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            • 1.

              My name is Jane Eyre and my parents died when I was a baby. For ten years I lived a  (1)  life with my aunt and cousins who treated me  (2)  . My cousins teased (戏弄) me and my aunt never showed me any  (3)  . The only person who  (4)  me was the maid (仆人), Bessie. One day my cousin John shouted at me: “You should go and  (5)  not live with rich folks (人们) like us!” After fighting with him I was locked in a room,  (6)  I stayed for hours crying.

              Things remained  (7)  until a tall gentleman called Mr. Brocklehurst came to visit. My aunt told me that I was going to a  (8)  owned by the gentleman. “Train her to be useful and humble,” said Aunt. Two days later I left my home.

              At first my life at Lowood School was difficult. The food was  (9)  and I was often cold but I made friends and  (10)  studying. But after an illness killed several students, new owners  (11)  the school and life improved. Six years later I became a  (12)  and was very happy. But eventually I felt that I should  (13)  more of the world and found a job as a private teacher in a home.

              Before I left Lowood, I was  (14)  by Bessie, who told me that seven years ago my father’s brother had come  (15)  me but left again to go abroad. “He looked like quite a gentleman,” said Bessie. I  (16)  if he would ever look for me again.

              My new life began at Thornfield Hall, a large country house,  (17)  a little girl called Adele. She was the adopted (被收养的) daughter of the owner of the house, Mr. Rochester. He  (18)  stayed at Thornfield and so my time was mainly spent  (19)  Adele and the servants. My life was quite happy now  (20)  there was something strange about my new home. Often I heard odd sounds coming from the top of the house.

            • 2.

              In the week before Christmas, one Delta airlines pilot gave a sad Arizona family a gift that no one else could.

              Father of three, Jay short died after a   (1)  with lung cancer Dec, 16th. Three days later, his family was attempting to   (2)  to Tennessee for the funeral scheduled for the next morning. But a 90-munite  (3)  at thePhoenixairport   (4)  them only seven minutes to make their connecting flight in Minnesota. “This was our   (5)  chance to say goodbye to my dad, and if we hadn’t   (6)  the flight, we would have missed the _  (7)  .” Jay’s daughter said. But when they arrived at the gate, the last plane of the day to Memphis was   (8)  away from the gate.

              “My son was   (9)  his arms and pleading with the pilot through the floor-to ceiling windows.” said Marcia, “I was   (10)  and comforting my girls who were also in tears when the phone rang,   (11)  us that the pilot was returning to the gate to let us   (12)  the plane.” Captain Adam Cohen saw the _  (13)  on their faces through the gate’s windows and decided to turn the plane around. Airline experts pointed out Cohen could have _  (14)  gotten into trouble for the   (15)  decision, but Delta   (16)  the move instead. “This is  (17)  we’ll take with us, knowing we made a   (18)  .” confirmed Adam.

              This story is an  (19)  that we can bring humanity back to society. Show care and it may  (20)  you how far that you go.

            • 3.

              When I was a kid, most of my friends could stay home from school due to a stomachache or a fever but not me. I had to be lying in order to________ home. My parents used to say that they were teaching me how to have a_________work ethic (职业道德). I didn’t see the

              _______until last week.

              I was on the train and sat behind a young man who was_________to his friend about his life. His dream in life was to make movies but he wouldn’t__________ it because he had no clue if he could make enough money and he didn’t want to___________  time because it probably would take months or years to make it_______. He then admitted to thinking about becoming a(n)________because he thought he could easily make six figures within one year. His_________agreed because as he put it, “I have no________to work long hours and not make much money. Besides, defending cases in court is good because you can make a lot of money and only work short hours.”

              Many people these days don’t________that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of_______, determination and time have_________into it. It wasn’t due to some unbelievable__________. Someone once told me that you may know_____someone is an expert in his given field or not by how easy he makes it look. The__________it looks, the more hours go into it.

              There is no excuse for_______. In the television showFame, the dancer teacher told her students, “If you want fame, fame________ and here’s how you start paying for it, in sweat.” Every time I watch that show, my dad would state how_______she was because in order to___________you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy.

            • 4.

              I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1 Capitan, a   (1)   rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew   (2)   I wanted to climb it. That has been my life’s passion (钟爱) ever since   (3)   the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I’ve long made Yosemite my   (4)  .

              About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of   (5)  , like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. It’s   (6)   me why visitors started respecting the place   (7)   and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.

              I tried   (8)   trash (垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would   (9)   an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so   (10)   it that I decided something had to change.

