优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                It was a very cold January evening, the end of a day Bill thought would never end. His doctor told him that he might go blind. Bill wasastounded. He couldn’t believe such a terrible thing would happen to him. After all, he thought, how could he—a husband, a father of two beautiful children, a man who had been healthy in his whole life—go blind?

                But Bill was a lucky man. After being totally blind for five months, he regained his vision and was able to see his amazing family again. After he regained his vision, he decided to do something to help others. He wanted to be of service to the less fortunate.

                Having decided to help others, Bill asked himself, “Whom should I help?”. Bill always loved children and that was his first thought. He then decided to focus his energies on helping children with illnesses and disabilities. He wanted to help them make their dreams come true and receive treatment, so Bill started the non-profit (非盈利) foundation—Reachout America, with the duty to send kids with illnesses and disabilities to camps. The camps could help them stay with children who were dealing with some of the same things they were dealing with.

                Since June 2006, Reachout America has not only sent many kids to various camps across America, including awesome(精彩的) horse- riding camps and space camps for children who dream of flying to the moon, but also helped them receive treatment and recover.

                Bill’s personal nightmare(噩梦)changed into a blessing and a dream has come true for hundreds of sick and disabled children across America. You can help, too. Reachout America continues to raise money through various programs and seek volunteers so that many other children can continue to go to camps and receive treatment. Offer your help if you are interested.

              (1) What does the underlined word “ astounded” in Paragraph 1 probably mean? ( 1 word ) (2) How long was Bill totally blind? (no more than 3 words ) (3) Whom did Bill decide to focus on helping in the end? ( no more than 6 words ) (4) What does Reachout America continue to do? (no more than 10 words) (5) What do you think of Bill’s action? (no more than 25 words )
            • 2.

              What have we become? A society in which someone can have hundreds of online friends and yet go for days without human contact. We scan; we click; we text people in the next room instead of speaking to them; we even check our library books out by ourselves when once we might have chatted to a friendly person with an ink pad and a date stamp.

              Loneliness can be dangerous. Recent research suggests that it may shorten people’s lives and make them more vulnerableto serious illness. It can distort (扭曲) senses of reality and even become an element that drives a few desperate young men to open fire on a cinema audience or a classroom full of children. Electronic voices on various devices can be the only ones some people hear. And what those voices say is not always true.

              No man is an island, we are frequently reminded. There are those who choose to lead solitary (孤独的)lives, and live them well, but on the whole we are sociable beings and we suffer if we are on our own too much. Human contact makes us happier, although virtual relationships can be very positive.

              So what could lonely people do to make real friends? An answer, among many, is to read more books. Reading begins alone but becomes a shared activity when a reader, for example, joins a book group, attends a literary festival or signs up for a continuing education course on an aspect of literature that interests them. There’s no shame in turning up to any of these alone, and fellowship is guaranteed. Fellow readers may well turn out be like-minded; it’s a basis for new friendships and sustained relationships. Sharing an understanding of a book is a good way of sharing feelings safely. Literary characters can be useful as personas.

              But there is another important reason why everyone should read more books, and in particular fiction. The responsibility to fight loneliness lies with those who do not suffer from it. Lonely people often feel that there is no one who understands them or can share their point of view. They need to know that actually there are. That requires everybody else to make the imaginative leap of feeling that connection, and reading fiction helps. It makes people more empathic (移情) — sympathy for fictitious (虚构的)characters can translate into compassion (同情)in real life.

              The stories of strangers reach us through many means: news bulletins, interviews, biography and memoir (回忆录), but also drama and fiction. Walking a mile in their shoes might help turn some of those strangers into real friends.

              Passage outline

              Supporting details

              A phenomenon worth noting

              ◇People today are becoming increasingly lonely, which is evidenced

              by the fact that face-to-face contact has been  (1)   with the

              convenience of the Internet.

              Harms of loneliness

              ◇ People are more likely to suffer serious illness and even an

                (2)   death.

              ◇ People can  (3)   reality with virtual world and a few desperate people even take extreme actions against innocent people.

              ◇ People can only have access to information on the electronic devices, which makes them uncertain about the  (4)  .

              Significance of human contact

              ◇ Human contact can bring us more  (5)   while virtual relationships can only bring us temporary comfort.

              A  (6)   cure for loneliness

              ◇ Being actively  (7)   in various reading activities provides opportunities for lonely people to make contact with others.

