优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


            • 2.

              (1)They don’t have the least _______(comprehend) of what I’m trying to do.

              (2)After climbing for a whole night, we finally arrived at the peak of Mount Tai, ________(exhaust).

              (3)The ________(interview) is a manager of that company and we are nervous when talking to him.

              (4)How ________(disappoint)! The match just began when it rained.

              (5)I would _________(感激) it if you can give us an answer immediately.

              (6)The ________(被遗弃的) disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.

              (7)We were very ________(使印象深刻) with the standard of work.

              (8)My mother says she is really looking _________ to meeting you.

              (9)Call me Jo--it’s short _______ Joanna.

              (10)We have made great ______ (进步)in learning with the teachers’ instructions.

            • 3.

              He gave his seat on the bus to an old woman standing n       .

            • 4.

              As Yang Liwei returned into the earth’s atmosphere, helicopters were flying to ________ he would land, ready to collect him.

            • 5. Children of all ages should be ______ (在户外) several hours a day.
            • 6.
              Children usually prefer playing _______ (在户外)。
            • 7.
              They are dressed in beautiful costumes, skipping _______ and forth to the rhythm of loud


