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              At a primary school in a small town in the east of South Carolina, second-grade teachers Garneau and Lynne are convinced that separating elementary-age boys and girls produces immediate academic improvement in both genders(性别).

              David Chadwell, South Carolina’s coordinator(协调人) of single gender education says, “Boys and girls learn, hear and respond to their surroundings differently. We can teach boys and girls based on what we now know.”

              Male and female eyes are not organized in the same way, he explains. The composition of the male eye makes it sensitive to motion and direction. “Boys interpret the world as objects moving through space,” he says.

              The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver and black. It’s no accident boys tend to create pictures of moving objects instead of drawing the happy colorful family, like girls do in their class.

              The female eye, on the other hand, is drawn to warmer colors like red, yellow and orange. To attract girls, Chadwell says, the teacher doesn’t need to move as much as in boy’s class. Using descriptive phrases and lots of colors in presentations or on the blackboard gets their attention.

              Boys and girls also hear differently. “When someone speaks in a loud tone, girls interpret it as yelling,” Chadwell says. “They think you’re mad and can shut down.” Girls are more sensitive to sounds. He advises girls’ teachers to watch the tone of their voices. Boys’ teachers should sound more forceful, even excited.

              A boy’s nervous system causes him to be more cautious when he is standing, moving, and the room temperature is around 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Stress in boys, he says, tends to increase blood flow to their brains, a process that helps them stay focused. Girls are more focused when seated in a warmer room around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Girls also respond to stress differently. When exposed to threat and conflict, blood goes to their guts(肠道), leaving them feeling nervous or anxious.

              These differences can be applied in the classroom, Chadwell adds. “Single gender programs are about maximizing the learning.”

            • 2.

              Do you know how it is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently it's because we have mirror neurons (神经元) in our brains.

                 Put simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that every time we see someone else do something, our brains imitate (模仿) it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about how we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes further: mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions, they also tell us that there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.

                 Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas which relate to our ability to use languages, and to understand how other people feel. Researchers have found that mirror neurons relate strongly to language. A group of researchers discovered that if they gave people sentences to listen to (for example: "The hand took hold of the ball"), the same mirror neurons were triggered as when the action was actually performed (in this example, actually taking hold of a ball).

                 Any problems with mirror neurons may well result in problems with behavior. Much research suggests that people with social and behavioral problems have mirror neurons which are not fully functioning. However, it is not yet known exactly how these discoveries might help find treatments for social disorders.

                 Research into mirror neurons seems to provide us with ever more information concerning how humans behave and interact (互动). Indeed, it may turn out to be the equivalent (相等物) for neuroscience of what Einstein's theory of relativity was for physics. And the next time you feel the urge to cough in the cinema when someone else does—well, perhaps you'll understand why.

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              What is the number one favourite pet in the UK? If you think the answer is“dog”–you are wrong. There are 8.6 million cats and 8.3 million dogs in Britain according to recent figures. But experts predict (预测) that there will be more dogs than cats next year as dogs become more and more popular.

              Dogs as accessories (配饰)

              We like to spend time with our pets. The Queen is famous for her corgis (威尔士矮脚狗) and is often photographed with them. Nowadays some dog owners are more extreme–a few TV celebrities even take their dogs shopping or to restaurants. Chihuahuas (吉娃娃犬) are especially popular as“handbag dogs”because they are so small.

              Dog holidays

              People are also giving their pets holidays. Many UK hotels and holiday parks now welcome dogs as guests. What about owners who go abroad? They can leave their pets at a dog hotel or dog spa while they are away. Some even provide their canine (犬) guests with a TV.

              Dogs are for life

              The British charity, Dogs Trust, finds homes for thousands of lost and homeless dogs every year. Their famous slogan“A dog is for life and not just for Christmas”was created in the 1970s to teach people about the responsibility of owning a dog. Dogs Trust told British people not to give dogs as gifts or treat them like toys.

              Dogs on TV

              Victoria Sitwell is the host of the popular TV programme called“It’s me or the dog”. In the show Victoria helps dog owners with their pets’bad behavior. She tries to find solutions to problems such as a Dalmatian who thinks he owns the house and won’t let the family sit on the sofa, dogs that will only eat ice cream and biscuits and even a bulldog who uses the owner’s bed as a toilet. Yuck!

              Fashion for dogs

                 You can shop online or on the high street for the latest in dog clothes and accessories. Specialist shops sell items such as dog boots, dog fancy dress costumes, dog coats, dog dresses and dog pants.

            • 4.

              Sir John, a British scientist who won last year's Nobel prize for medicine, said he had predicted at the time of his frog experiments that the successful cloning of a mammal would happen within 50 yearsand that "maybe the same answer is appropriate" for the step to human cloning. Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone "copies" to replace them then.

