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            • 1.

              Order is the best manager of time. It illustrates many subjects. Thus, obedience to the natural law is order. Virtue is order. The world began with it.   (1)  was once common before its establishment.

              The merchant, the clerk and the laborer are all of the same   (2)  , born with the same expectations and affected by similar influences. They are, it is   (3)  , born in different positions, but it   (4)  with themselves whether they shall live nobly or evilly. They may not have their choice of riches or poverty, but they have their   (5)   of being good or evil.

              People of the highest position,   (6)   culture and education, have often as great hardships as the common people. They have to make their incomes go much further. They have to   (7)   their social status.   (8)  their incomes may be less satisfactory, they are desperate to   (9)  and bring the children up as gentlemen.

              Hume, a famous historian, was a man of good family but his   (10)   were very small when he was young. In his autobiography, he uses his own case as a(n)   (11)  of the advantages of frugality(节省). Despite a considerable debt, his mother, a widow,   (12)  met the difficulties and eventually overcame them. Though her income was less than that of many highly paid men, she educated her children well and brought them up   (13)  .

              Hume says, “While studying in France, I   (14)   that plan of life which I have steadily and successfully pursued. I determined to make a   (15)  frugality supply of my shortage of fortune and to   (16)   my own words: “My appointments, with my frugality, had helped me reach a fortune which made me   (17)  .”

              Goethe says, “It doesn’t matter within what circle an honest man acts, provided he knows how to   (18)   that circle.” “What is the best government?” Goethe asks. “That which teaches us to   (19)   ourselves! Let every one only do the right in his place, without   (20)   himself about the confusion of the world.”

              (1) A. Chaos         B. Offence                
              C. Punishment          D. Condemnation

              (2) A. origin            B. race                       
              C. nature                  D. interest

              (3) A. hopeful         B. strange                  
              C. vital                     D. true

              (4) A. agrees           B. rests                      
              C. corresponds                D. conflicts

              (5) A. idea              B. option                   
              C. freedom                 D. intention

              (6) A. in defence of  B. in course of           
              C. in expectation of   D. in respect of

              (7) A. give up            B. depend on            
              C. look for                  D. keep up

              (8) A. Since               B. Though                 
              C. Unless                    D. When

              (9) A. educate            B. encourage             
              C. blame                     D. spoil

              (10) A. ambitions       B. achievements        
              C. possessions            D. contributions

              (11) A. guarantee       B. consequence         
              C. example                 D. criterion

              (12) A. bravely          B. stubbornly            
              C. sharply                   D. tentatively

              (13) A. faithfully       B. plainly              
              C. gratefully               D. virtuously

              (14) A. proposed       B. made                
              C. discussed               D. approved

              (15) A. rigid               B. casual               
              C. liberal                     D. flexible

              (16) A. balance  B. return               
              C. value                      D. maintain

              (17) A. attractive       B. proud               
              C. independent          D. knowledgeable

              (18) A. fit in              B. move in            
              C. end in                    D. engage in

              (19) A. protect           B. justify              
              C. govern                   D. display

              (20) A. questioning  B. troubling    
              C. scolding                 D. abandoning

            • 2. When I entered Berkeley,I hoped to earn a scholarship.Having been a StraightA student,I believed I could (1) tough subjects and really learn something.One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.I was extremely interested in the ideas he (2) in class.
              When I took the first exam,I was (3) to find a 77,Cplus,on my test paper, (4) English was my best subject.I went to Professor Jayne,who listened to my arguments but remained (5)
              I decided to try harder,although I didn"t know what that (6) because school had always been easy for me.I read the books more carefully,but got another 77.Again,I (7) with Professor Jayne.Again,he listened patiently but wouldn"t change his (8)
              One more test before the final exam.One more (9) to improve my grade.So I redoubled my efforts and,for the first time, (10) the meaning of the word"thorough".But my (11) did no good and everything (12) as before.
              The last hurdle(障碍) was the final.No matter what (13) I got,it wouldn"t cancel three Cpluses.I might as well kiss the (14) goodbye.
              I stopped working hard.I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.The night before the final,I even (15) myself to a movie.The next day I decided for once I"d have (16) with a test.
              A week later,I was surprised to find I got an A.I hurried into Professor Jayne"s office.He (17) to be expecting me."If I gave you the As you (18) ,you wouldn"t continue to work as hard."
              I stared at him, (19) that his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct.I had worked my head (20) ,as I had never done before.
              I was speechless when my course grade arrived:Aplus.It was the only Aplus given.The next year I received my scholarship.I"ve always remembered Professor Jayne"s lesson:you alone must set your own standard of excellence.

