优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Many dolphins can dive to a ____(deep) of 200 metres.

            • 2.

              We hope you can give us a detailed __________________ (描述) of the procedure.

            • 3.

              The boss will fire you if you miss the _____________ (截止日期) for the work.

            • 4.
              1.(1) He doesn’t depend on his parents for money and lives a life of i_______.         

              (2) In some countries, people eat too much fat and sugar. They should eat a b_____ diet to keep healthy.     

              (3) We are not p          to swim in the river. It’s too dangerous.             

              (4) He was very v          when he got drunk.         

              (5) The patient is            (稍微) better today.    

              (6)The professor has brought in a good            (系统) of teaching languages from abroad..

              (7) Now we still don’t know whether life e           on Mars.

              (8) China is in Asia, one of the seven          (洲) on the earth.     

              (9) His illness            (做出解释) for his absence.

              (10)People say the city is Canada ‘s most beautiful city,          (围绕)by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

            • 5.

              (1)Christmas actually started as a ___________(宗教的)festival celebrated by Christians around the world.

              (2)When we met again, he ___________(道歉)to me for not having kept his word and asked for my forgiveness.

              (3)The ability to keep calm is one of her many____________(长处、优点).

              (4)These problems are very difficult_________(确实),but I’m sure they can be solved.

              (5)Visitors are not __________(允许)to take photographs here.

            • 6.

              (1)Wang Peng admitted that the dishes in his restaurant were            (确实) unhealthy.

              (2) He later           (道歉) for his behaviour that caused trouble.

              (3)Most of the young people who started smoking cigarettes were driven by           (好奇心).

              (4)He is           (明显) a man of high intelligence.

              (5) One that knows his           (长处) and weaknesses is more likely to achieve his dream.

              (6)Smoking is not           (允许) in the office. If you must, please go outside.

              (7)He has never ___________ (原谅) me for what I said about his father.

              (8) He           (寻找) medical advice to help those children who were in poor health.

              (9)The country has made great advances since            (独立).

              (10)I can’t believe you sold the car without           (商量) me.   

            • 7.


              (1)A ________ (表演者) should care for his / her audience.

              (2)We _________ (出口) goods to over 40 different countries last year.

              (3)He made a rude ______ (手势) with his fingers.

              (4)The book describes the way of life of the ________ (普通的) people.

              (5)His speech was so       (让人信服)that everyone present believed what he said.

              (6)The refugees(难民) were _______(缺乏)blankets and food after the big earthquake.

              (7)       (跟他争论没用) him; he won’t change his mind.

              (8)      (我突然想起)how difficult it was for a woman to do such a dangerous job.

              (9)Balanced diet and good exercise           (让你远离疾病) .

              (10)I       (遗憾地说) you failed in the exam.

            • 8.

              (1)Could you _________(招待)the child for an hour, while I make dinner?

              (2)He had ________(克服) the difficulties with his English before he went aboard.

              (3)I was f_________(幸运) to have a good teacher.

              (4)Don’t be in such a hurry; you’d better eat a few _________(一口,满口)of food before you go  shopping.

              (5)In fact, China is a_________(多山的)country.

              (6)He did the job under my __________(指导).

              (7)Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be _______(咀嚼)and digested.

              (8)Although he failed in the examination again, he knew the success came after many______(失败).

              (9)The two girls were       (低语)in the library.

              (10)The hill was green          .(整个)。

              (11) He used to hope to go abroad, but now he __________(满足)stay his present position.

              (12)We should satisfy ourselves with the living conditions----many families are much ______(穷的)than we are.

              (13) One of my favorite old films          (主演)by Charlie Chaplin.

              (14) I           (精疲力尽) after the long journey.

              (15)When the city         (切断;封闭), everyone knew that the total defeat was certain.

              (16)Marty          (挑剔) his food.

              (17)         ,(有次) she called me in the middle of the night.

              (18) How did Wilson        (对 反应) your idea?

              (19)      (不是因为) I hate the work. I’m not strong enough for it.

              (20)He         (挑出)all that he liked and threw others away.

            • 9.

              (1) As the proverb goes, “A heavy snow promises a good h         .”

              (2) She hit her knee against her desk, and it was very p         .

              (3)Weather forecast should be b          three days ahead of time on TV.

            • 10.

              (1) You will look ____________(苗条的)if you wear this black dress.

              (2) O____________, she is unhappy now; she was criticized by her boss just now.

              (3) The woman ____________(怒目而视)at the man after he shouted at her.      

              (4) No one can enter the room without the owner’s p ____________.     

              (5) You should ____________(道歉)to your teacher for being late.

              (6) My grandmother is over 70, but she is still e____________ and often takes part in many activities.

              (7) When I saw the pictures of ____________(挨饿)children, I couldn’t help crying.

              (8) Take into account your own s____________ and weaknesses.

              (9) She was ____________(授予)a scholarship due to her good performance at school.

              (10) The woman in the film got through many difficulties. The audience were so moved that they couldn’t stop w____________.

