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            • 1. How to Succeed in Science
              To succeed in science,you need a lot more than luck.In my view,you have to combine intelligence with a willingness not to follow conventions when they block your path forward.Thus,these have come to be my rules for success.
              That might sound proud,but the fact is that you must always turn to people who are brighter than yourself.It's like playing any game.Even as a child,I never wanted to play games with anyone who was as bad as I was.If you win,it gives you no pleasure.And in the game of science  or life,the highest goal isn't simply to win; it's to win at something really difficult.(37)    
              2.Take risks
              To make a huge success,a scientist has to be prepared to get into deep trouble.If you are going to make a huge jump in science,you will very likely be unqualified to succeed by definition.(38)      This can be more than personally upsetting.
              3.Never do anything that bores you.
              My experience in science is that someone is always telling you to do things,and then leave you alone.I'm not good enough to do well in something I dislike.(39)    
              It's very hard to succeed if you don't want to be with other scientists-you have to go to key meetings where you spot key facts that would have escaped you.And you have to chat with your competitors,even if you find them objectionable.
              So my final rule is:(40)    

              A.Meet challenges with great courage.
              B.If you can't stand to be with your real peers,get out of science.
              C.Put another way,it's to go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on top.
              D.Be sure you always have someone to save you from a deep mess.
              E.Avoid foolish people.
              F.In fact,I find it hard to do well in something I like.
              G.Besides,you even have to be prepared to disbelieve your scientific heroes.
            • 2. 如何衡量一个人真正的品质,不同的人有不同的看法.请认真阅读下面的引语,结合图片所提示的信息,按要求用英语写一篇短文.
              “The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.”
              -Thomas Macaulay
              参考词汇:self-discipline n.自律;self-disciplined adj.自律的

              This quotation from Thomas Macaulay tells us that.    
            • 3. 根据最新颁布的《关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见》,你校举办校园之星(Star of the Campus)评选活动,你班李华获此殊荣.请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍李华的综合素质情况.

              Being an excellent student with all-round development,Li Huahas been honored asStar of the Campus.
            • 4. Things You Should Insist on No Matter What People Say Life can get pretty crazy at times.(36)     Happiness is dependent upon ourselves,and there are some things in life you should always insist on doing,no matter what others have to say about it.Here is a list of some things you should always do.
              (1).Learn from your mistakes
              No matter what people say,you will make mistakes in your life.Life is a learning process in itself.Some people will make you feel bad about your mistakes,or insult you for making them.(37)     Accept your mistakes fully and really figure out what went wrong.
              (2).Embrace change and creativity
              A popular proverb is,"You cannot solve a problem in the same state of consciences that created it."(38)     Change and creativity are vital in today's world.Things are always changing,so why should we be any different?
              (3).Appreciate what you have
              (39)    This can take away from our happiness.Sometimes you just need to sit back and be happy about where your life is right now,and what you have to show for it.Sure people might tell you it's not good enough,but don't listen to them.It is good enough,and it gives you a sense of pride when you can enjoy the things you already have in life.
              (4).Listen to your heart
              Sometimes you just need to follow your instincts and do what your heart tells you.There are some situations,like relationships,that rely more on your heart than on your head.People will surely tell you differently,but you should always insist on listening to what you want and feel.Again,you are the one who lives with your choices,and you are the one that has to live with the"what ifs."    

              A.Sometimes you just have to follow your heart.
              B.Not everything can be slived in a traditional way?
              C.However,being dedicated to something will pay off.
              D.We can forget to take a step back and enjoy what we have in life
              E.However,don′t let that stand in your way from learning from them.
              F.To some people your dreams might sound far-fetched,unpbtainable,or downright silly.
              G.Sometimes we forget how important it is to actually listen to instead of pthers.
            • 5. The disabled tend to survive in a world that is largely made for the able-bodied.Evidently,the disabled still want to lead a (76)     which is no more different from that of normal people.Unfortunately,things in the reality are(77)h       on them.What I have come to know so far is(78)     it's our common thought to laugh at people looking different from us.But being physically or(79)     disabled does not determine their character or insights.In fact,they have the same(80)     (权利) as everybody else and also want to live with(81)     (尊严).Personally,the disabled are just the same (82)e     for some disability.Therefore,it doesn't(83)          sense to show prejudice for somebody just because he cannot walk or has one arm alone.Now,think for a while.What if somebody stares at you or points out fingers at you(84)c     your names?Ah!Such an annoying feeling,isn't it?You never know how others feel until you yourself are(85)p     in their shoes.
            • 6. Travelling by subway can be quite an adventure,especially during rush hours.You have to fight your (76)     into the carriage,and that's not the end.You also have to protect yourself from big backpacks and fight for space with (77)     who sit and stretch their legs.
              To deal with this problem,New YorkC ity has (78)    (启动) a campaign making people take off their backpacks on the subway.The movement is also (79)    (针对) at male riders who like spreading their legs to take up two,or even three seats.
              Some people say that the campaign (80)    (限制) everyone's freedom.Male travelers even feel it is unfair,saying that women who cross their legs also take up too much space.(81)     the campaign has been supported by people who are concerned abou (82)    (个人的)behavior in public spaces.
              In fact,all countries have written or unwritten (83)    (规则) that travelers are expected to follow.For example,eating and drinking on the subway are banned in many cities,(84)     WashingtonD C in the US andB russels inB elgium.
              So (85)     time you take public transportation,avoid bad behavior.