            • 3.

              Have you ever been tempted to cut a corner or to take the easiest route,though you know it may not necessarily be the best one?Or have you ever made a  (1)  because it was quick and simple,knowing that it might come back to bite you later?

              I appreciate a parable(寓言)Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard told about the  (2)  of taking the easy route.It is story about a  (3)  duck.Though life was difficult  (4)  ,the beautiful creature  (5)  the boundless heavens and the endless stretches of wilderness.Soaring about treetops and towns,the duck was a symbol of freedom to its tame counterparts(相对物),who could not  (6)  .

              One evening during fall migration,he  (7)  to enter a barnyard where a farmer was feeding his ducks.The beautiful creature ate the  (8)  the farmer sprinkled(撒)about and liked it so much that he stayed the night in a bed of  (9)  straw.He ate the duck’s corn again the next day.And the next.And the next…

              When  (10)  came,he heard his old companions flying overhead and an almost forgotten longing deep  (11)  him awoke.The duck had reduced his instinct for freedom over the  (12)  winter.Now he longed to  (13)  his comrades in the sky,but he had grown fat and unable to fly.The wild duck had become a tame duck.The easy way through our problems,though  (14)  ,may not be the best way.Always remember.The only place you will find success before  (15)  is in the dictionary!It’s a always easier to borrow than to  (16)  ;easier to jump in now than to do the hard work of planning;easier to  (17)  than to do it right;easier to  (18)  the same than to make changes.

                (19)  you want to fly,you may have to pay a price.But  (20)  is worth it-at any cost!Are you ready to soar?

              (1) A. bet                      
              B. difference                 
              C. decision                   
              D. suggestion
              (2) A. results                  B. conditions                
              C. benefits                     D. dangers
              (3) A. fat                      
              B. wild                         
              C. clever                      
              D. brave
              (4) A. at one time           B. at times                    
              C. at once                      D. at night
              (5) A. ignored                B. admired                   
              C. hated                        D. disliked
              (6) A. think                    B. dream                      
              C. fly                            D. run
              (7) A. attempted             B. intended                   
              C. happened                   D. decided
              (8) A. bread                   B. wheat                       
              C. grain                         D. corn
              (9) A. warm                  B. thin                         
              C. hard                          D. damp
              (10) A. winter                 
              B. fall                          
              C. spring                      
              D. summer
              (11) A. within                  B. beyond                     
              C. to                             D. for
              (12) A. bitter                    B. cold                         
              C. comfortable               D. tough
              (13) A. join                      B. visit                         
              C. welcome                   D. greet
              (14) A. interesting            B. surprising                 
              C. instructive                 D. attractive
              (15) A. pay                      B. effort                       
              C. reward                      D. prize
              (16) A. save                           
              B. lend                         
              C. waste                       
              D. spend
              (17) A. tell lies                
              B. take risks                  
              C. make mistakes          
              D. cut corners
              (18) A. go                       
              B. remain                     
              C. get                           
              D. become
              (19) A. Before                  B. If                            
              C. Although                   D. Since
              (20) A. adventure             B. experience                
              C. justice                       D. freedom
            • 4. Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well.Some of us experience it daily, (1) others hold on to it for years at a time.As you likely know,anger is not a healthy (2) .Over time it can become self-destructive, (3) relationships and even your health.
              This is not to say that anger is always a (4) thing-anger is a natural part of living;it is a (5) that something is wrong.If anger is not a (6) normal and natural human emotion,it is (7) important to learn and understand how to (8) anger the right way.
              You can release anger the right or the wrong way. (9) whether you have an anger problem yourself or not,it is (10) for everyone to understand what the right (11) of releasing anger are.Transforming anger is a powerful (12) to take that will create positive changes in our relationships.One of the best ways to (13) anger is to give yourself the (14) to express anger.In fact,it is quite healthy to express your anger as long as you do it (15) Remember that anger management (16) both on mental and physical effort.Although mental therapy alone will help you tremendously for releasing your anger,it can only take you so far.The same (17) for exercise too.However,if you (18) both mental therapy and exercising,you will then have (19) to an unbelievable positive solution.Do a particular physical activity (20) the mental intention of releasing your anger.
            • 5.