                  Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise complex moral issues, the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful.Cloning was regarded with extreme doubts when it was first developed but became widely accepted after the birth of Louise Brown, the first  "test tube baby". He said,  "When my first frog experiment was done, an American reporter asked how long it will be before these things can he done in mammals or humans .I said, “Well, it could be anywhere between 10 years and 100 years---how about 50 years ?” It turned out that it wasn't far off the mark as far as Dolly was concerned.Maybe the same answer is appropriate." Sir John added that cloning a human being effectively means making an identical twin, and that doctors would therefore simply be "copying what nature has already produced"

                   The average vote on allowing parents of deceased children, who are no longer fertile (能生育的), to create another using the mother's eggs and skin cells from the first child, thinking the technique was safe and effective, is 60 per cent in favor.The reasons for "no" are usually that the new child would feel they were some sort of a replacement for something.                     .

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                 You might think male models lead glamorous lives, filled with endless travel and invitations to socialize with the rich and beautiful. Almost everyone has formed an unrealistic picture of their lives. believing that they spend one afternoon beside the Mediterranean Sea sipping coffee and getting suntanned and the next moment they are on board flying to Rome. However, according to a 2016 documentary made by the pop culture news site Fusion. the financial reality of male models is not very pretty.

                 The main subject of the documentary, filled Unglamorous, is a male model named Cameron Keesling who went to New York to start his career, hoping to make a fortune in the world of models. Keesling is not a supermodel but he has certainly made his name known in the industry. He was "working in the industry for about a year before landing the cover of Italian Vogue" in 2014.But "Keesling and his companions were paid nothing for the shoot", Fusion reporter Nikita Redkar wrote.

                 Keesling also appeared at Paris Fashion Week and won lots of praise, while his compensation wouldn't even cover the cost of traveling to and from Paris.

                 According Io the documentary the most common way models get paid is by receiving free clothes, rather than money. In order to make ends meet, consequently, many of them have to take another job simply to make a living. Many of these models are in debt. Once they find an agency to represent them, a living income is provided by the agency to accommodate their rent, food, clothing and other expenses. Models are expected to pay off these costs once they find work. but many of the industry's jobs don't pay at all. Believe it or not, there is a pay gap between male models and female counterparts. Based on a survey conducted by Fortune. com, female models can make millions more than males, especially if you compare the top ten earners of each gentler.

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              Away from parents,above the crowd,enjoying total freedom—having a tree house can be  every little kid’s dream.Workshops aimed at teaching people how to build tree houses have  become widely popular in America in recent years.

                  Three-year-old Mica and her little sister got a tree house this year.This $ 28,000 tree  house is a gift from their parents.Roughly three meters above ground,the platform was built into two large trees.“The fancy hide-out has a climbing wall and I wanted them to go in to make it feel more like a secret hideout,”said Mica’s mother Kristin Keenan.

              This amazing tree house was created by Dan Wright.He’s the founder of Tree Top Builders Inc.and has built more than 400 tree houses since he started the company in 2003.“A sense of freedom and independence…that’s I think why Americans particularly like tree houses.Because it gets you up off the ground and,for kids,their parents can’t reach them anymore.They are up looking down,getting a new perspective on life,”said Wright.

              According to Wright,installing the special tree bolt(螺栓),which requires both strength and accuracy,is the most important part of the work.“As the tree grows,sometimes you need to move parts of the structure or cut parts of it away to give the tree room to grow each year.It gets ticker,”said Wright.The base is then lifted on top of the tree bolts.It will soon become the foundation of a great tree house,so kids or adults can enjoy playing in the treetops.

            • 7.

              Tea and coffee are two of the most widely consumed drinks in the United States. With popularity and interest in tea continuing to grow in recent years, many consumers have recently considered making the switch from coffee to tea, if they have not done so already. All the buzz surrounding tea and coffee may have you wondering, what are the differences? As it turns out, the differences are many and varied.

              In the US, interest in tea ranges from coast to coast with the highest in Hawaii and California but stretching to the eastern states of Vermont and New York. On the other hand, the highest interest in coffee tends to be concentrated more in the north and western regions(地区), with the highest search volumes appearing in the states of Hawaii, Washington and Minnesota.

              Differences between tea and coffee also vary in origin and production. All tea comes from the harvested leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, while there are about 60 different species of coffee

              plants. Production of tea is quicker and more efficient: Camellia sinensis plants only need to grow for three years before they are ready to process; coffee plants take up to five years.

