优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The project was hung up for                       (缺少) funds.

            • 2.

              A: What’s wrong ___41__ you, Tom? You look upset today. Is there ____42_____ wrong?

              B: No, Mum, but…

              A: Come on, son, tell me ____43______has happened.

              B: Well. What shall I do? I happened ____44___(break)a window in Mr. Henry’s house?

              A: Oh, did you apologize to Mr. Henry?

              B: But the trouble is.......

                A: Come on, dear, please tell me the __45__(true).

                B: Paul and I were together. I was able to run away but he was caught and __46__ (have) to pay for the damage.

                A: You ____47______have done that.

                B: I know, but I daren’t phone Mr. Henry. And I’m also very sorry for Paul.

                A: I think you must make an ___48_____ (apologize) to Mr. Henry. Then you’d better hurry to see Paul. Give him back the money,____49____ if you like, invite him to have tea tomorrow.

                B: I will do ____50_____ you say.

              (1) ____  
              (2) ___  
              (3) ___  
              (4) ___  
              (5) ____  
              (6) ____  
              (7) ____  
              (8) ____  
              (9) ____  
              ​ (10) ____
            • 3.

              In the UK, an a_______ year is usually divided into three semesters (学期), each made up of 10 weeks.

            • 4.

              As far as I’m c______, you can do what you like.

            • 5.

              1    Nobody knows who will be e              as president or vice president of this country.

              2   According to the constitution, it is compulsory for a citizen to ______________(承担) military service.

              3  People who can’t ________________(辨别) between colors are said to be color-blind.

              4    —Why are you late?

                    —I was about to arrive when it o             to me that I had left my bag home, so I had to fetch it.

              5    But at last the determination and patience of the scientists ___________  __________(得到好结果,回报) in1996 with a breakthrough—the cloning of Dolly the sheep.

              6    I ___________  ___________(开始,着手) researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.

              7   I found my bike ___________ ___________ ___________(借助于) a notice in the newspaper.

              8   All attempts to rescue the boy with cancer were _____________   _____________(无效果的,无用的)

              9   We ___________ __________ ___________(与……合作或一起) a couple from my hotel(Peter and Terri) and hired a car.

              10    In many aspects natural clones, such as identical twins, do not ____________(不同,相异) greatly from man-made ones.

            • 6. A thousand thanks for your i________(邀请) to pay you a visit in Spring.
            • 7. These folk songs are f________(熟悉的) to the local people.
            • 8. You’ve been working all morning—you d_______(应得) a rest.
            • 9.

              in a way                        

            • 10.

                 One day I had lunch at a restaurant and bought lunch for a couple of girls 61  were sitting near my table at that time. They were discussing the cost of this or that on the menu 62 (hot) . It seemed that they only concerned themselves with how much their bill was going to be. So I decided to pay for them.

                   After 63 (hear) their talk, I knew that they might make 64  (much) money than I . However, not only 65 (do) I have some unexpected income that day, but I got 66  offer from my neighbor to fix my lawnmower 67  free. And he asked me to pay it forward. So I paid their bill at last. To my surprise, it happened to be the same as I should 68  (pay) my neighbor! I wished that they might relax and enjoy life a bit more because of my act of 69  (kind). I also gave the waiter a SMILE card and told him 70  (give) it to them, because I hoped they could pay it forward!

