优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Although he is a child, he knows to help others.

              → _____________________ , he knows to help others.

            • 2.

              Although I like Paris much, I couldn’t live there.

              →____________________________ I like Paris, I couldn’t live there.

            • 3.

              Although he is a boy, he likes to play with girls.

              → _____________________ , he likes to play with girls.

            • 4.

              Although they tried hard, they couldn’t make her change her mind.

              →____________________________ they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind.

            • 5.

              Even if they don’t speak the same kind of English, but they can understand each other.

            • 6.


            • 7.

              He will push on with his project _____ difficulty there may be or ______ it may last.

              A.however; whatever long              
              B.whatever; however long
              C.no matter what; how long time       
              D.no matter how; what a long time
            • 8.

              He turned his eyes east, marched all the way to India, and won all the battles no matter where he went .

              He turned his eyes east, marched all the way to India, _________ _________ _________ he went.

            • 9.
              ——Did she agree with you?

              ——No.       I said, she didn’t believe me.

            • 10.

              People will do anything to see a free show, even   (1)   it is a bad one.When the news got round that a comedy show would   (2)  (give) at our local cinema by the P.and U.Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it.We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.  (3)  lucky), the show was one of   (4)  boring) we have ever seen.Those who failed to get in need not have felt _  (5)   (disappoint), as many of the artists who should  (6)  (appear) did not come.The only funny thing we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the program.He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.As soon   (7)   he opened his mouth, everyone burst out   (8)  (laugh).We all know  (9)  the poor man should have said, but what he actually said was: ˈThis is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company.Good ladies, evening and  (10)  (gentleman)!"

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
