优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              We give a 10 percent d___________ for cash.(折扣)
            • 2.
              This film is for a         (成年人)only. Children mustn’t watch it.
            • 3.



            • 4.

              (1) Students can’t leave the class early without the teacherˈs ________(许可).

              (2)Vancouver is Canada’ s most beautiful city, s_________ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

              (3)_________(凝视,盯着看) at people is considered rude in Britain and young children will be scolded by their parents if they look too long at another person.

              (4)Eating carrots b________ your eyesight.

              (5) I cannot solve the problem on my own, so I must ________ (咨询) my teacher.

              (6)You did wrong to your little sister, so you should a________ to her for your fault.

              (7)The custom of arranged marriages still _________(存在)in many countries.

              (8)Evidence gained from observation and experiment is often used to _______(证实)a scientific theory.

              (9)I’m taking a course on political _________(理论).

              (10)Smoking is extremely h_________ to your health.

            • 5.


              (1) It is generally believed that teachers will never be ________(取代) by computers.

              (2) It is w_____trying to raise the public awareness of environmental protection.

              (3)There is a heated debate on whether museums should _____(收费) for admission.  

              (4) D______ to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.

              (5)A large number of a___________ are applying for the highly-paid position.

              (6)She was a ____ into Beijing University, which made her parents very happy.

              (7) She t________ agreed with what Jack said about the best present.

              (8)You can’t be too careful while driving. Accidents often________(出现).

              (9) Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a _______(信号) that you are being defended.

              (10)With more and more wild animals gradually dying out, the present situation _____ (应得) attention.  

            • 6.

              A new ________________ (高速公路)is being built here.

            • 7.



            • 8.


              (1). Hu Jin was depressed and he would drown his _________(难过) in coffee.

              (2). Want to lose weight? Come inside Yong Hui’s____________(减肥) restaurant.

              (3). ___________(好奇心) drove Wang Peng inside.

              (4). Yong Hui’s ___________(顾客) might get tired quickly after eating her food.

              (5). The _____________(冒险) of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twainˈs famous work.

              (6). Henry worked on the ship as an unpaid hand to earn his            (船费).

              (7). The waiter told Henry that the food would cost him a large _________(数量) of money.

              (8). He bought his wife a __________ (真的) diamond necklace in memory of their 10th wedding anniversary.

              (9). Young people should be more_________(精力充沛的) than the old.

              (10). On Harvest festivals, People are grateful because their ___________(农业的) work is over.

            • 9.

              Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of ___________.


            • 10.

              Jack has given up the idea of getting his driver’s license, because he is color-blind, unable to make a d_______ between red and green