              As a rock-climbing guide, I knew   (11)   about organizing any big event. But in 2004, together with some climbers, I set a date for a   (12)  . On that day, more than 300 people   (13)  . Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to   (14)  . I couldn’t believe the   (15)   we made - the park looked clean!

              Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and   (16)   132 miles of roadway.

              I often hear people   (17)   about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by   (18)   rather than complaining. We need to teach by   (19)  . You can’t blame others   (20)   you start with yourself.

            • 5.

              There once was a king in a faraway country. One day, he decided toa prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of. So many artists . The king looked at all the pictures.there were only two he really liked, and he had tobetween them. One picture was of alake. The lake was a perfect mirror with peaceful huge mountains all around it. Above was asky with light white clouds. All whothis picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

              The other picture had, too. But these were not flat at all. Above was ansky, from which rain fell heavily and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain was a waterfall with loud sound. This did not lookat all.

              But when the king looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bushin a crack(裂缝) in the rock. In the bush a mother bird hadher nest. There, with the current of angry water, the mother bird washer hungry children in the nest, taking no attention to itssurroundings — in perfect peace.

              Which picture do you thinkthe prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know why?

              “Because,” said the king. “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble or hard work. Peace means although you are surrounded by noisy things you keep calm in the heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”

            • 6.

              One Christmas my husband and I traveled to visit family. Our first stop was to visit my parents in Oregon. My __  (1)  __ gave me a plastic piggy bank(储钱罐) as the Christmas gift. Then we continued north into Washington to visit his parents, but on the way our __  (2)  __ had some problems. It was late, so we went to the nearest house to ask permission(许可) to __  (3)  __ there until the repair shop opened.

              The woman who __  (4)  __ the door was very kind, allowing us to stay. We had to __  (5)  __ a few things from the truck, including the bank, still in its long box. The next morning my husband headed off __  (6)  __ towards town, but was soon offered a __  (7)  __ from the nice lady, and we were back on the road __  (8)  __ afterwards.

              It wasnˈt until we reached our destination that we realized we had __  (9)  __ the piggy bank in the driveway. It sure was __  (10)  __ and there was no chance of going back for __  (11)  __.

              One day over a year later, when we were back in Oregon my mother came out of her house to __  (12)  __ us with the same bank in her hand. I couldnˈt believe my __  (13)  __!We had never told her we had lost it, __  (14)  __ there it was!

              It turns out that the nice lady found the box and read the __  (15)  __ on the shipping label(标签) to get my motherˈs name. She then __  (16)  __ my mother and handed it to her, who held on to it for quite some time until we saw her again.

              So __  (17)  __ the very special lady, I was given the __  (18)  __ Christmas gift twice. It was truly __  (19)  __ to me... and now every time that bank gets filled up, Iˈll __  (20)  __ my money to a local charity to “pass on” my fortunate good luck!

            • 7.

              I am not a brave girl, and even a little mouse scares (惊吓) me. 16 _______ I've been crazy about bungee jumping (蹦极). One day, 1 found a good place for this exciting 17 ________ in Thailand by surfing the Internet. I packed my bag and flew there. However, I had no idea how to get to the address listed on the 18 ________ . I called them and took a taxi, but the taxi driver didn't know the way, either. He dropped me halfway.

              Having bought some bread, I had to wait for the car that was supposed to pick me up. Just then a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was Jenny. Then we 19 ________ to the bungee jumping place. I was amazed by the sights along the road through the window of the car.

              I quickly signed an agreement which said I might die, and 20 ________ a harness (安全带). The guide led me through a gate, asked me to sit in a special seat and tied my 21 ________ and ankles (踝) well.

              I was nervous but not scared. As soon as I stood up and felt my ankles 22 ________ together, I got scared, I walked slowly to the edge (边) of the bridge and looked back. The workers looked at me and couldn't help laughing. At last it was time to go. So I jumped as 23 ________ forward as I could.

              At that moment my memory seemed to stop. I felt 24 ________ going up, like riding a fast lift, and them another drop and... Finally, I stopped in the air. I spread my arms wide, laughing loudly and 25 ________ . The workers pulled me up, smiling at me.

            • 8. Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability.

              “Early on I decided not to allow the(1)of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began(2)piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion (酷爱) for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my(3).Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the(4)and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never


              “My(6)was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I(7)to ‘hear’ music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can(8)the pitch of a note (音调高低) by the vibrations (振动) I feel through my body and through my(9).My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every(10)that I have.”

              “I was(11)to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had(12)this before and some teachers(13)my admission. Based on my performance, I was(14)admitted and went on to(15)with the academy’s highest honours.”