              ◇ Exchanging with other readers who share  (8)   interests with them lays foundation for friendships.

               ◇ Reading fiction helpsthose who do not suffer from    loneliness to  (9)   and have sympathy for lonely people.

              ◇ Exposing ourselves to a variety of forms of works and putting ourselves in others’  (10)   can help develop real friendships.

            • 3.


              Dear Boy(Girl),

              Please find enclosed(请查收)your end of KS2 test results. We are very proud of you as you demonstrated huge amounts of commitment(出色表现) and tried your very best during this tricky week.

              However, we are concerned that these tests do not always assess all of what it is that make each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you — the way your teachers do, the way I hope to, and certainly not the way your families do.

              They do not know that many of you speak two languages. They do not know that you can play a musical instrument or that you can dance or paint a picture. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them or that your laughter can brighten thedreariestday. They do not know that you write poetry or songs, play or participate in sports, wonder about the future, or that sometimes you take care of your little brother or sister after school. They do not know that you have travelled to a really neat place or that you know how to tell a great story, or that you really love spending time with special family members and friends. They do not know that you can be trustworthy, kind or thoughtful, and that you try, every day, to be your best … the scores you get will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything.

              So enjoy your results and be very proud of these tests but remember there are many of ways of being smart.

                                            Headmaster of Barrowford Primary School

              (1) What does Headmaster take pride in according to Para.1? (no more than 10 words) (2) Why can’t the tests tell the unique success of each student according to Para.2? (no more than 15 words) (3) What is the main idea of Para.3? (no more than 8 words) (4) What does the underlined word “ dreariest” most probably mean? (No more than 1 word) (5) What do you think of Headmaster, and why? ( No more than 20 words)
            • 4. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

              Many children may be afraid that they won’t understand what has been assigned, or that they will have to spend too much time to complete it. No matter   1   your child feels anxiety, there are a few steps you can take to make the process   2  (easy).

              Talk to your children---Children don’t always want to express that   3   have a problem. If you think your child may have   4   anxiety issue when it comes to homework, allow them to talk to you about it. Make sure that they know everyone   5   issues and that when you talk about them, you learn how to work together to get that problem   6  (solve).

              Create a dedicated workspace---Your child may feel overwhelmed when they try to make decisions   7__   (concern) their homework.   8   (thing) like where to sit, how to gather supplies, and what time to start can affect their study time. No one comes pre-programmed with study skills. Create a dedicated workspace     __9   your child can learn how to start the process. Ensure that the space is   10   (comfort) and quiet.

            • 5.

              Whatever your reason is for visiting, whether you’re alone or bringing the family, whether it’s the height of summer or the depth of winter, there are places to stay in England to suit your every taste, need and budget.

                 If you’re getting married or are spending your honeymoon, you might want to stay in a luxury hotel, a romantic castle or a comfortable cottage. If you’re travelling around the country, hotels which are close to your scenery might fit the bill, or you can check out one of England’s many beautiful guest houses or small hotels. Business travelers need well-equipped meeting facilities and a place to relax. And if you want to experience a traditional English pub, you’re sure to find one close to your hotel.


                 English hotels come in all styles. There are the well-known chains——beautifully fitted out and equipped for everything you may need on a business trip. There are cheaper, more practical hotels, clean and comfortable and ideal for an overnight stay while travelling. There are luxurious hotels in England that will make you feel sad to leave. There are stylish hotels. And then, there are unusual hotels——something you would never expect like a castle or ruined abbey(修道院).

              Holiday Parks in England

                 Whether you like touring, caravan(大篷车) holidays or prefer a beautiful spot with great views, facilities and lots of activities to spend your days, holiday parks are a great bet among our places to stay in England. UK holiday parks can be found close to our best beaches and most fabulous scenery. Sites there have facilities from heated pools to sports centers, kids’ clubs and daily entertainment.

                 With so many different places to stay in England, you’ll be bound to be spoilt for choice when selecting your holiday or business travel accommodation. But whichever you choose, castle hotel, stylish or luxury hotel, you can be assured of a warm welcome.

              (1) What are the advantages of places to stay in England? (no more than 8 words) (2) What should be provided for business travelers? (no more than 9 words) (3) What does the underlined word “fabulous” most probably mean? (1 word) (4) What is certain whichever hotel you’ve chosen? (no more than 5 words) (5) Which kind of places will you choose to stay in England? Give your reasons.

              (no more than 20 words)

