up the guitar? Teaching yourself for years but you hit a wall? Don’t know what to do next? Whether you’re a total beginner, or an old guitar player, we’ll get you working on something you can benefit from. I’m a professional teacher, over 30 students at my studio in downtown Berkeley and several music schools in San Francisco, Alameda, and Mountain View.

              No matter what style you’re into, I guarantee there are songs by your favorite bands that you could learn.

              Call at 510-333-9091 or e-mail at bluescho0147@gmail.com

              Dance Classes for Students 2 5 Through Adult

              In Motion Dance Center in Martinez is now accepting registration(注册)for all fall dance classes. There are classes offered in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip -Hop, Contemporary and Cheerleading. Classes run like the school year Sept through June. Prices are very reasonable at only $45a month. That’s for a one-hour class once a week for a month. This studio is known for their younger child program. We are always looking for talented instructors too. If you want more information call Deena at 925-229-5678.

              Qi Gong with Angie

              Qi Gong is the perfect activity for anyone, at any age. It combines gentle movement and meditation(冥想), breathing regulation and relaxation. The exercises are designed to reduce stress and anxiety and improve blood and energy circulation(循环)throughout the body, therefore increasing immune(免疫的)function, improving energy levels and sleep.

              Thousands of Qi Gong lovers around the world have experienced the extraordinary benefits of this gentle, ancient Chinese exercise form and are healthier and happier for it. Join us to experience the benefits for yourself!

              WHEN: Tuesdays from noon ~ 1pm

              WHERE: Halanda Studio 1062 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

              COST: $12 per class drop-in (即到即学的) or $45 for a pre-paid set of 4 classes

              CONTACT: Angie at angie@lokahiacupuncture.com , 408-887-6000

              (1) The purpose of the first advertisement is to _____.

              A. build a bridge between guitar players

              B. look for teachers for several music schools

              C. attract guitar players to attend music classes

              D. help guitar beginners to improve their techniques

              (2) Who will probably contact 925-229-5678?

              A. A music instructor.                      
              B. A Hip-Hop lover.   

              C. A talented singer.                        
              D. A Qi Gong professional.

              (3) Sarah and Jessey decide to attend the dance classes for six months. They each will have topay ______.

              A. $135           B. $540.        
              C. $270               D. $1,080

              (4) How much can you save if you pay for eight classes at one time before you join HalandaStudio?

              A. $3.             B. $6.             
              C. $8.                  D. $12

              (5) Where can you see the passage?

              A. Textbook           B. Science report.  
              C. Health magazine       D. Newspaper

            • 9.

              Sydneyˈs Royal Botanic Gardens are to start a war on gray-headed flying foxes. These super bats have invaded one of Australia’s most famous public spaces. Officials have said the animals are destroying trees and have to move on.

              These unwanted guests at Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens look like tiny foxes with wings. Officials have estimated there are about 11,000 of them living in the picturesque harbor-side park. After inspecting damage to dozens of trees they now believe there are twice as many as previously thought. Branches have been breaking under the weight of these furry invaders and their droppings have been poisoning plants.

              Help may well be at hand, however, in the shape of the ordinary garbage bin. The gardens’ director Dr. Tim Entwistle hopes the unpleasant sounds of crashing bin lids will agitate the flying foxes and force them to move on. “The way to disturb them is to use noises, so we’ve used the loud noises made by rubbish bins in the past. You can also use speakers as long as you move the noise around, and what we’ll do is have a series of noises, at the beginning and end of the day. What we’ve found in the past is that the flying foxes leave the gardens and go somewhere else,” said Tim.

              The gray-headed flying fox is Australia’s largest bat. It flies around at night using its eyes and a powerful sense of smell to search for fruit and flowers. Officials at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney have said they’re optimistic the unwelcome colony can be uprooted. If and when the bats do move to other parts of the city they will of course then become someone else’s problem.

              (1) According to the passage, Why do people want to get rid of the flying foxes ?

              A. Because the garden are important public places

              B. Because they are polluting the city

              C. Because many garbage bins have been damaged by them

              D. Because they’re threatening the survival of trees and other plants

              (2) In order to get rid of the flying foxes, what are people doing?

              A. They are shooting them

              B. They are using rubbish containers

              C. They are shaking the trees hard

              D. They are cutting some trees down

              (3) Which of the following can replace the underlined “agitate” in Paragraph 3?

              A. excite                            
              B. kill                 
              C. disturb                 
              D. discourage

              (4) What does the writer imply from the last paragraph?

              A. The bats will still stay in the gardens.

              B. Some area will have to deal with the bats.

              C. The grey-headed flying fox often eat trees

              D. The damage caused by the bats is serious

            • 10.

              The following are some of the most impressive engineering/ construction achievements to date, taking into consideration the time when they were built and the knowledge and materials that were available to designers.

              White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad, Canada

              Built during the Klondike Gold Rush and financed largely by British investors, “ the railroad built on gold” was constructed in just 26 months, using 450 tons of explosives to explode a route through Canada’s coastal mountains. Passengers should hold on tight – the railroad climbs almost 278 meters in just 32 kilometers. Completion date: July 29, 1900.

              Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE

              The Burj Khalifa reaches a height of 828 meters and is both the tallest building in the world and the tallest free-standing structure in the world. Engineers faced many challenges, including the strong winds that batter the tower. Because of this, over 40 wind tunnel tests were conducted, not just to determine how the wind would affect the building but also to test the cranes used to construct it. Completion date: January 4, 2010.

              Trans-Siberian Railroad, Russia

              The Trans-Siberian Railroad connects Moscow and Eastern Russia with Japan, China and Mongolia. Northern Siberia isn’t the easiest landscape to cross, which is what makes the 8,851-kilometer Trans-Siberian railway so impressive. Engineers had to design a railway that was capable of operating in temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius. The railway travels through eight time zones, 87 towns and cities and crosses 16 major rivers. Some 90,000 people helped construct the railway, which took 10years to build. Completion date: 1904.

              (1) What can we learn about the White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad?

              A. It is 278 kilometers long.         
              B. It was started in about 1898.

              C. It was built on gold flatlands.
              D. It was financed by the local government.

              (2) The underlined word “batter” in the text can be replaced by “__________”.

              A. hit      B. defend       C. remove      D. protect

              (3) Which of the following is TRUE about the Trans-Siberian Railroad?

              A. It was constructed in the early 20th century.

              B. It passes through some extreme areas.

              C. It was built by Russia, Japan and China.

              D. It is a railway in Eastern Russia.

