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            • 1.

              Come to meet our stars! The world-famous Ringling Bros Circusis building up the excitement one hour before the show begins. At the All Access Pre-Show children of all ages are invited to join our performers on the show floor. It's your chance to be right in the middle of the circus action. You can learn circus skills and get signatures from extraordinary circus stars, try on a traditional Ringmaster jacket and be part of our dance party!

              Gypsy Gomes comes from Argentina where she was taught her circus skills as a child. She will leave your head spinning as she controls up t0 80 hoola hoops (呼啦圈) while balancing on a huge mirror ball. Having many hoops thrown in her direction all at once is just one of her many talents.

              Emily Ryan gives thrilling performances in her German Wheel. Her beauty and courage go hand in hand with her broad talents and tricks.

              With the most elegant touch, Emma Avery bravely steps out into thin air on a silver thread of wire, showing her skills not only of balance but of beautifully performed talents.

              Sixth generation Swiss circus artist, Rosita Gasser performs a unique and very modern display on the Roman Rings with skill, balance and style. Her strength and control during performance has come from being a single, double and flying trapeze (空中飞人) from the young age of eight and a lifetime in the circus.

              To take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime experience, just visit ringlingbros.expapp.com from your iPhone or Android smartphone, provide your name, email and phone number to see the exciting experiences that are waiting for you!

              (1) What can a child do at the All Access Pre-Show?

              A. Record the performance.
              B. Swap signatures with the circus stars.

              C. Try on a traditional Ringmaster jacket.
              D. Take some photos with the circus stars.

              (2) Where did Gypsy pick up her circus skills?

              A. In Argentina. B. In Germany.
              C. In Switzerland. D. In Rome.

              (3) Who was bom in a circus family?

              A. Gypsy Gomes. B. Emily Ryan.
              C. Emma Avery. D. Rosita Gasser.

              (4) What is the main purpose of writing this text?

              A. To attract people to the circus show.

              B. To invite children to the dance party.

              C. To inform readers of ways to register.

              D. To introduce readers some circus stars.

            • 2.

              Reserve seats on any 2017 Rick Steves tour today, and you’ll save $ 100 per person! To receive your early booking discount, you must reserve a 2017 tour by midnight on November 30, 2016. Discounts are for new bookings only and must be secured with a $400 per person deposit(订金).

              See our Conditions:

                 Tour price guarantee: our tour prices do not include air tickets, and may be adjusted without notice due to possible changes in currency rates and trip costs. However, your price for the tour you’ve selected will be guaranteed the moment we receive your deposit.

                 Included in the price of each tour: Sightseeing tours by a Rick Steves’ Europe(RSE) guide, and local guides when appropriate, including all admission to sights seen as a group; all breakfasts and half of your dinners; accommodation each night; all transportation from the first hotel to the last hotel of the tour; all RSE guide, local guide and driver tips.

                 The plans of the trip may be changed: Europe is full of surprise, and we need to be flexible enough to take advantage of whatever comes along so that we may provide you with the best possible tour.

                 Tour payments: Your final tour payment must be paid at least 60 days before the departure. Missing the final payment deadline may result in your being removed from the tour! If you sign up for a tour less than 60 days before its departure, the entire tour price must be paid.

                 Transferring(改签) to another tour: Up to 60 days before your departure, you can transfer to any other tour in the same calendar year with seats available, applying your existing deposit and with no transfer fee. If you transfer to a different tour, the price of that tour will be applied, effective on the date we confirm your transfer. Transfers less than 60 days before your tour’s departure may not be possible.

              (1) What can we learn from the text?
              A. You can save $400 if you book a 2017 Rick Steves tour in advance.
              B. You must pay all the tour costs three days before its departure.
              C. Your tour price will be guaranteed the moment you pay for your tour.
              D. The plans of the trip are not fixed even though you have paid for it.
              (2) All of the following are included in the price of each tour EXCEPT___________.
              A. accommodation every night
              B. all RSE guide and driver tips
              C. all breakfasts and dinners
              D. all transportation from the first hotel to the last hotel
              (3) According to the text, what should you do if you want to transfer to another tour?
              A. Pay another deposit
              B. Pay a transfer fee
              C. Transfer to a tour that is the same price as yours
              D. Transfer more than 60 days before your tour’s departure
            • 3.

              I have always considered myself a positive optimist, trying to find the best in every situation. Iˈve recently become aware of how two little  (1)   have had a great impact on people.

              My son  (2)  to tell me about a house he was interested in.I said, "Honey, I am glad that youˈve found something you like,   (3)  …"There, I continued, "Donˈt you think,with the gas prices, you might want to buy one  (4)  to your work?" As he told me all about the possible house, I could hear the  (5)  in his voice. The moment I spoke the word, BUT, it was  (6)   I pricked a balloon with a needle(针).I could hear him slowly deflate(泄气). I  (7)  that if I had used the word AND—"Honey, Iˈm glad you found a house in your  (8)  range, AND Iˈm happy for you."—he wouldnˈt have been  (9)  , and weˈd have both hung up feel better.

