优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 单句改错。
              1. Please accept my congratulation on your marriage.
              2. The Great Wall is worth of being visited.
              3. I'll do what I can to help you in return  your help.
              4. Occasions are quite rare which I have the time to spend a day with my kids.
              5. Three-fourths of the homework have been finished.
              6. Tom's mother kept telling him stories he was interested in them.
              7. Judged from his accent, he must be from America.
              8. Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring for the
              first time she read it.
              9. When the fire broke out, many workers escaped the building.
              10. To our great surprise, the scientist devotes all his life to observe the sun.
            • 2. 单句改错
              注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
                          2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
                   Today was my birthday. Yesterday our English teacher told us that we were going to have a
              English exam this morning, but I got up early and went over my lessons. During the exams, I carefully
              finished my paper. When I got back to home in the evening, Mother was waiting me. With a new
              dictionary in his hand, she patted me on the shoulder and told me to studying even harder in the future.  
              Father bought me a ten-speed bicycle. How happily I was!  I made up my mind to be one of the top
              student in my class.
            • 3.
              Since we have made ____, we have to make ____ to achieve more.

              A. a progress; efforts           
              B. progresses; an effort
              C. much progress; effort         
              D. little progress; efforts
            • 4. At the meeting they discussed three different _________ to the study of mathematics.
               [     ]

              A. approaches          
              B. means          
              C. methods            
              D. ways
            • 5. —Water can dissolve almost anything and give nutrients to creatures.
              —Yes, and that's one of its __________.
              [     ]

              A. characters
              B. properties
              C. qualities
              D. abilities

          • 6. 短文改错。
            I go abroad for further study half a year ago. I received a lot of present. All were wrapped in color
            paper. Among them were two presents which really interesting me. My sister bought me the book
            with color pictures about body language and with words about customs of differently countries in
            it. My brother gave me a note, which was read, "My present for you has been put in my
            bedroom. " While I hurried back to my bedroom, I found a box in it. Opening the box, I found a
            pocket computer. However, I was very glad. I understood these two presents would be great help
            to me in improving my English.
          • 7. 单词拼写

            1. An active attitude towards life can people deal with whatever ________ (挑战)they may come
                across in daily life.
            2. A marriage has been _____________(筹备;安排) between Mr. Brown and Miss. White.
            3. I'm surprised to know you got an unfavorable ________________(印象)of him.
            4. I regret that a ___________(在前的) appointment prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.
            5. Are you hoping to ___________(申请)for higher education courses in the UK.
            6. He is tired and can't _____________(集中) on what the teacher is saying.
            7. Just now the nurse ____________(通知) me that visiting hours were over.
            8. What is one man's meat is another man's ______________(毒药).
            9. It is because that I always enjoy my life and I have an _____________(乐观的) heart .
            10. In the long run it's better to try to avoid that ______________(瞬间的;立刻的) satisfaction.
          • 8. 短文改错。
            I have some study tip to share with you. First,
            discuss your needs with your teacher. He and she
            may have a great advice for you. Second, listen
            careful to your teacher and make notes so that you
            can review later. Ask questions unless something
            was unclear. Third, see that you finish your homework
            every day. At last, you should often review my notes
            so that you won't have struggle to lean many things
            before a test. When you do a project, trying to work
            on it a little every day rather than do it all at once. 1. _____
            2. _____
            3. _____
            4. _____
            5. _____
            6. _____
            7. _____
            8. _____                                                 
            9. _____
            10. ______
          • 9. 单词拼写:  根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词。
            1. These children love to play t__________ on their English teacher.
            2. She is ___________ (擦)the table.
            3. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your __________ (体力)again.
            4. Don't be particular about food. A b__________ diet is very important for health.
            5. Not spitting was __________ (允许)in public.
            6.She __________ (尖叫)when she saw a snake approaching her.
            7. For Chinese people, Deng Xiaoping T__________ is very important.
            8. It __________ (迷惑)me a lot how they could do it without modern technology.
            9. The centre of our city is moving _____________. (向东)
            10.The __________ (市区的)stores are usually busy during Christmas times.
          • 10. Nowadays, we still see some ________ begging for money in the street from ________.
            [     ]

            A. woman beggars; passers-by
            B. woman beggars; passer-bys
            C. women beggars; passers-by
            D. women beggars; passer-bys
