优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              You can’t imagine what great difficulty we ________ the house last year.

              A.had to buy
              B.experienced in buying
              C.experienced to buy
              D.have in buying
            • 2. It is a book for children ______ native language is Chinese.
            • 3.



            • 4.


              My uncle Li Ming is going to the city①_______________________ to attend a conference②______________________________________________________.

            • 5. ________________(就我而言),you should come back after you finish your study abroad.
            • 6.


              We often hear people complain about lack of opportunity. In fact, this world does not lack opportunity. But it does make a difference if we are able to grasp it.

              For example, let’s suppose that Harvard University is recruiting(招收) students in China, and the requirement is that students must score above 640 for the Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL) and 2,200 for the Graduate Record Examination(GRE) for admission to the university. Have you scored those scores? If you haven’t, you may feel regret, “I would have worked harder if I had known the requirements.”

              When opportunity knocks, make sure your door isn’t locked. An able man will find opportunity everywhere, while a weak one will be left with only one opportunity, and that is to complain of having to prove what he is worth in this world.













            • 7. At such gatherings, people ______ are not necessarily your relatives or friends.

              A.that you say hello
              B.who say hello to   

              C.you say hello to
              D.whom you say hello

            • 8.


              1.Read the_____________ (说明书) carefully before taking the medicine.

              2.A beautiful lady opened the door and came in, _____(跟随着) by another who looked younger.

              3.This problem needs _____________ ( 解决) at once.

              4.There _____________(存在) the generation gap between our parents and us today.

              5.The police had ____________(秘密)filmed the conversations.

              6.A great celebration was held on his _____________ (90岁)  birthday. 

              7.This letter requires your ____________________(立即的) reply.

              8._____________ (尽管) his wealth, he was not happy.

              9.Many____________(亚洲) countries are making great efforts to develop their own economies.

              10.I left immediately the clock_____________ (敲) eight.


            • 9.

              The manager promised to deal with the complaint ____he reached the office.

              A.at the time
              B.every time
              C.the moment
              D.at the moment
            • 10. Tom is the only one of the witnesses who ________ the whole accident.

              A.has reported seeing
              B.have reported to see

              C.has reported to see
              D.have reported seeing