              My daughter  (10)  at my door dressed like a princess on her way to the prom. I told her how graceful looked and I was  (11)  of the young lady she has become, and I said, "Sweetheart, you  (12)  having a great time, but please donˈt drink tonight." I know she doesnˈt engage in  (13)  behavior; sheˈs responsible and sensible. She looked as though Iˈd snatched her crown. "Mom!" The tone of her voice indicated how Iˈd  (14)  her feel. How I wish Iˈd said, "I want you to have a great time, AND I   (15)  you."

              My husband helps around the house. I was  (16)  he had lightened my work load. I told him how wonderful he is, and I used that naughty word again."BUT,why did you  (17)  crumbs(面包屑)all over the counter? "Why?Why?Why didnˈt I say," Thank you, AND I am  (18)  or all you do around the house."

              Iˈve been doing some  (19)  . I am going to remove that naughty little word from my  (20)  and replace it with the word AND. This is a decision I intend to keep!

              (1) A. tips                   B. words                   
              C. acts                        D. choices

              (2) A. called                B. attempted               
              C. waited                    D. decided

              (3) A. or                     B. so                         
              C. and                        D. but

              (4) A. due                   B. special                  
              C. cheap                     D. close

              (5) A. puzzle               B. hesitation              
              C. excitement              D. impatience

              (6) A. even if              B. only if                  
              C. what if                   D. as if

              (7) A. believe              B. imagine                 
              C. doubt                     D. forget

              (8) A. distance             B. ability                   
              C. price                      D. plan

              (9) A. away                 B. off                        
              C. out                        D. down

              (10) A. opened up         B. showed up              
              C. stood up                 D. made up

              (11) A. aware                B. proud                    
              C. jealous                   D. fond

              (12) A. allow                B. consider                
              C. deserve                  D. fancy

              (13) A. risky                 B. bitter                    
              C. selfish                    D. unfair

              (14) A. ignored             B. seen                      
              C. helped                    D. made

              (15) A. love                        
              B. miss                      
              C. trust                      
              D. defend

              (16) A. amazed              B. delighted               
              C. relieved                  D. annoyed

              (17) A. forget                B. throw                    
              C. mess                      D. leave

              (18) A. shameful           B. anxious                 
              C. sorry                      D. grateful

              (19) A. self-reflecting     B. self-promoting          
              C. self-controlling         D. self-learning

              (20) A. dictionary          B. experience             
              C. vocabulary             D. memor

            • 4.

              Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising that there are many expressions about cats. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries (金丝雀). If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself, we say he looks like the cat that eats the canary.

                     Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you play cat and mouse with someone, you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a child might offer something sweet to his little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.

                     You may have known that cats spend most of their time sleeping. Sometimes people sleep for a short time during the day. This is called a cat nap.

                     If you tell about something that was supposed to be a secret, we say you let the cat out of the bag. If you are not able to speak or answer a question, someone might ask if the cat has got your tongue.

                     Have you ever watched children in classroom when their teacher leaves for a few minutes? “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” will best describe that situation.

                     You may have heard this expression: curiosity killed the cat. This means being too concerned about things that are not your business might cause problems.

              If your home is very small, you might say there is not enough room to swing a cat. But you probably should not try this at home!

              (1) The text mainly talks about ___________.

              A. cats and their habits
              B. expressions about cats

              C. cats and other family pets
              D. the relationship between humans and cats

              (2) Which can describe a person who is proud to have completed a job successfully?

              A. The cat has got his tongue.

              B. He plays cat and mouse with someone.

              C. He looks like the cat that ate the canary.

              D. There is not enough room to swing a cat.

              (3) “A cat nap” has something to do with cats’ _________.

              A. appearance B. living habits
              C. cleverness D. length of life

              (4) “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” probably means that _______.

