优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              He looked at the envelope(信封) and _____ Jenny’s handwriting immediately.
              A.realizedB.recognizedC.reminded D.remembered
            • 2.
              The protesters _______ the meeting by singing and shouting.
            • 3.
              Jerry and Lily        the Internet to find out the shortest way to Xitang, an ancient town in China.
              A.turned toB.gave inC.dreamt aboutD.set down
            • 4.
              After the________ journey from Jiuzhaigou, Tom returned home, ________ .
              A.amazing; excitedB.amazing; excitedly
              C.amazed; excitedD.amazing; exciting
            • 5.
              In some parts of  China, winds ______ electricity instead of coal.
              A.are used to producingB.get used to produce
              C.used to producingD.are used to produce
            • 6.
              It seems that the young man and the lady have little __________.
              A.in commonB.on commonC.at commonD.with common
            • 7.
              Try to be more careful next time. Carelessness only ______ mistakes.
              A.tends toB.results fromC.leads toD.turns to
            • 8.
              You’d better take a map with you when you go to a strange place ___ you get lost.      
              A.even thoughB.according toC.due toD.in case
            • 9.

               She did it ________ it took me.

              A. one third the time      B. the one-third time     C. one-third a time  D. a one-third time


            • 10.

               _______of the household rubbish _______recycled or reused since the new technology was applied.

              A.Three-fourth; has                                       B.Three-fourth; have been

              C.Three-fourths; has been                             D.Three-fourths; have


