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            • 1.






              (1) It was at midnight when we finally got to the valley floor.

              (2) He prefers to stay at home rather than going shopping.

              (3) While watched TV, I learned the news that the iphone7s had been started selling.

              (4) He told me that he have found his book.

              (5) Today a number of people is learning English in China.

              (6) J.K. Rowling is a writer who name is known all over the world.

            • 2.


              Dear Steven,

                 I’m glad that you will come to Beijing this summer vacation. You asked a lot of questions in your letter, and now let me answer it.

                 To start with ,Beijing, the capital of China, is very attractive city with a long history. You can found all kinds of delicious food inBeijing, of that the most famous is the roast Beijing duck. I hope we will enjoy it. Besides, there is a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting, such as the Great Wall, theSummer Palaceor theForbidden City. These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists in this year. I promise you will have a wonderfully time here in Beijing.

                 I’m looking forward to hearing from you as quick as possible.


                                                                                                                                                                                           Li Hua

            • 3.







              The old saying “The early bird catches the worm.” show us the importance of planning, working hard and trying constant. To achieve outstanding results, the most people must plan ahead and work hard to overcome all kind of difficulties.

              That has been my own experience, either. When I first started at high school, I seldom passed my exams, so I never prepared well. Later, my teacher, Mr. Black, advised me plan everything in advance. She asked me to study hard as well. After a year of putting his advice to practice, I can now easily pass all my exams.

              There are nodirect roadsto succeed.

            • 4.







                 People enjoy take trips. But what are the reasons why they leave home willingly? One reason is for education. People travel because we are curious about other different custom and cultures. When people are tourists, they get a quickly look at various ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle is important lesson. On a trip, a person can learn directly by visiting to museums and historic spots. What does a tourist whom travels in Paris learn? He got a picture in his mind and a real life of one of the French people. He learns about their attitudes towards life, and what they feel about business, beautiful and history.

            • 5.







              Dear Grandpa,

                 How are you these days? I have been missed you very much after I went to college a year ago. Whenever I think of the old days, I feel very happily. I still remember when I was child, you always held me in your arms and told me stories till I fall asleep. We often went to the fields to enjoy the pleasant view there. You told me the name of different plants and their characteristics. Gradually, I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I entered into the college. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do field study and the findings will be used as materials for your research. Since we'll do the study in our hometown, I hope to see you by then.



            • 6.






              Dear Miss Li,

                  I’m one of your student in Class Six, Senior Three. Nowadays I meet a great many difficulties when studied English. To begin with, it is very difficult of me to memorize a large number of new words. In addition, grammar is too complex to understand, that has influenced my English writing seriously. And my performance on reading and correcting are not satisfying. Faced with such a dilemma, you hope that you can give me a hand. Would you provide me with some effectively approaches? Secondly, I believe that I will have good command of what you teach, if you will slow down your speed in the class. There is no doubt whether I will achieve great progress in English learning with your assistance.

              Thank you.


                                                                             Wang Min











            • 7.







              As summer vacation is come soon, my classmates is trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home. But I have made up my minds to spend the vacation far from home for first time in my life. My parents have agreed to visiting me, and I will have a different vacation. When they come here, I will show they around my university and the city as well as. I have decided to buy them some nice gifts. It will be a big surprise for them. My parents had done a lot for me, and I think it is high time that I did anything special to express my thanks.

            • 8. 假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间互相修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

              My list of favorite books are long. I read a lot and I just keep finding new favorites. In my family, we often talk about the books we are reading and passing around our favorites. It benefits a whole family.

                 I discovered how share favorite books could help strength a friendship long ago. When I was a kid, my friend Liz became very sicker and was going to miss a lot of school. I fill a big bag with some of my favorite books for her read. She never forgot that. Today, she lives thousand of miles away from me, but she sometimes e-mails with me about the books she is reading.

            • 9. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






              This morning, in the English class, our teacher showed to us a movie A Beautiful Mind. The movie told him a story about a brilliant professor John Nash. He made so many brilliant achievements in several field. He finally won the Nobel Prize, what proved that his great breakthrough had great affected people. John had a serious mental illness if he was a little boy,

              so he refused to take medicine which could make his mind thinking slowly; he kept doing his research while struggling with his mental illness. The lucky thing was that his wife supported him all time. Because of the support from his family, John can work on his job. After winning the Nobel Prize, he thanked his wife.

            • 10. 改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。


              If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have real dilemma. Although it is impossible to choose one, but it is possible to single out a few pioneers. Here is some of them.

                  Einstein, one of the most outstanding scientist, showing that not even time, mass or length are constant; Hubble proved the universe was vastly large than had previously been thought, what was seen as the greatest breakthrough in the astronomy; Fleming discovered penicillin, helping to save the lives of million during the Second World War.

                   The pioneers were all dedicated to improve the quality of human life. Without them, the world would have been a complete different place.