              “After that, I established myself as the first fulltime solo percussionist. I

              (16)and arranged a lot of musical compositions since(17)had been written specially for solo percussionists.”

              “I have been a soloist for over ten years.(18)the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn’t(19)that my passion couldn’t be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be(20)by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.”

            • 9.

              Computer games are popular all around the world. Many people   (1)   these games on the Internet. Games look more and more   (2)   as computer technology improves. Many people describe playing computer games as   (3)   a new world. Some games let people   (4)   their own cities. Some games take people on journeys. Other games allow people to take over the Internet.

              Games can   (5)   many positive effects. It can make help people make friends, learn to solve problems and make decisions. It can   (6)   help improve eye and hand movement. However, gaming can become a   (7)  .

              People addicted to (沉溺于) computer games will find   (8)   thinking about playing all the time. And this can   (9)   neglect (忽视). People with a gaming addiction often   (10)   their studies, work, sleep, relationships, food, and family. They are often unable to   (11)   the amount of time they play. And uncontrolled playing can lead to other problems like debt. Many gaming addicts spend all their   (12)   on gaming.

                (13)  , there have been far worse cases of gaming addiction. It was reported that a man died while playing an Internet computer game   (14)   he had been playing the same game for 50 hours with few   (15)  .

              Today, many more governments and doctors are trying to solve the problem of gaming addiction. More people are learning about the problem. More people are getting   (16)  . And more people are changing their lives. Some people might blame the game   (17)   for creating the problem of gaming addiction. However, some people think   (18)  .

              “It would be easy for me to blame the game,   (19)   I know that was not the problem. I ran away from my problems. I   (20)   in an Internet world instead of directly working to solve my problems ” a game addict said.

            • 10.

              As a kid, I loved everything about school. I loved books,   (1)  , tests and homework. I hoped to someday march down the aisle (通道) to receive my  (2)  . That seemed more appealing even than getting married. But at 15, I had to drop   (3)  because my parents  (4)  afford tuition. My hope of getting a diploma was dead. Pretty soon, I married. I had three children, and I thought, "There goes my diploma."

               Even so, I wanted my children to   (5)  . But Linda, our youngest child, had juvenile arthritis (幼年型关节炎) in her  (6)  and knees, which made it  (7)  for her to function (活动) in a normal classroom.

                One day, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper for evening courses. "Thatˈs the a solution." I said to myself. Linda always felt  (8)  in the evening, so I would just sign her up for night school.

                Linda was busy  (9)  enrolment (入学) forms when the secretary said: "Mrs Green, why donˈt you come to    (10)  ?”  I  (11)  ,"Thereˈs no way! Iˈm 60 years old now !"   (12)  he insisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts." This is only an experiment," I told him, but he just smiled. To my surprise, both Linda  (13)   I thrived (茁壮成长) in evening school. I went back again the next term, and my grades  (14)  improved.

               For me, it was   (15)  going to school again, but it was no game. Sitting in a class full of kids was awkward,  (16)  most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I still had loads of housework to do. But when I was down, Linda encouraged me, "Mum, you canˈt  (17)   now!" And when she was down, I  (18)  her. Together we saw it through. At last, I got my diploma.  (19)  , my all classmates voted for me to be class speaker, and I got a $ 3,000 college scholarship.

               Dear mum, I was late for school, but I got there  (20)  !

              41. A. parents B. teachers   C. trees    D. flowers 42. A. job   B. present    C. certification   D. diploma 43. A. on    B. out C. in   D. down 44. A.wouldnˈt    B. couldnˈt     C. shouldnˈt    D. neednˈt 45. A. educate   B. will educate   C. be educated D. will be educated 46. A. hands  B. head     C. eyes   D. stomach 47. A. likely  B.frequent C. easy      D. impossible 48. A. worse B. better   C. excited  D. annoyed 49. A. giving  out B. taking   out  C. filling  out    D. sending out 50. A. work        B. school    C. home D. office 51. A. argued       B. screamed C.laughed   D. shouted 52. A. And B. But  C. Although  D. So 53. A. and  B. or   C. but    D. except 54. A. regularly  B. happily    C. steadily   D. naturally 55. A. exciting B. disappointing  C. concerned  D. interesting  56. A. as if      B. even if    C. in case    D. if only 57. A. continue   B. rest   C. quit    D. hesitate 58. A. raised    B. discouraged  C. encouraged  D. defeated 59. A. To my surprise B. To my satisfaction C. To my relief  D. To my credit 60. A. naturally B. eventually C. constantly D. frequently