              A. people often behave badly when they are not watched over

              B. students should be well taught by teachers in school

              C. students should be afraid of their teachers in class

              D. people should help each other when they are in trouble

            • 5.
              You’re sitting on the train home and the person opposite you yawns. Suddenly, you’re yawning with him, though you’re not tired.
                  This phenomenon confused scientists for years until a recent study found that people tend to sympathize with fellow humans. Supporting this claim was the discovery that those children who were unable to form normal emotional ties with others did not experience contagious(有感染力的) yawning, which showed that humans communicate regularly without words.
                  Hugo Critchley, a neuroscientist, has conducted an experiment recently, which will prove that happiness and sadness can spread like the common cold. According to Critechley, our mind and body are in constant exchange about how we’re feeling. “Emotions are closely linked with states of internal(内部的) responses,” he explained. “There are also more visible changes in our gestures and facial expression. When we’re in a group, these signals can spread to another person. For example, there’s the obvious tendency to smile when smiled at and there are less obvious changes that reflect emotions of surprise, anger or sadness such as a change in our heart rate and blood pressure.
                  Hugo Critchley further explained, “Our bodies synchronize and when we like the other person, we even copy his behavior. Next time you chat with a friend, take note of how you’re sitting— it’s pretty likely that you will be the same. Scientists believe it’s our way of telling each other that we’re partners. Through body language, humans give each other very subtle(微妙的) but clear signals that show emotions.”
                  So, what lessons can we learn from this? “Spend time with happy people— otherwise your health could suffer,” said Critchley. “When we’re sad, our body goes into fight or flight mode. But when we’re happy, our body works normally and we feel relaxed and positive. So we look bright, our skin glows, we feel healthy and it affects everyone around us.”

              (1) According to Hogo Critchley, _________.

              A. emotions are as visible as facial expressions

              B. we yawn more frequently when we have a cold

              C. emotions are connected with states of internal responses

              D. the change of blood pressure is not linked with the change of emotions

              (2) The underlined word “synchronize” in paragraph 4 means “_________”.

              A. move slowly    

              B. change rapidly  

              C. relax temporarily  

              D. respond accordingly

              (3) From the passage we can learn ______.

              A. sadness is as contagious as happiness

              B. anger is less contagious than friendliness

              C. surprise is more contagious than smile

              D. surprise is the most contagious among emotions

              (4) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

              A. Emotions have delicate influence on fellow humans.

              B. Children like copying the actions of the fellow humans.

              C. Scientists are still confused about contagious yawning.

              D. People tend to communicate more with body language.

            • 6.

              The Masai are a people who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly modem world. They live along the border of Kenya and Tanzania, moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their living.

              The Masai have become known as a people of fighters, protecting their cattle against lions and other enemies. Only men are fighters. They wear long hair, which is colored red with clay. They can have more than one wife. Women build and take care of the home, fixing food and making clothing. Women and children keep their heads shaved. Women can also become elders, once they have given birth to four healthy children.

              The Masai depend on their cattle for many parts of their life. They drink cow's milk and blood as a sacred drink. They use the cows' waste to cover and seal their homes. They don't kill their cattle for food, but if a cow is killed, then the horns (角) are used for containers; the hides are used to make shoes, clothing, ropes and bed coverings; and the bones are made into decorations.

              The more cattle a man owns, the richer he is considered to be. A man who owns 50 or fewer cattle is considered poor. A "rich" man has a thousand or more. The cattle, though owned by the man, are considered to belong to the man's entire family. The family names the cattle and can recognize each animal's unique voice.

              Masai houses are made from sticks and grass, but they are meant to be temporary, since the move of their cattle means that the Masai move as well.

              (1) What is Masai women's daily work at home?

              A. They protect the cattle from being hunted.

              B. They give birth to babies and bring them up.

              C. They look after as well as name their cattle.

              D. They mainly deal with various housework.

              (2) When do the Masai move from one place to another?

              A. They move when they have over a thousand cattle.

              B. They move once there are 4 children in the family.

              C. They move when their cattle need new food sources.

              D. They move after their houses are not strong enough.

              (3) What does the underlined word "elders" in Paragraph 2 mean?

              A. Aged citizens. B. Respected people.
              C. Brave fighters. D. Wealthy hostesses.

              (4) It can be inferred from the text that

              A. the Masai raise cattle mainly for their meat

              B. lions are the primary enemies of the Masai

              C. the Masai are living a life in a modern way

              D. the total of Masai's cattle decides their status

            • 7.

              The ability to make small talk is highly valued. In fact, many English students are more interested in making effective small talk than knowing correct grammar structures --- and rightly so ! Small talk gets friendships started and breaks the ice before important business meetings and other events.

              However, making small talk is difficult not only for English learners, but also for many native speakers of English. Small talk can be especially difficult for some learners because making small talk means talking about almost anything --- and that means having a wide vocabulary that can cover most topics. Most English learners have an excellent vocabulary in specific areas, but may have difficulty in discussing topics they are unfamiliar with because of a lack of appropriate vocabulary.

              This lack of vocabulary leads to some students “blocking”. They slow down or stop speaking completely because of a lack of self-confidence.

              (1) The first paragraph is to __________.

              A. show people the importance of small talk

              B. say knowledge is not important

              C. show that ice can not be broken without small talk

              D. start friendship and break the ice

              (2) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

              A. Small talk is important because making it is not possible.

              B. Many English learners can have excellent small talk.

              C. Most native speakers of English find it too difficult to conduct small talk.

              D. A lack of appropriate vocabulary might make small talk a failure.

              (3) Many English learners feel it difficult to make small talk because__________.