              Perhaps the most concerning issue consumers have when considering making the switch to tea is the question of caffeine. The good news is, when it comes to tea and caffeine, there is something for everyone. Unlike coffee, which typically only comes in decaffeinated and regular, there are several varieties of tea available, based on caffeine preference.

              From herbal teas that are naturally free of caffeine, to high quality green and black teas that offer less than half the caffeine of coffee, to high caffeine teas such as our specially formulated HiCAF® blends that contain slightly more caffeine than a cup of coffee, there is a variety sure to suit your needs. As an added bonus, the lower acidity levels in tea tend to be gentler on the stomach for a more comforting pick-me-up.

              So what is the answer, coffee or tea? If you are looking for the most healthful benefit possible, tea is probably the winner. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If, like many Americans, the rising popularity in tea has your interest piqued, the images below will help to clearly spell out the differences between tea and coffee.

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              The Orphan(孤儿)Trains began 75 years ago. They helped thousands of children without parents or homes. Some children were adopted by Christian families. Those who were not adopted were the official foster children.

              Most Orphan Train children found good homes with loving Christian families. But a few ended up with families who used the children as servants. Anyway, if a child were being badly treated, the Orphan Trains usually found him or her a new home. They were not only provided with food and shelter but also kept away from a life of crime.

              Clara and her two brothers were lucky to find good homes through the Orphan Trains. When Clara was about seven, her parents and a sister were killed when they tried to cross a river in New York State. She and her two brothers, five-year-old James and three-year-old Howard, were sent to different families in Kansas. Each child ended up with a different loving family. They were able to keep in touch with one another throughout their lives. Clara’s new mother was a school teacher. When she grew up, Clara married, moved to Texas and lived a happy life all through her life.

               In an interview, the grown-up “orphans” said they learned in the process of their life how important it is to be loved. They grew up to become loving, caring parents of their own children.

            • 9.

              Ian Mercer doesn’t set an alarm clock. The former Microsoft senior manager doesn’t check the weather, either. He doesn’t turn on lights, water the yard, or adjust the thermostat(恒温器). He doesn’t open the curtains, answer the phone, or call his children for dinner. There’s something unique about Ian’s home. He has programmed it to do all these things for him.

              Ian doesn’t live in a typical home or have a typical lifestyle. He spent over a decade designing the systems that feature in his unique home. He bought a home automation software package and then improved it.

              Now there are 79 sensors and monitors, and 48 light switches in his home. Lights turn on automatically in rooms with people in them. Even being out, Ian can also control his home remotely using voice commands or his phone in any location. That is only the beginning of what this home has been programmed to do.

              It connects with online calendars, caller ID, online weather services, online address books, and email, among other things, to get Ian through his day. For example, if there is a meeting in Ian’s calendar, it will wake him up, open his bedroom curtains, start and set his shower to his desired temperature. It also informs Ian about traffic conditions.

              There is plenty more this home has been programmed to do. It keeps him updated on his favorite sports teams and scores. It even monitors online activity to check that Ian’s children are doing their homework. The “dinner’s ready” command stops operation of their computers and TVs. This is easier than asking his children to shut them down.

              Ian’s home is unique. Most homes are not this smart, but soon more homes will be technologically advanced.

            • 10.

              Apply for a Library Card

              Any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in New York State is eligible to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge. Adult and teen users may either apply online or in person at any New York Public Library location. Applications for children ages 11 and under must be completed in person, and require the signature of a parent. When you apply for a card online, you will receive a 7-digit temporary barcode(条码). This allows you to set a secret code. After you receive your permanent barcode, which is required to borrow materials, search Library databases, or reserve a computer, you must renew your card.

              Renew or Validate Your Card

              All adult, teen and child library cards for cardholders must be renewed every three years. New library card applicants who applied for a card online must renew their card before full cardholder privileges can be extended. Cardholders can visit any New York Public Library location to present the required forms of identification in order to renew or validate their card. Cardholders may also email copies of the required forms of identification to patronaccounts@nypl.org. Alternatively, this information may be faxed to 212.621.0278.

              Forget Your Secret Code?

              If you forget your secret code, you can provide the library with a valid email address, and click on the link ---“Forgot Your secret code?” A link with instructions on changing your secret code will be sent to the email address on your account, giving you a brief period of time to update your information. You must select a 4 digit numeric secret code, with no repeating or obvious numbers (e.g. 1234 or 2222). If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you may visit a library location to reset your secret code.

              Replace a Lost or Stolen Card

              Cardholders are responsible for all items on a card, all use made of the card and all charges made against it until it is reported lost or stolen. If your card is lost or stolen, inform the library immediately. Call 917.ASK.NYPL (917.275.6975), email Ask NYPL, or visit to your nearest library to report the card lost.

