优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              There was once a group of young people searching everywhere for happiness but what they got was only annoyance, bitterness and pain.

                  So they   36  Socrates for advice on where happiness   37  . But   38  giving any answers, Socrates asked them to help with building a   39  first. The group of guys had to   40 the task, laying aside their own business of seeking happiness. It took them a long time to cut down a tall tree, gouging out (挖空) the center. Through much effort, they made a canoe out of the tree. They launched the canoe into a river, and then rowed together in it  41__ .

                  Socrates asked, “My children, do you have happiness now?” They answered in chorus: “We   _42 be happier!” Socrates added, “That’s it!   43  you are  44_ busy pursuing something to notice anything bitter, happiness will occur.”

                  From the story I got to know that happiness   45 hides behind every tiny thing that you are involved in, and that you may only get pleasure through   46 work .

                  We may have to   47 pain in our daily life and in the process of   48   happiness. Sometimes we tend to look for happiness in   49  things, like a new car, clothes, etc. True long -term happiness, however, comes from within our   50  and soul. So why not turn suffering into   __51 life, and   52  tears into the light in your heart?   53  in this way can we make it through and find true happiness.

              So my dear friends, just remember happiness is a  54 of mind and a matter of choice , and I   __55 you all a life of happiness.