              A. they are not familiar with some specific area or topic

              B. they do not have self-confidence before native speakers

              C. they are only familiar with some specific area or topic

              D. their vocabulary is not for small talk but for a specific area

            • 8.

              As common as it is, scratching to relieve an itch has long been considered a biological mystery: Are cells at the surface of the skin somehow tired in need of outside stimulation? Or is the relief of the stimulation centered in the brain?

              Perhaps neither one, a new study suggests. Neuroscientists report that specialized cells in the spinal cord appear to be critically involved in producing the feeling of an itch and the feeling of relief after the application of fingernails, at least in healthy individuals.

              “It’s a very important study; itching is a major problem for millions of patients,” said Dr. Gil Yosipovitch.

              Dr. Yosipoviteh cautioned that the findings may not apply to chronic itches. “But this is the kind of work that should help open this area up to more research.”

              The researchers isolated in monkeys cellular(细胞的) connections that run from the surface of the foot to the spinal cord and then to the part for feelings in the brain. They caused the feeling of itchiness by injecting something under the skin. They chose some cells at the base of the spinal cord. Most are sensitive to pain and some to both pain and itchiness. And when the researchers scratched the itchy skin on the monkeys’ feet, it quieted the cell’s activity.

              Scientists argue that itching is most likely related to grooming(动物的梳毛), and evolved to protect animals against poisonous plants. But the biology of the itch has been a mystery and ignored for years by researchers who have been far more focused on pain.

              It is suggested that itch, like pain, may be a “gated” system where signals from other nerve cells can interfere with the feeling. Scratching the skin near, but not directly on the spot, it often provides relief, just as rubbing an aching arm can reduce pain.

              As with some kinds of pain, small reminders of an itching feeling can get people scratching, often without being entirely aware of it. “I give lectures about itching.” Dr. Giesler said, “and I’ll stand up there in front of a whole roomful of people, show a few slides and pretty soon I’ll look out and 90 percent of the audience is scratching.”

              Dr. Yosipovitch said there was a long way to go before doctors could expect treatments. For one thing the miserable, chronic itch common in many medical problems most likely involves other mechanisms. “But I feel excited about this finding,” he said. “It’s a sign that this field is really evolving,”

              (1) The new study shows that ______.

              A. scratching to relieve an itch remains a vast mystery

              B. scratching seems to calm the nerves and therefore relieve itches

              C. scratching can be an effective treatment for all itches

              D. the relief of the stimulation is centered in the brain

              (2) Researchers have always overlooked the biology of the itch because ______.

              A. they consider it of no medical value         
              B. they are more focused on pain

              C. they consider it too easy to study                    
              D. they consider it too tough to study

              (3) What can we infer from the text?

              A. All cells at the base of spinal cord are more likely to suffer pain and itchiness.

              B. The cells at the surface of the skin usually require outside stimulation.

              C. Some cells in the spinal cord can transmit information about itchiness to the brain.

              D. Some animals scratch an itch because they can get close to dangerous plants.

              (4) The case of Dr. Giesler’s speech is taken as an example to prove that ______.

              A. the feeling of itching can be passed on to others

              B. it’s a sign that this field is really evolving

              C. there was a long way to go before doctors could expect treatments

              D. itching is a major problem for many people

            • 9.

               Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks   (1)   than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more  (2)  than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really  (3)  . And body language is particularly   (4)  when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化). Indeed, what is called body language is so   (5)  a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.   (6)  , different societies treat the  (7)   between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having  (8)   contact(接触) even with friends,and certainly not with  (9)  . People from Latin American countries,   (10)  , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it’s possible that in   (11)  , it may look like a Latino is   (12)   a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving   (13)  . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep   (14)   —which the Latino will in return regard as   (15)  .

                  Clearly, a great deal is going on when people   (16)  . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from   (17)   cultures, there’s a strong possibility of   (18)  . But whatever the situation, the best   (19)  is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be   (20)  .

            • 10.

               Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks   (1)   than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more  (2)  than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really  (3)  . And body language is particularly   (4)  when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化). Indeed, what is called body language is so   (5)  a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.   (6)  , different societies treat the  (7)   between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having  (8)   contact(接触) even with friends,and certainly not with  (9)  . People from Latin American countries,   (10)  , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it’s possible that in   (11)  , it may look like a Latino is   (12)   a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving   (13)  . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep   (14)   —which the Latino will in return regard as   (15)  .

                  Clearly, a great deal is going on when people   (16)  . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from   (17)   cultures, there’s a strong possibility of   (18)  . But whatever the situation, the best   (19)  is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be   (20)  .