              I have never understood the importance of parties in the classroom. As a mother of two school age children, I believe that public schools should no longer   (1)   classroom parties during the school day.

                (2)   is very important to students in school today. Our school year is already too short. Teachers can only just get all the basics of the courses (课程) into the   (3)   instructional minutes of the day.   (4)  , there is no time for anything useless or silly.   (5)   time is best spent focusing on the primary goal — learning.

              And what about food? For health and safety reasons, schools often require that   (6)   for these activities should be bought from a store. This   (7)   a real problem for many families. Biscuits for a class of students, plus drinks and napkins can   (8)   what it costs a family to eat a meal at home. The   (9)   of a classroom party is   (10)   a problem for many people, especially in these difficult times.   (11)  , we all know that our children have eaten enough sugar and junk food without the school   (12)   such unhealthy choices.

              All the   (13)   that a party can create is unacceptable! I   (14)   those birthday parties held at home for my children. I would just buy the disposable (一次性的) plates, cups, and napkins   (15)   I didn’t need to do any cleaning up. But even so, I just   (16)   to fit all the party time rubbish into the rubbish bin (垃圾桶).   (17)   the trash thrown out by a school of 16 classrooms and over 400 students. It only adds to the   (18)   of our planet’s environment.

              I am not sure when our public schools decided that classroom   (19)   needed to become a part of the school calendar (日历), but I do not see the   (20)  . So I do believe schools should forbid (禁止) classroom celebrations.

              (1) A. prevent                 B. allow                        
              C. control                   D. protect
              (2) A. Safety                     B. Courage           
              C. Health                  D. Time     
              (3) A. noticed                   B. discussed                 
              C. required                   D. chosen 
              (4) A. Certainly                
              B. Probably                     
              C. Luckily                   
              D. Suddenly 
              (5) A. Family                    B. Dinner                     
              C. Office                    D. School 
              (6) A. foods                      B. gifts                       
              C. flowers                D. clothes 
              (7) A. ends               B. describes                   
              C. creates                D. explains 
              (8) A. take care of            B. match up to          
              C. take place of             D. add up to
              (9) A. cost                          B. place                     
              C. thought                   D. design
              (10) A. quickly                     
              B. easily                   
              C. strangely                
              D. interestingly
              (11) A. Instead                            
              B. Though                  
              C. Besides                   
              D. However
              (12) A. refusing                       
              B. missing                 
              C. avoiding                  
              D. encouraging
              (13) A. waste                              
              B. pleasure                 
              C. excitement              
              D. failure  
              (14) A. prefer                       B. remember             
              C. discover                  D. expect 
              (15) A. as if                          B. even if                  
              C. so that                D. now that
              (16) A. prepared                   
              B. hoped                   
              C. decided                   
              D. managed   
              (17) A. Imagine                 B. Cover                      
              C. Offer                       D. Plan   
              (18) A. influence                   
              B. problem                  
              C. truth                       
              D. future      
              (19) A. reports                      B. trips                      
              C. parties                 D. exams   
              (20) A. success                 B. value                    
              C. chance                D. condition
