优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. I insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

                 I insist __________ __________ __________ immediate action to put this right.

            • 2.

              I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really _______(顽固的).

            • 3.

              Two yeas ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she p_______ me to buy one.

            • 4.


                                 , many young people                         communicating with their friends with Wechat.

            • 5.

              I would be g_________ if you could give me some advice.

            • 6.

              At that time he suggested that the earth was _________(旋转) as it went around the sun.

            • 7.


              go through                          make use of                dig out                 be sentenced to

              make up one’s mind             belong to                     deal with              pay attention to

              in addition                          come into being           think highly of             in search of

              add up; on purpose; because of; face to face; play a part in; set down

              1. This is one of the few best films that ____________________ by the public.

              2. The book ____________________ Mary is left on the desk over there.

              3. I really don’t want to go; ____________________, the weather is so cold outside.

              4. They____________________ to buy a new house once they got married.

              5. I’m used to ____________________ matters of this sort.

              6. The police started off at once ____________________ the missing girl.

              7. Most families ____________________ a lot during the World War II.

              8. You’d better ____________________ the details next time.

              9. The workers were buried by the fallen ceiling and had to be ____________________.

              10. Twenty of them ____________________ two years’ hard labor last month.

            • 8.

              Max’s success as a runner is really ________________(amaze).

            • 9.


               The problem is___________we can independently accomplish the  task.

            • 10.

              (1)I have no idea __________ the movie Captain America will be popular in Sanming or not.

              (2) Father makes a promise to his son _________ if he behaves well, he shall get a gift.

              (3) Ten thousand dollars __________(be) quite a large sum.

              (4)___________(play) football ___________(make) us grow up tall and strong.

              (5) A library with fifty thousand books __________(have) been offered to the nation as a present.

              (6)He always __________(devote) most of his time to ___________(do) research.

              (7)The number of people who __________(enjoy) traveling abroad __________(have) been increasing rapidly.

