优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1) Since more and more people are concerned about the quality of their life, e__________ problems should be put in the first place.
              (2) He was i__________ by the ringing of the telephone when attempting to do the experiment.
              (3) She was late for school once again, but gave no e__________ for it.
              (4) My e__________ of Rome are from the film Roman Holiday.
              (5) You’d better set a good example to your younger sister because she is so i__________ as to believe everything you say.
              (6) We have been very much pleased by Lucy’s __________ (分析) of the political situation.
              (7) Tom is much __________ (尊重) in the village for his honesty.
              (8) They __________ (聊天) until Amy came up the stairs with tea and bacon.
              (9) These are the highest __________ (殊荣) that have ever been given by our government, so please value them.
              (10) They released the latest information __________ (宣布) their immediate return to China after several months’ visiting abroad.
            • 2.
              The world is full of o____________(机遇)and challenges.
            • 3.

              In the a________ of fresh air, you are vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. So make sure you open the windows while studying in the classroom.

            • 4.

              His story is nothing but a pack of ______(谎言).

            • 5.

              The culture spread by him from Europe to Africa and Asia influenced the world for hundreds of years after that.

                The culture spread by him from Europe to Africa and Asia influenced the world for _________ ________ _________.

            • 6.
              They have spent a large a        of (大量的) money protecting wild animals.
            • 7.


            • 8.

              Michael Jordan is a typical example of the Olympic athletes who try their best to ________ _______ ________ of human achievement.

            • 9.

              Let’s meet at the ________ (体育馆)this afternoon at four o’clock, shall we?

            • 10.

              Our headmaster gave us a moving speech at the opening _________ (典礼) this morning.

