优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              He is turning into an internet ______.

            • 2.

              Tom is a drug ______.

            • 3.

              Near the table ____________(躺着一只小狗), watching her eagerly. “Is it hungry?” she thought to herself.

            • 4.

              ______________(看到……真令人宽慰) you are recovering.

            • 5.

              The culture spread by him from Europe to Africa and Asia influenced the world for hundreds of years after that.

                The culture spread by him from Europe to Africa and Asia influenced the world for _________ ________ _________.

            • 6.

              Some people who had planned to sell their houses are now holding back. This is based on the s__________ that house prices will increase in the coming months.

            • 7.

              (1)There is a puzzled e           on his face because of the puzzling problem. (a look on a person’s face that shows his or her thoughts or feelings)

              (2)His k         made it easier for him to be friends with strangers. (the quality of being kind)

              (3)I thought Mary was a very shy girl the first time I met her. Actually she was an o       girl. (friendly and like talking to people)

            • 8.

              The rest people ran away _______________________(朝四面八方) and disappeared from view. (in)

            • 9.

              U7 L4:When we were on the edge of the whirlpool, I felt ________ than when we were moving towards it ... I noticed that the heavier objectswent down more quickly than the smaller, lighter ones. So I______ ______ ______ a barrel to help me       ... Without waiting, I _______ _______ the sea to try and escape.

              (For Class1-4)

            • 10.


              (1) She felt____________ ____________and then anger.


              (2) And Kay slipped out of her seat to run into his arms, and ____________ ____________his shoulder.


              (3) For a momentit seemed____________ __________________,and as if they were the only two in the stadium.


              (4) His father had even ____________ ____________ Jeff to attend the same college ____________he had graduated, and had offered to pay Jeff's entire tuition and ____________.


              (5) When he graduated from high school he decided to ____________ ____________。


              (6) The light bulb ____________ ____________ flashed off and on.


              (7) My heart ____________fast.


              (8) The stadium ____________yells of disbelief.


              (9) Spanner was surrounded and followed by the excited Steelhouse team as he ran around the pitch(场地)____________ ______and shouting


              (10) John Blanchard____________from the bench,straightenedhis Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station.


              (11) ____________ ____________he located her address.


              (12) I_______ _______by the bitterness of my disappointment.


              (13) As I walked around talking to people before the ceremony, I noticed a man with ______ _____ ______ on his face. 我踱着步,向参加典礼的人群讲话,这时我注意到一个男人,一脸困惑的表情。
