优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              The ______ on his face suggested that he was a little nervous .
            • 2.
              I’m sure Wang Lin is ____ to come to my aid this afternoon.
            • 3.
              Try to use bank cards if possible and avoid ______ too much money with you.
              A.to bringB.bringingC.to bringingD.brought
            • 4. It is bad  ____ to talk with our finger ____ at the other person.

              A. manner; points                                
              B. manners ; to point 
              C. manner ; pointed                                        
              D. manners ; pointing
            • 5.
              To have enough nourishment(营养), you'd  better have different kinds of  ____.  

              A. diet    
              B. eating  
              C. foods    
              D. meal
            • 6.
              It took me a few weeks to get used to the new _____.   

              A. surround    
              B. surrounding    
              C. surrounds    
              D. surroundings
            • 7.
              Since we have made ____, we have to make ____ to achieve more.

              A. a progress; efforts           
              B. progresses; an effort
              C. much progress; effort         
              D. little progress; efforts
            • 8. At the meeting they discussed three different _________ to the study of mathematics.
               [     ]

              A. approaches          
              B. means          
              C. methods            
              D. ways
            • 9. —Water can dissolve almost anything and give nutrients to creatures.
              —Yes, and that's one of its __________.
              [     ]

              A. characters
              B. properties
              C. qualities
              D. abilities

          • 10.
            It _____ whether you will come to the meeting or not this evening. Which of the following answers is wrong?

            A. matters a lot
            B. makes much difference
            C. makes a difference
            D. is important
